Soul echo

Chapter 848: All the Eyes (3)

Chapter 848: All the Eyes (Part [-])

Capitalism is very seductive because its own operation can satisfy the desires of the people it dominates, the capitalists.

Under the packaging of capitalism, no matter how unbearable things can be given a high-sounding name, even if they do unrighteous things, they can also be packaged as great and selfless.

For example, 'bribery' can be packaged as 'political donation', and 'majority violence' can be packaged as 'freedom and democracy'.

Precisely because under the operating rules of capitalism, the underlying desires of human beings can be easily satisfied, so many people who do not have the ability to think independently will support and follow blindly.

Even on the earth in the 22nd century, no more than 20.00% of the people have the ability to think independently. The vast majority of people live a mediocre life without their own thoughts. Misconceptions about choosing one from the other' extreme choices.

Therefore, when the evil god released his second power, more than 30.00% of the people on the earth fell into despair, and in their despair, they saw the "true appearance" of the evil god.

His name, 'Capitalism'!
The evil god's body expanded rapidly, and in an instant, his height exceeded 3000 meters. At this time, Zhong Ye was as small as a speck of dust in front of him.

Even so, the [proliferation] of the evil god has not stopped, and he continues to grow!
Looking at such a huge evil god, Zhong Ye couldn't help clenching his fists, but he was helpless.

He can destroy mountains, sink islands, and cut off rivers, but how can he destroy a piece of land?
This is an evil god, not a mountain without the slightest ability to resist. To kill him completely, he needs a stronger force!

...But, if he doesn't have great power, is he going to sit and wait to die?

--no way!
Zhong Ye raised his unyielding eyes, stepped forward, and then burst out with unprecedented strength, pushing his body, and went straight up!
Something... lingers around the bones, shuttles through the texture, moves with the bioelectricity, flows with the blood, after a long time of brewing, it finally takes shape at this moment.

Its name is, 'Divinity'!
It is not obtained from other places, but the 'divinity' that spontaneously grows in the body and in the soul!
No matter how desperate it is, there will always be people who are unwilling to give up hope, and Zhong Ye is one of them. The nature of a warrior always makes him unable to succumb.

When the vast majority of people were paying attention to the evil god and were taken away by the evil god's appearance, some people still paid attention to Zhong Ye. They saw Zhong Ye move, his figure blurred in front of the camera, turning into a ray of light towards the evil god The head ran.

——【Come on! 】

——[Don't admit defeat! 】

——【Fuck it to death! ! 】

Not only in the live broadcast room, but also in reality, many people called out.

They have no strength and can't do anything, even if they are anxious and want to help Zhong Ye, all they can do is 'support'.

No matter how deep the despair, there is always hope.

Sensing the change of the earth, several eyes of the evil god protruded from the body, and turned to look at Zhong Ye who was running wildly on the surface of his body.

Then, He stretched out a third hand.

——The third authority, [differentiation]!
Use desire, use public opinion, use education to influence the whole society, let the society fall into the rut of "identity politics", let people only pay attention to the trivial superficial problems, but cannot see the root of these problems clearly.

Then, master it all!
——【Although this monster looks ugly, what if its heart is kind? 】

——【Yes, how can you judge people by their appearance? 】

——[But if it wasn't bad, why would Zhong Ye fight it?How could the light emitted by the Dyson cloud suck it out? 】

——[Didn't someone say that the pattern on Dyson's cloud is the holy emblem of some god in another world?What if this is their conspiracy? 】

Let's quarrel!Boil it!Then, fall!

The evil god laughed, but his eyes were cold, and there was no smile in his eyes.

He didn't care about Zhong Ye who was running around, and it wasn't time to 'use' him yet.

Zhong Ye was running, but the 'earth' under his feet was also extending and elongating. Even though his speed had already exceeded three times the speed of sound, he still hadn't caught up with the growth speed of the evil god.

Now, the evil god's body length has exceeded [-] meters!
The huge giant god raised his fourth hand, and was about to use the fourth power, but felt that the situation on the earth had changed.

The bomb blasted the top gate of the tallest building in New York's 'Uptown', and soldiers dressed in exoskeleton armor and holding electromagnetic rifles filed in, with the emblem of 'Phantom Company' engraved on their shoulders.

This floor is a whole, without walls, and looks like a square.

It belonged to one man, and that man was the ruler of New York—John Long!
He was born in 2031, and he is over a hundred years old. If there is no accident, he should be very old. However, what the soldiers saw behind the desk at the end of the "square" was a middle-aged man in his 40s or [-]s. young people.

John Lange, who uses the most advanced medical technology on the planet to prolong his life and delay aging, still has a healthy body, even though he needs to spend millions of dollars every day to maintain his condition.

This is his royal palace, and there are hundreds of 'slaves' raised by him here. They are male and female, and they are different. There are only two things in common, that is 'handsome', 'beautiful' and 'not naked' !
Facing the soldiers who broke into the 'palace', John Lange showed a very natural smile. Those 'slaves' who were respectful like puppets standing in various places in the 'square' suddenly turned their heads, their swollen muscles and The ferocious face instantly broke through the camouflaged skin, revealing the true face of the devil.


Hundreds of demons rushed towards the soldiers like a tidal wave.

The soldiers raised their guns and fired. At the same time, the surrounding walls shattered, and soldiers wearing power armor stepped into it, firing micro-missiles, and shooting at John Lange.

A sonic boom sounded outside the tall building, and a supersonic fighter flew past the tall building, but another fighter came out from behind the tall building, fighting with it.

The missile exploded in front of John Lange, but failed to shatter the bulletproof glass that surrounded him.

Such things did not only happen in New York, London, Paris, Berlin, Singapore, Tokyo, Pengcheng, Qiantang... Fierce battles broke out on the earth!
Also at this time, John Lange, Arthur Michael White, Michelle Robert, Adam Schulte, Li Dexian, Fujiwara Rei, Zhao Guifang, He Ping and others all smiled and laughed happily.

"I have understood everything!" They shouted in unison, "How can a mortal fight against a god?"

——The fourth power, [rule]!
Using money as power under the guise of a 'free market', they have a scepter over tens of millions of people. As long as they have enough wealth in their hands, they can live forever, live forever, stay young, and do whatever they want. Deal with others, control the life, death and dignity of others!
Capitalists are the slaves of capitalism and the embodiment of capitalism in the world.

[I feel it, you just gained divinity, if nothing happens, you can also become a god, right?However, even if I give you this chance, will you be able to defeat me after you become a god? 】

The voice of the evil god sounded in Zhong Ye's mind, and he smiled softly: 【I was conceived from the earth's thousands of years of history. I am equivalent to the civilization of the earth itself. How can you fight against me? 】

【……wrong! 】

Suddenly, Zhong Ye felt a burst of power in his body.

That power comes from the bone marrow, from the soul, and even more from faith!

[Although you were conceived from the civilization of the earth, you cannot represent the civilization of the earth-you are wrong! 】

Where Zhong Ye couldn't see, the 'Legendary Speed' on the system panel was breathing light, and then... melted!
The past experiences suddenly broke through the limitations of time and space, turning into power and pouring into his body.

[You can't let the earth go to the starry sky, you can't let the earth reach the future, the meaning of your existence is to let us find out what is restricting us! 】

[Tell us - what is the 'limit'! 】

The brilliance in the eyes changed from illusory to real, and turned into real flames that gushed out, igniting Zhong Ye's soul.

【The meaning of limit existence is to be broken, and you——】

【——Same too! 】

The Cthulhu laughed and raised his fifth hand.

【Then come and try it out—break my so-called 'limit'! 】

——The fifth authority, [Captive Breeding]!
(End of this chapter)

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