Soul echo

Chapter 851 All eyes are on (End)

Chapter 851 All eyes are on (End)

To destroy, to kill, to destroy...

The longing from the bottom of his heart made Zhong Ye grim, and the remaining rationality suppressed these thoughts, and focused on the evil god.

Go wreck!Go kill!To destroy!
The commanding voice echoed in his mind, Zhong Ye roared and punched forward.

kill him!kill them!Kill all living creatures!
The last string maintaining reason suddenly broke, and boundless power gushed out from Zhong Ye's body, no longer restricted by anything, no longer imprisoned by anything.

Then, darkness fell!

Zhong Ye's memory and consciousness are broken here.

After an unknown amount of time, he regained his consciousness and 'opened' his 'eyes'.

[This is...] Zhong Ye 'looked up' at the darkness around him, and his gradually awakening sanity gave him a sense of déjà vu for this 'place'.

Then, he remembered.

【My heart? 】

In the past, he was almost corrupted quietly by the conspiracy king. If it wasn't for Lilian's reminder, he would have fallen already.

Here he tore his own soul with tenacious will, destroyed the corrupted part, and regained his 'self'.

But why did his consciousness appear in this place?Could it be that he was corrupted again?

Zhong Ye picked up the memories little by little, and when the past gradually became clear, he realized why he came here again.

【……I see. 】

He is indeed corrupted, but the reason he came to this place is not 'corrupted', or more than 'corrupted'.

To be precise, he is 'dead'!

As an "awakened person" who has surpassed the limit of ordinary life, even if Zhong Ye's body is destroyed, his soul will not perish so easily.

It's just that after his body was destroyed, his consciousness had nowhere to go, and he could only think when he came here.

The power of the soul can exceed the speed of light, as long as he is in this 'place', the outside world is equivalent to static for him.

But does it make sense?
Here, he can only think, other than that, he can't do anything, he can only torment his heart, silently waiting for his complete demise.

Thinking of this, Zhong Ye couldn't help 'smiling'.

It turns out that those powerful enemies defeated by him will experience such a period of time before they die?Looking back on his past in the endless void, waiting for complete death.

Zhong Ye can't feel the slightest bit of happiness, sadness, regret or anger now, it may be that when his body died, his emotions were taken away with him - the dead don't need these things.

It's just that he couldn't help but wonder how that evil god would treat the earth and the people on Earth, and if the world of Dan and the earth converge, whether the original god of the world of Dan can completely wipe it out...

'Zhong Ye...'

Zhong Ye suddenly turned his head, but saw nothing.

... This is a matter of course, this is his consciousness space, how could there be other voices?

However, how could he expect such a thing?Isn't he already dead?
Does being a dead person really need so many emotions?


【……dad?mom? 】

Zhong Ye 'hugged' his 'head', what's the matter with this voice?Is it memory?

No!Not memory!

Zhong Ye was very sure that he had indeed heard those voices.

But this is my own consciousness space, why can I hear other voices?
Jingshu, parents, Lilian...

Zhong Ye racked his brains and thought hard, suddenly, he 'lowered his head' and saw a flickering tiny spark.

After being dazed for a moment, Zhong Ye stretched out his 'hand' to hold the flame, and then, the voices of many people flooded into his mind.

'bell! ',' Zhong Ye! ', 'Mr. Zhong...', 'Master Zhong! ', 'Your Excellency! ', 'To our beloved savior! ', 'Thank you for giving us this job...', 'You must know him, because of him, you and your children have the opportunity to study! '...

Amos, Lily, Qing Lai, Delilah...

Thousands of voices and thousands of thoughts crossed the barrier between the two worlds, passed into his ears, and broke into his heart.

These thoughts come from the west, from the east, and from the kingdom of elves.

They come from memory, from experience, from the past!

——Similarly, they are also thousands of 'beliefs'!
Zhong Ye saw countless silk threads spreading from the void, intertwined and intertwined in his hands, and condensed into this spark.

At this time, Zhong Ye finally realized its name - 'Divinity'!
It is not the divinity that makes the gods, nor does it become the gods to have the divinity. 'Divinity' has never been a complicated thing.

It is longing, gratitude, admiration, belief--it is 'love'!
【Wrong, all wrong...】

Divinity is not a non-renewable thing, on the contrary, it can be used as a consumable.

If the divinity disappears, then just re-condense it!

'In the world of Dan, gods can be born by gathering enough beliefs. Now is not the time to give up. Zhong Ye has so many legendary deeds in the world of Dan, and he has already reached the standard of becoming a god, so let's call Zhong Ye Ye, let him become a god... Please, let him become a god! '

An excited voice caused waves in Zhong Ye's consciousness.

[Is it... Jingshu? 】

'Teacher, come back! '


"Xiao Ye, we are waiting for you to go home..."

【dad!mom! 】

'Zhong Ye, come back! '

The people of the Qingming battle group...

Thus, Zhong Ye saw countless ripples swaying before his eyes.

Layers upon layers of ripples caused unstable distortions in the consciousness space, and cracks bloomed one after another.

'Zhong Ye, come back! ! ! '

Zhong Ye heard the calls of thousands of people, and the flame held in his hand suddenly rose.

But this is not enough for him to become a god again. If he wants to become a god, these thoughts are not enough... need more!
Zhong Ye looked at the flame in his hands, slowly closed his hands, and then closed his eyes, feeling the heat flow into his 'body'.

Time returned to him.

Because he integrated divinity into himself and reconnected his consciousness with the outside world.

Zhong Ye pulled the thread of faith, and his voice resounded in the minds of those who had been helped by him.

【I'm Zhong Ye. 】

Everyone who heard the voice was stunned for a moment. A resident of Laurel City, who was drinking in a tavern, stopped and looked at the people beside him, only to see that the people beside him made the same movements as him.

"You heard that too?!" The two of them said in unison, and then they heard other people say the same.

Many people in the tavern looked around blankly, "Did you all hear that?"

Since everyone heard it, the words they heard must not be auditory hallucinations.

The savior of the city, that 'Zhong Ye' really spoke to them?
For a while, there was a lot of noise in the tavern, and everyone stood up from their chairs.

[I am in danger now and need your help. I don’t need anything, I just want you to call out my name. 】

People listened hard, and when they heard that Zhong Ye needed their help, they couldn't help raising their hearts to their throats.

Did he just need to call out his name?such a simple thing?

People didn't believe it at first, but the words that followed broke down their psychological defenses.

【—Please help me. 】

"Your Excellency Zhong Ye!" The voice sounded from Laurel City.

"Your Excellency Zhong Ye!" The voice sounded from Milan.

"Your Excellency Zhong Ye!" The voice sounded from Paris.

"Master Zhong!" The voice came from the mouths of a group of warriors who had been helped by Zhong Ye.

"Mr. Zhong!" The voice came from the teachers and students of Changuang School.

"Master Zhifu!" The voice came from the mouths of the people in Jingzhou.

"Bell!" Lily Lieber yelled.

"Teacher!" Lilian closed her eyes and bowed her head in prayer.

"Little Ye!" Zhong Ye's parents looked up at the sky.

"Zhong Ye!" Qi Jingshu showed a gratified smile, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and the little baby in her arms also stretched out her hands, "Yi Yi Ya Ya Ya Ya!"

—— Zhong Ye! ! !
The call of the crowd rose from the ground, passed through the sky, and arrived at the battlefield in space.

The shattered soul in front of the evil god instantly gathered under his astonished gaze, presenting Zhong Ye's appearance, and then his figure changed from virtual to real, and regained his body.

[The third 'divinity'? ! 】

Zhong Ye raised his eyelids, his stubborn eyes reflected the evil god's figure.

[I am beyond death! 】

【Come on Cthulhu, let's start the third scene! 】

(End of this chapter)

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