Soul echo

Chapter 786 Concatenation

Chapter 786 Concatenation
Lily and the others originally thought that they could just wait for the good show to begin when the matter was here.

After all, the player has already been invited, and he also went to the church to say something, and got the hint of the priest's 'permission', so the plot of the assassination of the factory owner should follow.

But all of a sudden, those guys who called themselves 'players' disappeared!

Of course, it’s not disappearing in the actual sense, but their souls no longer come to this body, and the duration is unknown for how long—the body used by the player who was hired by them and called himself ‘Max’ told them so .

At that time, everyone in the mercenary group led by Lily thought that guy wanted to break the contract, and was so angry that he wanted to beat him up, but unexpectedly, 'Max' returned all the deposit.

Lily, who noticed something was wrong, immediately stopped her mercenaries and asked them to investigate in various parts of the city.

When they were looking for players, they had mastered the meeting points and whereabouts of several players. Now, if they want to confirm the real situation, they can just use it.

About two hours later, all the mercenaries who went out to investigate the situation came back, and they brought back a bad news - what 'Max' said was true, all the players looked as dull as him.

Although most people don't notice much, but since they already know this, if they pay more attention, they will be able to notice the dull reactions of those 'people'.

It was only then that they realized how many players there were in Venice.

Most of the players are well hidden, no different from ordinary people in the world of Dan. They have been in contact with some of them more than once, but they have never discovered that those people are actually players.

I don't know what happened, which caused the players to leave this world suddenly. For Lily and the others, the player's departure from this world means that their plans have failed.

"Miss, what should I do?"

The other mercenaries looked at Lily, and she frowned.

If it was Zhong Ye, what would he do?
In Lili's opinion, although Zhong Ye is not the smartest person, he has always been very sensible in his dealings with others. When he does things, not to mention the perfect solution every time, at least he can make no mistakes.

If Zhong Ye was here, he should be...

"What is our purpose?"

The sudden question stopped the mercenaries, and they all replied: "Assassinate the factory owner!"

"Let the factory owner pay the workers full compensation!"

"Deter factory owners!"

Just when people had different opinions, Lily snapped her fingers at the right time, "That's right, it's to deter factory owners!"

Factory owners will only pay workers compensation if they scare the factory owners.

However, most factory owners are councilors themselves, and some are not and have connections with city councilors.

The parliament is the ruler of the city, and the interests of the factories are of paramount importance to the councilors, who will certainly not pass laws that can be used to restrain them.

Therefore, it is obviously impossible to deal with the factory owners through legal channels.

It is even more impossible to control violence with violence, because Venice has a huge influence. If their mercenary group attacks the factory owners, the factory owners who feel the fear unite will be enough to drive them to nowhere.

Lily also has a mercenary group under her command. Without this mercenary group, she can be said to have nothing to worry about. It would not be strange for her to assassinate or even directly attack the factory owner.

It's a pity that there are still a large group of people following her, and she can't ruin their jobs.

So at this time, you need to use another method!
"What do you think is the biggest difference between Venice and other places?"

Seeing the bright smile on Lily's face, the mercenaries fell into deep thought.

But soon, most people give up thinking because thinking is simply not for them.

Fortunately, there are still a few people in the mercenary group who are willing to use their brains. After receiving Lily's reminder, their eyes gradually brightened.

"Sister, what do you mean..."

Lily smiled and nodded, "That's right! We can win over a congressman who doesn't belong to the faction of the factory owner, help that congressman reach a high position, and then use his status to influence the law!
"As for how to do it, it's too simple-incite! We need to incite the emotions of the citizens, make them feel wronged, and make them feel angry!
"If one citizen is angry, they will scoff at it; if ten citizens are angry, they will talk about it; if a hundred citizens are angry, they will take it seriously; if a thousand citizens are angry, They'll start cracking down; if there's 1 angry citizens, they're going to be terrified, they're going to panic, and at this point, if someone can appease the angry citizens, whatever it takes, they'll be willing."

Speaking of this, Lily stood up and said loudly: "We can build momentum in the early stage, let the congressman we support stand on the opposite side of the factory owner, and at the same time stir up public opinion, first mobilize those who are depressed and old, and then pass them To stimulate other people's dissatisfaction with the status quo, to connect and publicize, and then let the MPs we support come to the stage!
"The Church and the Adventurer's House will definitely be on our side. We have enough manpower and money, so let's do it and smash this hotbed that breeds the belief in the abyss!"

After Lily said these words, the mercenaries took action.

They walked the streets of Venice, collecting intelligence and lobbying everywhere.

He has had superficial exchanges with churches, adventurers' homes, workers, boatmen, ordinary citizens, and even gangs.

From the priests of the church, they found a conscientious member who was willing to help them do this, so they contacted the member through the contacts of the Adventurer's House.

Through conversations with ordinary citizens, they knew that the congressman had a good reputation among the people, which was one of the reasons why they wanted to contact that congressman.

It was also after talking with the citizens that the mercenaries discovered that the workers who complained about the factory owners were not the only ones who had not received compensation. The boatmen who made a living by sailing boats also complained about the sewage discharged into the river. The high prices are even more outrageous.

Almost everyone is against the factory owner's approach, so popular support is available.

After Lily told the councilman named 'Dennis' these things on behalf of the mercenary group, the councilor thought for a long time, weighed things up several times, and finally agreed.

Not only to help the citizens, but if the plan is really successful, he can also grab more power, which is hard for him to refuse.

Thus, the plan officially rolled out——

On the first day, under the protection of the mercenaries like Lily and the others, the workers and their family members who were disabled or killed due to work but did not receive compensation came outside those factories and blocked the factory gates so that no one could enter the factories. middle.

People inside can come out, but people outside can't go in. They want to shut down the factory.

The factory also dealt with it immediately, that is, dispatched factory security guards to drive away the crowd blocking the gate.

However, Lily and the others were so powerful that the factory security guards couldn't deal with them—even if a few factory security guards still had muskets in their hands.

The factory security guards were easily defeated, and the crowd blocking the door was inspired by the fact that the mercenary group was powerful.

They no longer chose to simply block the door, but also shouted slogans.

I don't know who the initiator was, but people shouted slogans, and the more they shouted, the more unified they became.

In the end, violent sound waves poured into the factory, and even the supervisor of the factory was too frightened to come out of the factory.

The workers who were blocked outside the factory and couldn't enter the factory watched for a while and left helplessly.

There is no way to enter the factory to work anyway, what can they do here?Let them clash with the crowd blocking the door?
They have seen it all, even the factory security has been knocked down, what can they do?
Seeing the workers disperse, Lily talked to the people blocking the gates, and they changed positions to block the gates of other factories.

——Workers and their families who are disabled or killed by work are not injured in the same factory, but in multiple factories!
What's exciting to people is that what they've done has worked out well, because of their actions, three or four factories couldn't open today throughout the day.

And besides them, several workers chose to stand on their side and act with them because they couldn't bear the oppression of the factory owners.

On this night, the factory owners were alarmed!
(End of this chapter)

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