Soul echo

Chapter 666 Takeover

Chapter 666 Takeover
After a lot of hard work, Lilian and the others finally killed all the living corpses, and threw the strange plants parasitic in the living corpses into the fire and burned them to death.

What makes people a little puzzled is that they fought in the position where the disciple of the father of the fruit blew himself up, but after the battle, those players who did not wear gas masks did not feel any damage to themselves, and the status bar did not show any infection. plague.

This can't be that the believers of the father of fruit have changed their sex, didn't they use the plague?

After thinking about it, Lilian and the others couldn't think of an explainable reason.

If you can't think of it, don't think about it!
Putting the question behind her, Lilian turned her attention back to those refugees.

Noticing the gazes of the players, the refugees also became nervous.

The believer of the father of fruit who assassinated the prefect of Jianning and others just now ran out of them. Although they didn't know what was going on, but such a thing happened, these people should suspect them ...

"Don't worry, nothing will happen!"

Lilian took off the gas mask and shouted: "Whatever we promised before, we will do something later. I know very well that you are also innocent, and you were all implicated by cultists. We will not take this If you blame this kind of thing on you, you can rest assured!"

There are more than 300 refugees. If these 300 people riot, it will be a big trouble.

What's more, Lilian didn't intend to blame them.

It's just that they stayed with the believers of the father of the fruit for so long, and they didn't know if they were infected with the plague, and they still needed to be isolated and observed.

Not only these refugees, but even the government servants who surrounded the refugees before had to be quarantined together, just need to find an excuse that can convince them.

Thinking of this, Lilian couldn't help but sighed.

Originally, the matter was about to be resolved, but who would have thought that a believer of the father of fruit would come out of the refugees?

This incident gave her the feeling that she was on a road that could run [-] miles. The car in front only ran [-] miles. Just about to overtake, the car in front braked suddenly.

Now that the senior officials in Jianning are all wiped out, who will command these people?Who will integrate resources?Who is going to negotiate with grain merchants and cloth merchants?
Although Lilian also hated those high-ranking officials, they were indeed indispensable. There were too many tasks that required them to do without them.

Thinking of this, Lilian couldn't help but think of Zhong Ye.

Although Zhong Ye has always said that he is not made to be an official and does not know how to manage a city, he was able to unify all the forces in the capital city of Jingzhou in just a few days and calm down the chaos. Can prove his strength.

She didn't understand Zhong Ye's ability before, but she didn't understand how powerful Zhong Ye was until she had to face these things herself.

But no matter how difficult the situation was, Lilian knew that it was impossible for her to watch so many people die.

——They are living human beings just like her. The other players don't know about it. Doesn't she know it?
Sighing, Lilian regained her composure and looked at the god catcher, "This big brother, I don't know what to call him?"

The catcher also turned to look at her, nodded slightly, "My name is Zhang Jing."

Lilian smiled sweetly and asked, "Then I will call you Brother Zhang, Brother Zhang, what do you think these refugees should do? Who will help them contact the grain merchants in the city?"

Zhang Jing looked at the refugees, remained silent for a moment, and suddenly said, "How about you go?"

Hearing this, Lilian was stunned, then shook her head again and again, "I can't do it!"

"You are Zhong Ye's personal disciple, hasn't he taught you these things?" Zhang Jing asked doubtfully.

"My teacher...doesn't understand these things?" Lilian also felt very strange. Why did Zhang Jing think that Zhong Ye understood these things?

Zhong Ye completely relied on his own ability and personal charm to manage Jingzhou Prefecture, and he knew nothing about management.

Zhang Jing raised his eyebrows, "Your master doesn't understand these things? Then how did he manage Jingzhou in an orderly manner, and smoothly accepted hundreds of refugees without causing trouble?"

"I want to know this question too..." Lilian laughed twice.

Zhang Jing frowned. In his opinion, this was the easiest problem to solve, but he didn't expect it to be a difficult problem.

It is impossible for him to leave Guanyangmen for too long, because his main duty when he came to Jianning is to guard the big devil underground in Guanyangmen, and he cannot put the cart before the horse.

Although it is difficult to solve the problems of these refugees, it is not impossible to solve them, it just takes a lot of energy and time.

"...I think you can give it a try."

Hearing this, Lilian was taken aback again.

She didn't expect Zhang Jing to hold back such a sentence for so long.

Isn't it a joke to ask her to manage a city?

She knows that this world is real, and her every move can affect this world.

It’s fine if she’s just an ordinary adventurer and ranger. Even if she’s already an extraordinary person, she won’t have much impact on the people, but if she becomes Jianning’s manager, she may have a great impact on the world. Influence.

Just imagining it, Lilian felt her legs trembling.

"No, no, no, no!" Lilian shook her head hastily, "I can't do it! Besides, I came here to guard the big devil who was imprisoned underground at Guanyangmen. Without our help, if there are enemies coming, you will be very upset." hard!"

"Then what should we do?" Zhang Jing asked back.

Lilian opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but when she got to her mouth, her mind went blank, and she didn't know what she wanted to say or what she could say.

The player next to them listened to their conversation, patted Lilian on the shoulder, and whispered something in her ear.

"...Is this feasible?" Lilian looked at the player in surprise.

The player grinned, "My friend and I are both from the Department of Political Science and Law, and we're not the only ones. There are more 'friends' in Jianning, right? If we work together, what can we do? It really can't, Keep calling friends, there are many 'friends' in the surrounding counties!"

Lilian thought about it, and this player's idea is indeed somewhat feasible.

This is Dongtu, the territory of Chinese players. As a member of the country with the highest average education level, many Chinese players are high-achieving students.

If players are allowed to join the ranks of managing the city, as long as they are assigned to corresponding positions, many problems can be easily solved.

"Done!" Lilian gritted her teeth and turned to look at Zhang Jing, "Brother Zhang, please use your status as a 'God Catcher' to do us a favor, otherwise we may not be able to convince everyone."

Although Zhang Jing didn't know what the result of their discussion was, there was no other way.

If it wasn't really impossible, he didn't want to hand Jianning over to Lilian, after all, she seemed a bit unreliable.

Zhang Jing nodded, and went to the side to report the matter to the emperor.

The player who talked with Lilian before saw this, smiled, and then walked towards other players, "Brothers, have you heard it? Get ready, we are going to start work!"


"I have to go away for a while."

Zhong Ye's sudden words made Dai Lila slightly startled, then she raised her head and looked at him.

"I've been staying here, I'm afraid they won't do it."

Dai Lila looked in the direction of Zhong Ye's gaze, saw the stretch of tents, and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"You mean... a follower of the father of fruit?"

Zhong Ye nodded, and said: "If there are no accidents, there should be a few believers of the father of fruit among these hundreds of people, but they are intimidated by me and dare not do anything, and I have no way to find them out.

"It just so happens that I have something to leave Jingzhou for a visit to Zhijiang.

"After I leave, they should make some moves, and then you should be able to see who is the believer of the father of fruit.

"I hope you can find an opportunity to lure them out after discovering their identities, and then kill them all—I believe you have the ability!"

Glancing at Zhong Ye, Dai Lila covered her mouth and chuckled, "When did Mr. Zhong learn to speak nice words?"

After laughing, Delilah put down her hands and her expression became serious, "When are you going to leave?"


Delilah remained silent for a while, then nodded, "Go, I will help you get things done."

Coincidentally, she also wanted to meet the disciples of the father of fruits for a while, to see what is so special about them!
(End of this chapter)

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