Soul echo

Chapter 832 Food Issues

Chapter 832 Food Issues
After leaving the battlefield of Abyss Gate, the armies of China, the North American Confederation and the European Union did not return to Earth, but went to the next battlefield.

——These three armies from the earth passed through the portal and came to the front line of the confrontation between the elves and the blood tribes.

Under the watchful eyes of the bloody tribe, they blatantly built a fortress and stationed at the front line. Opposite the fortress was the camp of the army of the bloody tribe, and behind it was a city of elves.

Although these three troops were stationed outside the three elven cities, and had to face the bloody tribe's army, they had strong vehicles and sufficient supplies, and they became a nail on the front line, holding the bloody tribe back Tribal offensive posture is enough.

All the soldiers who came to Dan's world this time were players of "Echo of Soul", but after they actually came to this world, they didn't have much excitement.

Being able to actually get in touch with the people I used to know, and being able to actually feel the extraordinary power... If you say that you are not excited at all, it is obviously a lie.

But there was only a little excitement, more heaviness and tension, and even a little bit of fear.

Because they didn't go to other places, but came to the front line of the war between the elves and the bloody tribes. They couldn't get any supplies or reinforcements in a short time, and could only rely on the weapons and supplies in their hands to fight the bloody tribes.

Although the bloody tribe hates magic and has no long-range attack methods such as artillery, it stands to reason that the guns and chariots in their hands can easily crush the bloody tribe, but the world of Dan is a world with extraordinary power. A single Legend could break into their camp and slay them all.

What's more, if their enemy is not the blood tribe, but the human beings in the Dan world, as long as there is an extraordinary stalker against them, they are likely to be wiped out.

This is a very dangerous world. There is no warmth in the situation they are facing now. Being able to come here is not luck, but bad luck.

After building the fort, the Chinese army began to lay wires to the elf city behind.

In this world, the Huang Kingdom is the most powerful secular dynasty. The Huaxia soldiers can gain the favor of the elves by virtue of their appearance that is very similar to the Eastern natives, and let the elves join their defense.

——When they crossed over, the gods gave them the language ability, and today's Chinese soldiers can communicate with elves smoothly.

When Dan World cooperated with the earth, Huaxia was responsible for connecting with Dongtu. Not only Huaxia exported a lot of technology to Dongtu, but Huangguo also conducted a series of technology transactions with Huaxia. Among them, the most important thing for Huaxia is space. spell.

In the entire Dan world, the area that is best at space magic is undoubtedly Dongtu. They can even squeeze a space with a radius of several thousand miles into a fortress.

After docking with the Huang Kingdom, Huaxia gained space magic, and now they have brought far more supplies to this world than the North American Confederation and the European Union, and those supplies are enough to support them in winning a regional battle.

Therefore, they plan to allocate part of the supplies to train the elves so that the elves can protect their country and citizens by themselves.

People who live in Dan's world may not be able to understand it, because for them, wars are always dominated by supernatural powers, and which side has more supernatural powers will be able to win.

But now that the Huaxia soldiers are here, they want to tell everyone in this world that ordinary people can also become a powerful force, and this will be a people's war!


Today is the 15th day of the official war between the Blood Tribe and the Elf Kingdom. Lily and her team rushed across the mountains and rivers to Montreux.

Their traveling speed has reached the limit, and they have changed vehicles and horses many times along the way to come to this place in such a short period of time.

Along the way, Lily and her mercenary friends saw many traces left by Zhong Ye.

In Milan, there is a statue of Zhong Ye standing outside a city gate. This is to commemorate the fact that he led a team to capture the city gate and saved the city with the blocks around the city gate as the base.

And from Milan to the north, after leaving the Kingdom of Etruul, you can enter a trade route that has just been built not long ago. This trade route is said to have been recorded by Zhong Ye stroke by stroke.

Before coming to Montreux, they also passed by a mining town, and the reason why that town appeared was also because of Zhong Ye.

Because Zhong Ye entrusted the management of the trade route to the Commercial Church in Montreux, this little-known town attracted the attention of many people. Merchants and mercenaries from all over the world came and went, making the city gradually prosperous.

For many people, these deeds of Zhong Ye are legendary enough, but many people don't know that this is just a part of Zhong Ye's legendary story.

Arriving in Montreux, Lily and the others saw a huge mural as soon as they entered the city gate.

It is Zhong Ye who is engraved on the mural, but the sculptor obviously doesn't know what Zhong Ye looks like. On the mural, Zhong Ye's appearance is more inclined to the Westland race, even Lily who is familiar with Zhong Ye No one recognized it at first glance, but she recognized it through another figure on the mural.

——Lilian was also carved on the mural, but the proportion was much smaller than that of Zhong Ye, and it was carved in the image of a follower.

After standing in front of the mural and feeling deeply for a while, Lily led the mercenaries into the city to look for an inn.

Montreux is booming, and many new hotels have been built in the city, many of which were once residential buildings, and became hotels after a little renovation.

I didn't go to the Adventurer's House because there were a lot of adventurers and mercenaries traveling to and from Montreux. It was obvious from a glance that the Adventurer's House was too crowded.

They randomly found an inn that could accommodate the mercenary group, and the hungry mercenaries ordered some food from the owner, but when they heard the price of the food, they couldn't help wondering if their ears were broken.

"A loaf of five coppers?!"

A mercenary widened his eyes in disbelief, pointed at the black bread in front of him that was only the size of his palm, "Are you crazy?"

The other mercenaries also frowned, with displeasure on their faces.

The hotel owner glanced at them and pointed to other people in the hall, "You can ask other people, the price in Montreux is like this now."

A few mercenaries didn't want to believe the boss's words, so they turned around and asked other people, and two of them went to the street to ask passers-by.

But from other people, they got an answer they didn't want to accept - the fact is just like what the boss said, Montreux's prices are indeed so high.

"Why?" Lily kept calm and asked the innkeeper.

It stands to reason that after the opening of the business road, Montreux can make a lot of money. This money is not only earned by those who participated in the development of the road, but other people in the city should also get some profits. .

But judging from the current situation, isn't that the case?
This might be an important piece of information, so Lily paid for it too.

After picking up a few copper coins on the table into his pocket, the innkeeper sighed: "Montreux was originally small, and the food grown in the surrounding villages could only satisfy so many people, but now because of the development of trade routes, many foreigners When we come to Montreux, we don’t have enough food here, we have made so much money, even if we buy food from outside, we can make another profit, but now other places don’t sell much food, so there is nothing we can do.”

Listening to the innkeeper's words, Lily couldn't help frowning deeply.

"Did the grain merchant say why?"

The innkeeper looked around, leaned over, and said in a low voice: "It is said that... it is because of the decrease in food production, not only in our place, but also in several countries in the north. Last year's food was fine, but this year Most likely nothing will be gained.”

As he spoke, the innkeeper couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "This year, I don't know how many people will starve to death..."

(End of this chapter)

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