Soul echo

Chapter 95 Fortune (1)

Chapter 95 Fortune ([-])

"Teacher, why did you accept the employment?"

The guards and attendants were cleaning up the camp. Lilian stood beside Zhong Ye, far away from the camp, and asked in a low voice, "Didn't you say you don't like trouble?"

"That's what I thought at first." Zhong Ye folded his arms and shook his head, "But they gave too much money—I still have a school to support, and I'm short of money."

Lilian looked at Zhong Ye in shock. In her heart, Zhong Ye had always regarded money as dung, but now he said such words in a serious manner!

"Your Mightiness!"

When the camp was about to be cleared, a servant ran over.

He looked at Zhong Ye with admiration. Under the order of the guard leader last night, he had to stand beside the carriage in the center of the camp with his shield up. He saw Zhong Ye come out from behind the killers and easily killed a dozen of them. killer.

"We are about to leave, may I ask if you are..."

Zhong Ye said: "We will follow behind the team, you don't need to take special care of us, just follow your original pace."

The servant ran back and reported to the guard leader, who then cast a puzzled look at Zhong Ye and the others.

Two people but only one horse, is that horse so powerful?

But since Zhong Ye said so, the guard leader didn't intend to spend more time persuading him.

Every extraordinary person has his own temper. Although Zhong Ye seemed to be easy to get along with, when negotiating with him, the guard leader clearly felt that he was impatient with them.

——He didn't even intend to hide this emotion from the beginning!
Zhong Ye carried a lighter luggage on his back. He had already adapted to the running speed of the pack horse, and it wouldn't have much exercise effect if he continued, so he chose to carry the weight.

The team started moving slowly, and it didn't take long for people to stare dumbfounded at Zhong Ye running to the side of the team carrying a luggage that he knew was heavy.

The leader of the guards on the horse watched Zhong Ye overtake him, he was dumbstruck, unable to make any reaction.

No wonder the two of them only need one horse, that's why!

With his legs clamped between the horse's belly, the leader of the guards chased after him, knowingly asking: "Your Excellency, what are you... doing?"

Zhong Ye glanced at him, "Exercise."

Of course I know it's exercise, but are you going to keep running like this?Don't you feel tired?
The guard leader opened his mouth slightly, but in the end he couldn't ask these questions.

The speed of the team gradually increased, but Zhong Ye followed the side of the convoy all the time. There were many curious eyes staring at Zhong Ye in the convoy, wondering when he would feel tired, but until the team rested, Zhong Ye did not show any fatigue.

It only took a few hours for people to look at Zhong Ye from shock to numbness to admiration.

Originally, they admired Zhong Ye very much, but now they had to be convinced.

He is already so powerful, but he is exercising even when he is on the road, and he still does not forget to teach his disciples when he is resting.

Judging by the attitude that his disciples are accustomed to, I am afraid that he has continued to behave like this for a long time.

It was precisely because of this kind of admiration that the people in the team did not dare to approach Zhong Ye easily, and even if they came into contact with him, they were ordered by the guard leader.

The leader of the guards sat on the side of the carriage protected by all the guards, and began to regret his decision to hire Zhong Ye.

——He is too self-disciplined, so self-disciplined that it can make people creepy!

Even though he is already so strong, but he still works so hard, what exactly does he want to do?Become a 'Legend'?Even if you want to become a legend, how can you achieve this level?
After a break until the afternoon, the team set off again.

Zhong Ye looked at the map, and it seemed that this team did not intend to get close to the town. If they followed the current route, they would just miss the nearest town.

He had seen a leader leave the carriage to observe the surrounding geography, indicating that they were deliberately avoiding towns.

Who is this team protecting?

There are so many killers coming to attack, and they don't plan to enter the town, is it because they are afraid that more killers will appear in the town?

Zhong Ye led Lilian to walk on the edge of the team, silently observing the team from the perspective of an outsider.

But he was just a little curious and didn't intend to reveal the answers to these questions.

Now he joins the team as a mercenary, accepting money for work and ignoring the rest.


A few birds flapped their wings and flew under the branches. Zhong Ye felt it, and looked up into the distance.

He broke off a corner of the bread and stretched out his hand, but none of the birds stopped and flew directly over his head.

Zhong Ye put the broken bread into his mouth, chewed it slowly, got up and walked towards the convoy.

Soon, the people in the team noticed Zhong Ye's movements - he had joined the team for a day or two, but he rarely had contact with them.

After swallowing the salty jerky whole, the guard leader walked over to meet Zhong Ye, "Your Excellency, what's the matter?"

"There seems to be something going on over there."

The guard leader looked in the direction of Zhong Ye's finger, and heard: "Is that the direction the team is going?"

The leader of the guard looked into the distance, and slowly frowned, "Please wait a moment!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked back to the convoy, calling out the passerby.

The leader of the team is a middle-aged man, he has a wealth of travel experience, even the leader of the guard can detect the movement, in his eyes there is nothing to hide.


The guide also frowned, and asserted: "Mr. West, we have to change the route! There may be a powerful monster hunting over there. Our team's goal is too big. If we get close, we may be killed." recognized as food by it."

"Then change it!" The guard leader replied without thinking, "As long as you can reach Aspalatos safely!"

For a team, temporarily modifying the route is a big taboo, and neither the leader nor the decision-maker will make such a decision unless it is absolutely necessary.

After making a decision, the leader of the guard came here to inform Zhong Ye.

Now the most powerful person in the team may be Zhong Ye - in order to deceive others, the strength of the guards in their team is not considered strong.

When the team was attacked two days ago, the guard leader realized that their whereabouts had been exposed, and there might be stronger enemies waiting for them, so even if the situation was unknown, they could only hire Zhong Ye.

The leader returned to the carriage to study the map. The team would not be able to set off in a short time, so the leader of the guards ordered the guards to step up their precautions—his nerves were extremely tense right now, to the point where he doubted everything that was happening around him.

He seriously suspected that the movement ahead was not a coincidence, but caused by the killers who attacked the camp two days ago.

When Lilian went online, she saw Zhong Ye studying with a book in his hands, which was out of tune with the tense atmosphere of the motorcade beside him.

There are many mages living in the hot spring city, so naturally there is Shetil's library. Zhong Ye spent a lot of money in the library to buy many books, all of which are "Herbology", "Materials Commonly Used in Alchemy", "One Hundred Kinds of Alchemy" Miscellaneous studies such as "Monsters You Don't Know".

Lilian didn't know what Zhong Ye wanted to do, but she was encouraged by seeing him working hard. She turned on the virtual screen and started to learn advanced mathematics—this is the latest function of "Echo of Soul". If you feel bored, you can also use hosting, and then do other activities.

In the afternoon, the team set off again.

Perhaps because all the animals had run away, there was no movement in the distance.

But the guard leader has decided to change the route, he does not intend to fight a powerful monster that might exist.

Ahead, there may be more dangerous things waiting for them...

(End of this chapter)

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