Soul echo

Chapter 732 Situ Kong

Chapter 732 Situ Kong

"Excuse me, please go in and let me know."

The gatekeeper looked suspiciously at the young man standing in front of the door, and saw that the man bowed to them and said, "Your Majesty has sent me to take over as the magistrate of Jingzhou. Please tell Mr. Zhong about it."

"The new magistrate?"

Thinking of these words, the gatekeeper couldn't help frowning.

The last 'new magistrate' made Jingzhou a mess. Fortunately, Mr. Zhong drove him away later, otherwise Jingzhou might have changed back to what it was before.

As a native of Jingzhou, and also worked as a doorman in the previous government, how could he not know what Jingzhou was like before?
Although being a gatekeeper can no longer accept money and gifts, life at home is many times better than before. The gatekeeper doesn't know what's going on, but he can clearly realize that it's all thanks to Mr. Zhong .

The one surnamed Zhang almost changed the situation that Mr. Zhong had finally reshaped, and now there is a new 'new magistrate'?
The door clerk looked up and down the young man who suddenly came to the front of the government office, and found that he was unusually open-minded, even if he didn't leave, he didn't show the slightest irritability, nor did he rush.

This young man had only one suitcase beside him, and he came here in a bullock cart just now, unlike the previous Zhang, who had to bring a dozen or so large and small bags when he entered the government office.

The gatekeeper's expression softened slightly, "Please wait a moment!"

Clasping fists to the young man, the door clerk turned and walked into the yamen.

The young man was waiting outside the door, and suddenly felt a little tired from standing, so he went to the front steps, holding his suitcase and looking at the street in front of him.

There are people coming and going on the street, and there are many people entering and leaving the yamen. The young man is like an existence independent of the world. No one disturbs him, and he does not disturb others.

Suddenly, he saw someone waving at him, just when he was puzzled, the passers-by on the street shouted in surprise: "Lord Zhong!"

The young man froze for a moment, then suddenly turned his head to look behind him, a tall figure came into view, he raised his neck to the limit, and finally saw the face of that person.

"so high……"

Zhong Ye responded to the pedestrian's greeting with a smile, then sat next to the young man, and looked down at the young man who looked a few years older than himself.

"Are you the new prefect sent by His Majesty?"

The young man nodded, "My name is Situ Kong, and I've met Mr. Zhong."

With that said, he wanted to stand up and greet Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye waved his hand, "Forget it, I won't talk about those red tapes here, just say hello after introducing each other, you should know who I am, so I won't waste any more words, just sit down and chat Bar."

Situ Kong hesitated for a moment, then sat back down.

Afterwards, Zhong Ye raised his chin, signaling Situ Kong to look at the street ahead.

"Can you see anything?"

Hearing this question, Situ Kong fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he shook his head and sighed: "Sorry, Mr. Zhong, I didn't see anything."

"It's honest." Zhong Ye observed Situ Kong's expression, and he could guess what was going on in his mind, and he could naturally see that he was full of doubts about the question at hand.

Zhong Ye smiled, and asked again: "Then how do you think Jingzhou is compared to the capital?"

Hearing this, Situ Kong frowned.

To ask such a question unexpectedly, does Zhong Ye want to rebel?
However, Situ Kong immediately remembered what His Majesty had told him before he set off, saying that he could fully trust Zhong Ye.

After hesitating for a while, Situ Kong settled down to think carefully about the question Zhong Ye raised.

Soon he got the answer: "Jingzhou is not as prosperous as the capital, but compared to the capital, it seems... more dynamic?"

Situ Kong himself was also surprised by this answer. However, what he saw and heard along the way cannot be faked. They were all things he saw with his own eyes. He just summarized and described those things in an abstract word. .

After saying that sentence, Situ Kong fell into doubt again.

Why does Jingzhou Mansion look more dynamic than the capital?Why did he use 'vigor' to describe the difference between the two places?
Scenes of what he saw and heard in the capital and Jingzhou flashed through his mind. Situ Kong thought of the mediocrity of the people in the capital, the luxury and luxury of the court officials, and the bustle of the Flower Street and Willow Lane... He used to think that those were the prosperity and vitality However, after arriving in Jingzhou, he could always see smiling faces. People walking on the street walked briskly, and sometimes hummed softly. Even the vendors hawking along the street were full of spirit.

In addition, he also heard the sound of reading aloud in the streets and alleys, saw two common people arguing about the value of a commodity by counting, and saw officials walking in the streets and alleys in modified uniforms that were more convenient for movement.

Thinking of all these things, and comparing it with the capital, we can get the answer that Jingzhou is more dynamic than the capital.

The capital looks prosperous on the surface, but in fact, people should be confused, just follow the rules and live according to the tradition, without any ideas of their own.

Even those court officials who fought against each other, they just continued the tradition left by their ancestors, they didn't have much thought, and they still kept the same old routine over and over again.

"Master Zhong, my mother gave this to you."

Just when Situ Kong was shocked by his own thoughts, a noodle stall opposite the yamen brought over two bowls of noodles.

Before Situ Kong fully recovered, he stared blankly and saw Zhong Ye taking two bowls of noodles from the boy.

"Thank you." Zhong Ye said with a smile.

The boy also grinned, waved to Zhong Ye, and ran back to the noodle stall.

"Come, let's eat together!"

Zhong Ye put a bowl of noodles beside Situ Kong, then held a bowl of noodles and started eating.

Situ Kong blinked his eyes and suddenly realized, "Master Zhong, you, you..."

"You want to ask, how can a clean and honest person like me accept two bowls of noodles without hesitation and evasion, right?" Zhong Ye swallowed the noodles in his mouth, then turned his head and asked.

After hesitating for a moment, Situ Kong nodded.

Along the way, what he heard the most were Zhong Ye's "clean, fair, and down-to-earth" remarks. In this case, how could Zhong Ye accept these two bowls of noodles directly?
"Because I deserve it." Zhong Ye said without hesitation.

Hearing this, Situ Kong stared at Zhong Ye dumbfounded, and was greatly shocked by his words.

"In your opinion, these are two bowls of noodles, but in my opinion, this is their gratitude to me, because I have reduced taxes for them, opened government schools, vigorously promoted the industrial development of Jingzhou, and built infrastructure. Let their lives get better and better, they want to thank me, that's for sure, and these are just two bowls of noodles, so what if I accept it?"

Zhong Ye ate the noodles with big mouthfuls, the boiling hot noodle soup seemed almost as cold to him.

"I accept these two bowls of noodles, which means I accept their gratitude, but if I go to their noodle stall to eat and they want to send me again, I will refuse and pay as usual, because it is a business Not thanks."

Under Situ Kong's gaze, Zhong Ye quickly finished a big bowl of noodles and put the empty bowl beside him.

"At the same time, I have principles in my life, and I will not accept gifts that are too high in value, even if the gift is not of high value in my opinion or in the eyes of the giver, but as long as others think it is of high value, I will not accept it." I will accept it, because I am the prefect of Jingzhou, and my prestige in Jingzhou is huge. As long as I say one thing, they will not dare to say another thing. As long as I set an example, they will not dare to go against my wishes. This will prevent corruption. .

"If you want to be the magistrate of Jingzhou, you have to learn a lot. You have to learn to accept the kindness of others, and at the same time, you must also think about how to repay the other party. The relationship between people is established in such exchanges. When you can establish interpersonal relationships with people in the entire Jingzhou Prefecture, you will be in an invincible position, and no one can knock you down—just like me, even if someone wants to overthrow me, even if I do nothing , the anger of the people of Jingzhou will also burn him to death."

After speaking, Zhong Ye pointed to the bowl of noodles placed beside Situ Kong, and said, "Eat it too, or the noodles will be lumpy."

Situ Kong stared at the bowl of noodles, his confused eyes reflected in the noodle soup.

Zhong Ye's statement is somewhat similar to the education he received, but there are many differences, so is the education he received wrong, or is Zhong Ye deceiving him?
After a moment of silence, Situ Kong picked up the bowl of noodles, blew two breaths, and then let out a harsh mouthful.

——Zhong Ye can be completely trusted!

(End of this chapter)

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