Soul echo

Chapter 671 In-depth investigation

Chapter 671 In-depth investigation

Tuberculosis is known in the Danish world as 'consumption' and generally refers specifically to pulmonary tuberculosis.

This kind of disease was terminally ill in the ancient earth with underdeveloped medical level, but it can be cured in the Dan world with extraordinary power.

Not to mention looking for a genius doctor for treatment, even a congenital expert can cure tuberculosis. As the prefect of Jianning, it is not difficult to cure tuberculosis, but he chose the path of seeking folk remedies by himself.

Unless...he's not suffering from consumption!
Lilian raised her thoughts to Mrs. Yu, and Mrs. Yu's eyebrows twitched.

At first, Mrs. Yu didn't really believe that Lilian said that the prefect of Jianning would hurt his own son, but after hearing this 'idea', she became more and more suspicious of the prefect.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that there were indeed many suspicious things about her husband during his lifetime...

"Since your husband has had tuberculosis, has he ever gone to see a doctor?" Lilian asked again.

Mrs. Fish nodded slightly, "Of course he went to look for it, and used it for a while, but he stopped for some reason, and then went to look for various folk remedies, and then almost two years ago, he told me, He was cured of consumption."

For people like the prefect of Jianning, it is not difficult to treat tuberculosis, but for ordinary people, tuberculosis is equivalent to terminal illness.

If you meet a well-meaning genius doctor, you may be able to save your life, but most doctors in the world do not have the ability to treat tuberculosis, so 'remedies' came into being.

Using folk remedies is equivalent to betting on life. If the bet is right, the disease can be cured. If the bet is lost, death is not impossible.

Lilian pieced together the bits and pieces of information she got before in her brain, and came up with a terrible idea...

"...Besides your husband, are there any other officials in the government who have symptoms of suspected tuberculosis?"

Mrs. Fish pondered for a while, then shook her head, "I don't know about that."

"okay, thank you."

Lilian thanked Mrs. Fish, and was about to leave, but suddenly stopped.

"By the way, Mrs. Fish, do you know which doctor your husband went to see a doctor before?"

Mrs. Yu thought for a while, and answered after a few minutes: "It should be Dr. Sun Bingcheng, the 'spirit hall' in the west of the city."

Lilian thanked again, turned and left.

When she left the backyard of the government mansion, the maids and servants who appeared along the way were hostile to her, but she ignored it, and their hostility could not hurt her.

Zhong Ye taught her a long time ago that there are always some people in the world who don't like them for various reasons. If they are welcomed by such people, they should reflect on whether they have done something wrong. To be welcomed by that kind of people.

In Lilian's eyes now, these servants were that kind of people.

After asking the audience in the live broadcast room to help her explain the incident in the game forum, Lilian quickly went to the Chengxi Spirit Hall.

When she walked to the Spirit Hall, she saw several players gathered in the Spirit Hall.

Lilian walked over and asked, "Have you found that doctor?"

Several players shook their heads, "The people in the medical hall said that the doctor lived with his son because of his old age, and he is not in Jianning now."

After thinking about it, Lilian realized that this was not a coincidence.

Because the person who came to see the doctor was the prefect of Jianning, he could almost be regarded as the first class of "noble" people in the entire Jianning Prefecture, and the Spirit Hall would definitely let the old doctor with the most superb medical skills to treat him.

After such a long time, the prefect of Jianning stopped even the addictive drug for two years, so it is not surprising that the old doctor retired.

However, the clue was broken, which still made Lilian feel a little annoyed.

There should be no clues to be found in the Spiritual Hall, and Lilian immediately shared her guess with a few players, surprising them.

"Do you think that the plant parasitic in the prefect's body was not caused by the poisonous mist produced by the self-explosion of the father of the fruit, but that the prefect themselves possessed that kind of thing?"

Lilian nodded, "I had a vague idea before, but it didn't become clear until I heard the magistrate's wife said that the prefect had had tuberculosis.

"At the beginning, we saw the appearance of the things parasitic in the prefect's corpses, so we thought they were plants, but what if they were not plants, but something else that looked like plants, such as bacteria or fungal aggregates? Otherwise , Why did that thing ignite when it met a fire, and was quickly burned to nothing?"

Speaking of this, Lilian's face became serious, "What if the prefect was not infected with 'tuberculosis'?"

If you think about it this way, your mind will open up!

After listening to Lilian's words, several players immediately thought of many things.

From Mrs. Yu's words, it can be known that the prefect of Jianning seems to have never found a genius doctor or innate expert to help him cure his disease.

Therefore, neither the doctor nor Mrs. Yu knew what kind of illness the prefect of Jianning had. He could only judge from the prefect of Jianning's own description and external appearance that he had 'consumption'.

Tuberculosis is not tuberculosis, and they don't know if the prefect of Jianning is suffering from tuberculosis.

But before that, their thinking was framed, and it wasn't until Lilian made a reminder that they jumped out of the frame.

"If the prefect of Jianning had already had that kind of thing in their body, and the prefect of Jianning had given treatment, it means that he himself resisted it, but he knew what that thing represented, so he didn't let the innate master come to it. Help him get rid of that thing in his body..." A player's brain was spinning quickly.

"And this incident happened at least two years ago. Before trying the folk remedies, the prefect of Jianning asked a doctor for treatment." Another player put forward the information he had sorted out.

Speaking of this, the player was startled and turned to look at the Spirit Hall, "No! It's not a trivial matter that the prefect of Jianning came to treat his illness. Apart from Sun Bingcheng who treated him back then, there must be other doctors in the Spirit Hall And the apprentice... I'll go in and ask!"

After saying that, the player quickly walked into the Spiritual Hall.

But within 5 minutes, he came out again with a gloomy look on his face.

After walking out, the player sighed: "The prefect of Jianning came to see a doctor about four years ago. After seeing the doctor for half a year, he stopped taking the medicine for some reason, and then he should have used folk remedies."

This is not good news for players.

The prefect of Jianning was infected with that unknown thing four years ago at the latest, and then told his wife that he was cured of the disease two years ago, that is to say, almost two years ago , the prefect of Jianning gave up the treatment and chose to coexist with that thing in his body.

Other officials who died with the prefect of Jianning also had that kind of thing in their bodies, and I don’t know whether the thing in their bodies was infected during the prefect’s "struggle" or after giving up the struggle...

"We can ask the family members of those officials and the doctors in various medical centers in the city." A player suggested, "We can't hide any changes in the people around them, and if they want to cure their diseases, they must Also go to the doctor - just like the prefect of Jianning!
"If they went to the doctor, it means that they were infected during the prefect of Jianning's struggle against that kind of thing, because the prefect of Jianning hadn't given up the fight at that time, and would definitely persuade others to fight with him. If the prefect of Jianning got infected after giving up the fight, then they might not go to a doctor for treatment, because the prefect of Jianning would advise them with his own experience.

"Of course, these are just speculations, not entirely correct, but just to provide a reference."

Even if it's just for reference, it's useful.

After discussing with a few players, Lilian decided to divide the army into several groups, and at the same time mobilized other players who didn't have any jobs to continue the in-depth investigation with them.

Then, this matter should also be told to Zhang Jing and Si Kou Hong, they are god arresters, if they can help, maybe the progress of the investigation will be faster.

(End of this chapter)

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