Soul echo

Chapter 93 Learning Outcomes

Chapter 93 Learning Outcomes
Lilian looked at her teacher curiously, always feeling that he seemed a little tired?
Zhong Ye suddenly raised his eyes to look at Lilian, the girl panicked for a moment, and then he said, "Test you, what day is today—a reminder, there will be days every month, but you didn't experience the days last month."

Lilian's little brain turned subconsciously, and she thought of the answer before the barrage prompt came out.


She looked at Zhong Ye nervously, afraid of hearing a negative answer from him.

Zhong Ye showed a smile, raised his hand and touched Lilian's head, "Correct, since it's a dark moon, then..."

"There will be resurrection of the undead!" Lilian answered.

Then, she looked left and right, looked at the surrounding trees, suddenly realized something, and opened her mouth slightly.

"Get ready." Zhong Ye patted the bag beside him, "I've prepared everything for you. If nothing happens, you will experience your first actual battle tonight."

The girl's breath was stagnant, and she pinched the corners of her clothes with both hands.

She has been Zhong Ye's student for a while, and she has been studying all the time. She has been strictly protected by Zhong Ye, and she has never conducted an actual combat. The only thing that is closer to actual combat is daily hunting.

But that was only against some non-aggressive herbivores, Zhong Ye never let her face carnivores.

—Are you going to face actual combat tonight?
To be honest, Lilian felt that she was not ready yet. She hadn't really exercised for several years. Could the exercise in the game really help her defeat the undead?

They had left Hot Springs and continued on to Aspalatos.

Zhong Ye seemed to have made plans a long time ago. When replenishing supplies in the hot spring city, he bought some magic-eliminating supplies by the way. These items can allow ordinary adventurers to cause damage to undead.

Lilian took out the holy water and silver powder from the bag, and enchanted the weapon according to the method taught by Zhong Ye.

Applying holy water on the light sword and pressing silver powder into the blood groove of the crossbow bolt are just two simple tasks, but she is sweating profusely.

As the sky gradually darkened, Lilian became more and more nervous. She sat cross-legged like Zhong Ye and put the light sword on her lap, but the situation did not improve.

Seeing her appearance, Zhong Ye sighed: "Take a deep breath and adjust your breathing rate."

It was only then that Lilian remembered that she still had a skill called [Breath Adjustment]. After using it, her breathing automatically became longer, and her mind was immersed in the breathing, and she was indeed no longer so nervous.

This skill is amazing!

Lilian finally realized that for her, [Breath Adjustment] is the real magical skill.

The only pity is that [Adjustment of Breath] can only be used in a non-combat state, and she cannot be kept calm during the battle.

After going offline for dinner and going online again, Lilian found that she became nervous again, and this time she couldn't suppress it even with [Breath Adjustment].

"... Teacher, can I really do it?"

Looking at the barrage that kept drifting past her eyes, Lilian asked quietly.

Glancing at her, Zhong Ye chuckled: "You can have no confidence in yourself, but you can't doubt my coaching ability - I've said that, what do you think?"

The worry on her face could no longer be stretched, Lilian pursed her lips into a smile, raised her head, and looked towards the dark and deep woods.

The bloody moonlight shone into the sparse and withered woods, not only did not illuminate the distant scenery, but made more shadows looming, as if they were wriggling and shrinking.

If she was here alone, she might be afraid and shrink back, but now that Zhong Ye is sitting beside her, what is there to be afraid of?

"Look out, something is coming."

Because this was Lilian's first actual combat, Zhong Ye decided to take care of her, and reminded her aloud: "The speed is very fast, it is on your left."

Lili was startled in peace of mind, and subconsciously looked at Zhong Ye, only reacted when she saw those slightly dissatisfied eyes, hurriedly groped around, and stood up in a panic after grabbing the hand crossbow.

Raising the hand crossbow and aiming at the dark forest, Lilian's breathing gradually became heavy, and her mouth became parched.

"Don't worry, don't worry, the teacher is right behind, the teacher is right behind..."

With her eyes fixed on the darkness, Lilian kept muttering hypnotically, her finger on the trigger tightened, and she slowly pulled the light saber out of its sheath.

The viewers who saw this from the live broadcast angle couldn't help but get nervous, knocking on the barrage one after another, trying to remind Lilian, but the girl had already put her full attention on the front and had no time to pay attention to the barrage.

His eyes wandered back and forth in the shadows of the woods, his ears seemed to be blocked, and he couldn't hear anything.

Lilian stood there stiffly, as if she could feel something approaching, but she didn't know where that thing was.

This feeling is very annoying, making her feel as if there are countless eyes peeking at her from all directions.

Not under a tree, nor hidden in a bush, so...on a tree!
Lilian clenched her teeth, and suddenly raised her head, and she saw an ape with red eyes on a branch!
The audience couldn't help exclaiming - Lilian is still underage, and her filter cannot be turned off, but the adult audience saw from the live broadcast that most of the body was rotten, and there were a few places where the bones were faintly exposed. Ape corpse.

The ape squatted on the branch, grinning at Lilian, looking very ferocious.

When Lilian saw the ape, she held her breath for an instant, because she could smell the stench emanating from that monkey.

It's just that Zhong Ye taught her that any sense is important during battle, so she didn't turn off her sense of smell.

The girl did not raise the hand crossbow, because Zhong Ye had reminded countless times that in the absence of teammates, there is usually only one chance to use the hand crossbow in a battle, and the hand crossbow should only be used when it is confirmed that it can kill the enemy. Best timing for crossbows.

One person and one monkey stood in a stalemate. Gradually, Lilian began to feel the cold.

The cold feeling also calmed her down a little, allowing her brain to start functioning again.

- Can't go on like this anymore!
Lilian recalled Zhong Ye's crisp fighting style, so she moved her steps and approached the ape.


The ape suddenly let out a loud cry and jumped down from the branch.

Lilian was taken aback, subconsciously raised her sword, and used [Light Sword Quick Strike].

——Zhong Ye deliberately cultivated her reaction in this aspect during the training, so the girl's first reaction after being frightened was to attack in the direction of the sound.

The judgment of the strength of the sword is passed, the judgment of the angle of the sword is passed, and [Light Sword Quick Strike] can be successfully activated.

The skill automatically corrected the blade's landing point for Lilian, so that her sword would cut the ape's jaw from the bottom up.

The girl took half a step back, resisting the leaning body. The ape's arms were not as long as the blade of the light sword, and after Lilian's upper body leaned back, she failed to catch her body.

The ape fell to the ground, and the stench from it became more intense. Before it could stand up, Lilian aimed the crossbow at its body and pulled the trigger.

Her shooting skills have not yet reached the level of pointing and hitting. Compared with the smaller target's head, the body is easier to hit.

The crossbow is filled with silver powder, as long as it hits the body of the undead, it will cause damage to it!

The crossbow easily penetrated the ape's body and pinned it to the ground.

The undead screamed and slapped the wound constantly, trying to extinguish the flames that spewed out from there.

Seeing its appearance, Lily felt relieved, stepped forward, stabbed the light sword, and nailed the ape to the ground.

The light sword passed through the skull, and the holy power attached to the sword by the holy water instantly poured into the body of the undead and ignited it.

The ape was quickly burned to a pile of ashes. Lilian leaned on the light sword and stared blankly at the ground.

A moment later, she was awakened by the barrage, and the people cheered as if they had defeated the undead ape with their own hands.

Lilian suddenly felt the weight on her shoulders, turned her head and saw a big hand on her shoulders, and saw Zhong Ye who was smiling happily.

"Good job."

The weight on the shoulders disappeared again, and Zhong Ye, who was fully armed, walked past her and pulled out the straight knife hanging from his waist.

"Next, take a good look and study hard."

The straight knife emitting a cold light pointed at the woods, Lilian looked along it, and found many pale, transparent wolves from the gloom, and they were surrounding them.

But she felt no fear at all—

Because Zhong Ye stood in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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