Soul echo

Chapter 859 Battle of the Moon (5)

Chapter 859 Battle of the Moon ([-])

On the surface of the moon, with the borrowed ten swords and the blessings of the gods, Zhong Ye was already able to match the evil moon god evenly.

However, the moon is the home field of the evil Luna after all, and the most direct way to kill it is to crush the entire moon.

Even for Zhong Ye, if he wants to do this kind of thing with his own strength, it will take at least ten years. Now, although it doesn't take that long, maybe he can do it with one blow, but he needs a perfect timing.

If the original gods were to do this, such as the sun god, he would only need to perform a coronal mass ejection, which would be enough to disintegrate the moon.

However, the Primordial God was dragged to the outside world by the evil god of the abyss, and he didn't have the time and energy to deal with the evil moon god. Otherwise, it would never be his turn to fight the evil moon god.

——Crushing the moon will indeed cause a major blow to Dan's planet, but the mighty power of the gods is enough to erase those effects.

【Zhong Ye, how long will it take? 】

Facing the huge sword that was directly attacking his face, Zhong Ye pulled out Chunjun with his backhand and smashed it into pieces with a single blow, but his body suffered tremendous force and was immediately sent flying.

Zhong Ye flew ten miles away before falling into another pit in the crater. The surrounding black mud suddenly rolled up, and at the same time, spikes grew out, aiming at Zhong Ye.

With a wave of his sword finger, Gan Jiang and Mo Xie shot immediately, strangling the black mud that was sweeping around them.

【It may take a while...】

Zhong Ye replied with a dignified expression in his mind: [It seems to have understood that I can't afford it, and is doing everything in its power to delay the battle! 】

The rotation speed of the moon is constantly accelerating. When the battle was just started, he would fly seven or eight miles away at most when he suffered the heavy blow just now.

But the god who talked to him just now had an urgent tone. It may be that the movement of the moon has already had a great impact on Dan's planet.

However, the acceleration of the rotation of a star will not produce changes in gravitational force. The high probability of the acceleration of the moon's rotation will only cause the sea tide on the Dan planet. If you want to have a great impact on the Dan planet... If nothing else, the moon Getting closer to the planet Dan!
Holding the Shadow Bearing Sword in his hand, Zhong Ye turned into a shadow and approached the evil Moon God at an extremely fast speed.

Now he still has some doubts, why the fighting ability of the evil Luna has suddenly decreased so much, it turns out that it has moved the gravitational balance point of the earth-moon system, if it is not contained, the moon will definitely hit the Dan planet.

Arriving in front of the evil Moon God, Zhong Ye suddenly jumped out of the void like a fish jumping out of the water. At this time, the long sword in his hand had been replaced by Chun Jun.

Fierce brilliance bloomed from the sword body, rushing towards the evil moon god.

A fifty-kilometer-long sword light swept across the moon, not only cutting the body of the evil Moon God in two, but also sweeping away countless black mud.

Afterwards, Zhong Ye took out Chi Xiao again, and threw his sword into the ground.

A vast sea of ​​flames was born from this, instantly igniting the half moon.

Even so, the evil moon god was not harmed in the slightest!

It is the evil half of Luna, who was born from the concept of 'moon', the moon is it, but it is not the moon.

The evil Luna can control everything on the moon, can accelerate its rotation, and can also leverage the gravitational balance point, so that the moon is captured by the gravity of the Dan planet and falls to the planet full of life.

However, hurting the Moon does not cause the evil Luna to take damage.

It is a 'god', even if it is only the half body of a complete primitive god, it is still a god.

There is no way to destroy a god just by destroying the body and obliterating the soul.

There are two ways to completely destroy a god. The first is to let the god die by itself, and the second is to eliminate the belief in that god.

But the evil moon god is still a 'half' primitive god, and it doesn't need faith to survive.

Therefore, the easiest way to completely kill the evil Luna is to smash the entire moon into pieces!
Xu Shi got tired of Zhong Ye's obstruction, and the evil Moon God suddenly mobilized the gravitational force of the entire moon, allowing the gravitational force of other places to concentrate on Zhong Ye.

If Zhong Ye felt something, he didn't have time to dodge it. The huge amount of gravity landed on his shoulders like a skyscraper, smashing him into the ground.

what is this?
Feeling the huge gravity that descended on his body, Zhong Ye felt that his internal organs were about to be crushed, and immediately fired his spiritual energy to explore upwards.

However, his psychic energy has not been able to touch any 'matter'.

——It's 'gravity'!
Suddenly, Zhong Ye realized what was going on.

The psychic energy that was supposed to lure Long Yuan then turned and fetched another sword for him.

When Zhong Ye held the handle of the sword, a soft brilliance emanated from the deep pit pressed by his body. This ray of light illuminated the moon and reflected in the pupils of the evil moon god.

The light is neither intense nor dazzling, like the gurgling water of a stream, like the gentle spring rain, but it is also unimaginably corrosive. Wherever the light goes, the mud will gradually dissipate.

Even the evil Moon God couldn't resist this erosive force, and his body surface slowly evaporated.

——The highest kindness is like water, which is called "Zhanlu"!
The evil Moon God immediately drew his sword and slashed, but the giant sword in its hand began to melt in mid-air, and when it cut into the ground, only the spine of the sword remained.

The power that restrained Zhong Ye also disappeared invisibly.

A black shadow sprang out from the deep pit, Zhong Ye leaped high, the long sword in his hand was replaced by Chun Jun, his muscles swelled, and he chopped down Huashan Mountain with all his strength.

The blooming radiance cut the evil moon god in half from the beginning to the end, and the gravitational force of the evil moon god gathered on Zhong Ye instantly disintegrated, and returned to all parts of the moon.

Zhong Ye didn't dare to stop, and immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue, and took another step forward, changing the blade of the sword in his hand into Longyuan, shaking the starlight.

The starlight dragon was born from the void, and bit off the left shoulder of the evil moon god with one bite.

But a figure emerged from the shadow of the evil moon god, stretched out his right hand to strangle the starlight dragon's head, and crushed it to pieces.

At this moment, Zhong Ye pulled out Chi Xiao.

With a single swing of the sword, the flames tore through the silence and darkness of space, and ignited the entire evil moon god.

Just as Zhong Ye was about to swing his sword, he suddenly switched the long sword in his hand to Chengying, and slid into the shadows and darkness.

The next moment, the moon trembled violently!
The huge earthquake spread all over the surface of the moon, whether it was the lunar sea, the lunar land or the moon valley, they were all shattered under this blow.

This movement cannot be hidden at all, even people on the ground, as long as they raise their heads, they can see that the moon seems to suddenly expand in a circle.

In fact, it was the debris and dust ejected by centrifugal force after the lunar surface was broken.

Although it is 'fragments' and 'dust', even 'dust' is as big as a boulder on the ground, and 'fragments' are like mountain peaks.

Only such huge things can be seen clearly when people look into space with the naked eye.

"Huh? Is the moon approaching?"

Someone finally figured this out, and because of this, they were able to see the 'expansion' of the moon.

[Zhong Ye! 】

Zhong Ye jumped out of the void, stood on a gravel flying in the air and looked up at the evil Moon God in the distance. Hearing the voice in his mind, he gritted his teeth and roared: [Suppress the tidal effect! 】

He still has no way to smash the moon in one fell swoop. When the moon is closer to Dan's planet, he will have the opportunity and ability to smash the moon!
[Can't suppress it, you can weaken the Moon God again! 】

Hearing this, Zhong Ye was silent for a while, and drew out the tenth sword.

Now is the time when the world is in crisis...

When that sword was held by Zhong Ye, the world seemed to lose its brilliance—one side of the sword was engraved with the sun, moon and stars, and the other side was engraved with mountains, rivers, grass and trees.

——Being responsible for the world and benefiting all people is called 'Xuanyuan Xiayu'!
Zhong Ye swung down the sword of the holy way of the world and all living beings, and the body of the evil moon god was crushed immediately, and the earth on this side of the moon was smashed to pieces.

【here you go! 】

The evil Moon God was crushed by this sword and temporarily lost his will, unable to intentionally cause the tides on the ground to rise.

This is a huge help to people on the ground.

But to Zhong Ye, this sword - came too early!

(End of this chapter)

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