Soul echo

Chapter 804 Awakening the Gods

Chapter 804 Awakening the Gods
Zhong Ye thought for a moment, then put those doubts behind him.

The most important thing now is not to think about what Vladimir wants to do, but to think about how to make those elves return to their original state.

The God of Nature is now in a deep sleep, and if He is called, He can't respond... Perhaps it is because the God of Nature has fallen into a deep sleep, otherwise Vladimir would never dare to do such a thing!
This matter is not like the style of the Lord of War, but rather like the King of Conspiracy. Although the Lord of Pleasure is also somewhat possible, Zhong Ye does not think that this matter is led by the Lord of Pleasure. He did not The kind of long-term planning ability.

There may be smart people among the believers of the Lord of Joy, but the more advanced the believers, the behavior style will be closer to the behavior style of the evil god they believe in than ordinary believers, so Zhong Ye can basically conclude that this matter is The work of the king of conspiracy or his disciples.

"Destroy this crystal ball?"

Zhong Ye stared at the crystal ball in his hand, muttered something to himself, then fell into silence again, thinking silently.

Will destroying this crystal ball really revive those sleeping elves?If it was really that simple, would the evil god of the abyss who was in contact with Vladimir do nothing but watch?
Considering that the King of Conspiracy stands behind this matter, perhaps every thought of him is within the expectations of the King of Conspiracy, no matter what decision he makes, the final result may be biased towards the King of Conspiracy .

So, how should he choose?
... No, why did he have to choose?

Zhong Ye blinked, and his irises lit up.

With the help of psychic energy, Zhong Ye saw the extraordinary factor floating in the air, and also saw the pattern of the magic circle that was hidden and exuded a faint glow.

Let millions of elves fall into a deep sleep and gather their spiritual power. It is impossible to rely on only one crystal ball. In other words, this crystal ball can only play a role of observation and control. The gathered things should be the magic circle engraved on the ground of the palace.

As for why it was hidden, this is an easy explanation-this is the palace of the elves!
Vladimir may have some royal blood, otherwise, even if he is a legendary mage, he would not be able to freely enter and leave the palace, let alone engrave a magic circle on the ground of the palace.

The reason why the chosen location is the palace and not other places is most likely because the palace has 'directivity'.

In the spell system of Dan World, 'directivity' is a very important attribute. Many high-level spells require a cultural symbol. This cultural symbol is the intention of the people and can condense the spell model. .

Zhong Ye didn't know what kind of cultural symbols the elven kingdom had, but the palace was always one of them, so setting up a magic circle in the palace to gather the beliefs of all people was not so strange.

It's just that Zhong Ye didn't know how long Vladimir had been preparing for this matter, and he was able to make millions of elves fall asleep at the same time.

Will erasing this magic circle bring everything back to normal?

Zhong Ye lightly tapped the lines of the magic circle with his fingers, and then a thought arose that made him stop again.

——If this magic circle is erased, what will happen to the surrounding spiritual forces?
This buoyant spiritual power should not dissipate naturally. On the contrary, after losing restraint, they are very likely to trigger a big explosion, erasing the royal palace and even part of the elf royal court from the ground.

Therefore, not only the magic circle cannot be erased, but even the crystal ball cannot be destroyed.

Neither of these two things can be moved, and the way of contacting the outside world has been severely disturbed, so there is no way to ask for help off the court... Could it be that he can only watch Vladimir's tricks succeed like this?
In the final analysis, there is still a choice in front of him.

Do you choose to do nothing and watch the trick come true, or choose to sacrifice the lives of the palace and the elves living around the palace, and save the lives of millions of elves in the entire elf kingdom?
It is true that most elves have a more straightforward character, but it does not mean that there are no people among them who are greedy for power and pleasure.

According to Zhong Ye's knowledge, almost all such people live in and around the palace, no matter in the west land or the east land, the elf kingdom should be no exception.

Why not sacrifice the lives of a bunch of greedy people to save millions of lives?
Come on, make a choice, choose to destroy the palace and become the savior of all elves, then they will thank you, and at that time, no matter what you want, they will give you, money, beauty, power...

It seemed that there was a soft voice chatting with Zhong Ye, constantly instilling this idea into his heart, and let him make a decision.

At this moment, he is the god in charge of the life and death of countless lives, and his single decision can determine the life and death of millions of lives.

It's just a bunch of greedy people, it's just a bunch of silverfish, it's just a bunch of villains who are greedy for power, it's just, just...

Maybe some of them have committed evil deeds, maybe they are so evil that they can do it themselves, maybe, maybe...

"……Do not!"

The fish drowning in the sea of ​​desire broke through the water and saw the clear sky.

Zhong Ye lowered his eyes, his consciousness followed the spiritual energy into the crystal ball, and came to the subconscious ocean again.

Then, he submerged his consciousness.

Bizarre scenes are happening in front of our eyes. This time, what is presented to our eyes is no longer the history of the past life, but comes from all kinds of whimsical thoughts deep in people's hearts.

Whether it is miraculous or treacherous, it is not irrelevant to reality, at least it is also distinct.

Hundreds of people, thousands of people, ten thousand people;
One hundred thousand, one million, ten million!
Thousands of subconscious minds from all over the world gather here, forming an endless ocean, and its name is 'life'.

The ocean of subconsciousness is trapezoidal as a whole. The deeper you dive, the more massive and magnificent the information will be. Zhong Ye diving into it is equivalent to contacting those consciousnesses. The deeper you dive, the more consciousnesses you come into contact with.

He is being washed away by at least [-] consciousnesses every moment, and most people will be assimilated the moment they fall into this ocean, but Zhong Ye is different, until now, he is still able to maintain his 'body', Have a deep understanding of 'self'.

However, the boundary between this 'self' and 'external objects' is gradually becoming blurred.

Contact is two-way, when Zhong Ye is in contact with those consciousnesses, those consciousnesses are also reading his thoughts.

Therefore, Zhong Ye's thinking is also rapidly spreading.

It's just the stream of consciousness of millions of people, as long as he works hard, he can cover it!
'wake up……'

A flower that blooms in the breeze sends out thoughts.

'wake up……'

The breeze drifted into the distance, and fell on the top of a pine tree. The leaves trembled with the wind, and the forest whispered.

'wake up……'

The birds and beasts stopped, looked up at the sky, and chirped in unison.

'wake up……'

The farmers bending over to cultivate, the young children running on the rice paddies, the officials in the court, and the peddlers in the street all looked back, and their voices echoed in their hearts.

'wake up……'

The blurred consciousness of the body quickly fell, even if he forgot everything, he still insisted on his own beliefs, and spread the thoughts firmly in the depths of his soul.

Then, the god opened his eyes.

He gently picked up the soul that had forgotten himself, helped him reshape his body, and regained his memory.

Then, respond: "I'm awake!"

When He woke up, the magic circle engraved in the palace quietly collapsed, but the huge spiritual power lingering in the palace did not explode, and returned to the master by the same route, gently awakening the elves who had been sleeping for many days.

Zhong Ye opened his eyes amidst the haze, raised his head, and saw a god whose face and body could not be seen clearly.

The god didn't say anything to him, just smiled and sent him back to his body.

In reality, Zhong Ye suddenly opened his eyes, and happened to see cracks blooming on the crystal ball, and then shattered.

Zhong Ye raised his head again, and his hearing brought the palace into his domain. Suddenly, countless voices poured into it, awakening the lifeless palace and returning to its old vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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