Soul echo

Chapter 808 Bloody Battle Prologue

Chapter 808 Bloody Battle Prologue
There are three fortresses and [-] villages to the south of Cedar City. Zhong Ye is not sure how many elves in those villages managed to escape. He only knows that the gate of the abyss has opened in the area south of Cedar City.

The kingdom of the elves implements a system of enfeoffment, but the biggest difference from the Westland is that the elves have a tradition of forming 'tribes'.

Every tribe has its own surname, like Delilah, she belongs to the Green Leaf tribe, so her full name is 'Dai Lila · Green Leaf', in a sense, she has no surname, 'Green Leaf' is just Green Leaf An identity badge given to her by the tribe, indicating that she is a member of the Green Leaf tribe.

The nobles in the Elven Kingdom usually add a surname in front of the tribal surname to form a 'first-name-surname' name.

In this land, a city is usually managed by several families belonging to the same tribe, and several cities belonging to the same tribe are combined to be governed by the royal court as a provincial unit.

Each tribe has an army, and this army is usually scattered and stationed in every city under the jurisdiction of the tribe as the city's defense force.

Among the three fortresses and fourteen villages south of Cedar City, only a few villages, like Cedar City, belong to the 'Songhua' tribe, so it is understandable that the city owner does not know how many fortresses and villages there are.

The life and social circle of elves is very closed. They are too lazy to make friends and prefer to immerse themselves in their own world. Most elves only make friends within the same tribe, and they don't have much chat with elves from other tribes.

In addition, the current society of the Elven Kingdom is still feudal and conservative, and commerce and trade are not developed. It is extremely rare to know how many fortresses and villages there are around the city.

Zhong Ye stood on the city wall and looked to the south. The autumn wind was blowing from the north, bringing a bit of winter chill.

If it were on Earth, the place where he is now is on the east side of Lake Baikal. The average temperature in this place is not high throughout the year, and even in autumn, it can feel slightly cold.

"Your Mightiness!"

When a ray of sunlight rose from the east and pierced the night, an elf officer ran over and saluted Zhong Ye's back: "We are ready!"

The elf officer looked at Zhong Ye's back with fanaticism in his eyes, because to him, Zhong Ye was the saint sent by the father of life to save them—even though he was an Eastern native—now they were able to follow this It is a great honor to fight side by side with this saint.

Zhong Ye nodded slightly, "Then let's go!"

He didn't pin his hopes on these elven soldiers, because he already knew from the city lord that the total number of soldiers in Cedar City was just over [-]. If there was a war, they would need to dispatch troops from the villages under their jurisdiction.

Even so, Cedar City can be regarded as one of the largest military cities in the surrounding area.

Even if all the elves have the talent to manipulate extraordinary factors, and most of them know one or two spells, the three thousand soldiers can't have much impact on the ensuing war.

Leaving aside the gates of the abyss that may have been summoned, if you only talk about the bloody tribe, the number of their army that invaded the kingdom of elves is at least 30.

The bloody tribe is especially fertile, and the land blessed by the war lord can provide them with enough food to allow them to raise more tribesmen.

Therefore, behind the army attacking the kingdom of elves, there are still more abyss believers waiting for the opportunity, waiting for the day when the war lord will let them die.

A mere [-] troops against the army of the bloody tribe is simply hitting a stone with an egg.

Although the bloody tribe's army probably didn't find a single point to gather and attack, but was scattered on the long border between the elf kingdom and the bloody tribe's territory, this time going south will not directly encounter the bloody tribe's army with a number of more than 30.

But this does not mean that the war will be much easier. As long as they encounter a bloody tribal army with a number of more than [-], the [-] troops will be wiped out.

What's more, Zhong Ye would not take away all the elf soldiers, but would leave five hundred elf soldiers to guard Cedar City. In fact, the number of soldiers he really took away was less than [-].

The two thousand five hundred soldiers are not qualified to support one of the three fortresses, let alone fighting the bloody tribe's army.

"You set off to the south according to the plan. I will go to other cities to see if they need help. If not, I will ask them for support. Don't worry, I will return to the team after every contact with a city. "

Hearing Zhong Ye's order, the elf officer saluted again and shouted loudly: "Your Excellency will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Hearing this, Zhong Ye was slightly taken aback. Did he express to them what expectations he had for them?

But after shouting that sentence, the elf officer ran away.

Zhong Ye shook his head, shook his troubled thoughts out of his mind, picked up the message given by the city lord, lowered his head, and took a second look to determine the direction and location of the surrounding cities, and suddenly soared into the sky.

More than 2000 elf soldiers set off from Cedar City. Due to the lack of time and insufficient preparation in advance, they could only go south together with their luggage. Once cleaned up, they won't run into enemies so quickly.

Zhong Ye can take this opportunity to go to other cities around Cedar City to see if they are infested by blood tribes. No matter if they are, he will use the crest given to him by the God of Nature to borrow troops from those cities.

Of course, if there is an invasion by the army of the blood tribe, he will help those cities clean up the surrounding enemies, so that they have no worries.

Judging from the current situation, the bloody tribe has indeed invaded the elf kingdom on a large scale. The three fortresses south of Cedar City must be heavily besieged now. If they want to help them out, they need a large number of soldiers as support.

Zhong Ye was always alone. Although he could sweep away thousands of troops by himself, he couldn't garrison dangerous points and establish supply lines.

No matter which era it is, wars are all about logistics. If there is no way to establish a supply line, even if they can defeat the bloody tribal army at the tactical level, there is no way to drive them out of the border.

In war, tactics and strategy are both important. Sometimes, if you cannot gain an advantage at the tactical level, you need to pay more attention to the struggle at the strategic level, and you must gain an advantage at the strategic level at all costs.

Because the failure of tactics is only temporary and one-sided, but the failure of strategy means that everything is lost.

Moreover, in the place where the bloody tribal army was raging, there should be fleeing elf civilians. The army can temporarily gather them and turn them into members of the logistics supply. Zhong Ye alone cannot do these things.

The army of Cedar City, more than 2000 elves, a huge team of [-] vehicles and [-] camels set off south.

Holding the map tightly, Zhong Ye found several cities around Cedar City, and asked them to borrow troops.

He holds the holy emblem of the God of Nature, which is equivalent to a saint. Facing the request of the saint, the city lords of those cities did not dare to push back. Even cities with insufficient troops in the city are willing to support a batch of supplies.

However, because of the hasty request, the soldiers in these cities were not prepared much, so they needed one to two days to prepare before they could go to the battlefield.

This kind of request was not too much, Zhong Ye agreed.

Because these soldiers were not really in charge of the battle, the reason why Zhong Ye asked for support was to re-establish the supply line.

Zhong Ye's side went quite smoothly, and on the other side, the army of Cedar City also encountered the first group of people hiding in the mountains and forests.

The army pointed out the direction of evacuation for the old and weak, women and children, but the young and middle-aged men needed to stay and help them fight the bloody tribe.

This is not a 'request', but a 'demand'!
Fortunately, those elves had awakened a long time ago, if not because of their awareness, they would not have run out to meet the army.

When the old, weak, women and children set foot on the road to escape again, the army encountered the first group of enemies since leaving the city.

"Don't fall into the face of Cedar City and Lord Saint!"

The elf officer standing in front of the team on horseback pulled down his helmet to hide his fanatical expression, immediately grabbed his lance and shouted: "Cavalry, charge with me!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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