Soul echo

Chapter 99 Fortune (5)

Chapter 99 Fortune ([-])

The sharp and piercing sound instantly filled people's ears, and with the breath of the top predator, the horses were frightened one after another.

The coachmen subconsciously pulled the reins and did not let the horses out of control, but the convoy also galloped because of this. If the coachman hadn't controlled the direction, these carriages might collide with each other.

Lilian couldn't control the pack horse either, so she followed Zhong Ye's teaching at the beginning and clamped her legs tightly around the horse's belly. As long as she wasn't thrown from the horse's back, everything would be fine!

Zhong Ye and the spider flew backwards at the same time, the spider landed on the trunk of the giant tree, and Zhong Ye stepped on the ground with both feet, plowing two cracks on the ground.

The servant who was hit by the backpack hugged the skin bag, and stared blankly at Zhong Ye's back that was getting further and further away with the others.

"Your Excellency Zhong Ye!"

The leader of the guard tried his best to pull the reins, but the horse under him couldn't turn his head back. He could only turn his head and look behind him, shouting with all his might.

The same is true for many guards sitting in carriages and horsebacks. The horses that were originally obedient are now completely disobedient, and they can only watch as they are moving away.

"Run! Don't stop!"

While roaring, Zhong Ye stepped towards the giant tree, walking with his back to the convoy.

The spider's long legs kicked the tree trunk alternately, turned its body direction, saw Zhong Ye rushing forward, jumped off the tree trunk, waited patiently, and when he rushed in front of him, he jumped forward!
Two ferocious fangs opened, and the two limbs swept from both sides in a closed state. At this moment, the warrior stopped and let out a loud shout.

The chest cavity expands, the breath gushes out, the muscles and membranes are stirred, the strength is extracted from the muscles and bones, directed to the arms, and the big sword is swung.

The moonlight comes later and comes first, chopping on the spider's fangs.

The result was almost exactly the same as before, the extraordinary weapon collided with the fangs, but it was comparable, and even Zhong Ye had to bear the spider's huge impact, and his body couldn't help but fall backwards.

Before being hugged by the spider, the warrior twisted his wrists, kicked his legs on the ground, jumped into the air with his strength, and jumped over the spider's back.

The remaining strength of the forward pounce was not exhausted, the huge body of the spider shoveled across the ground, and a lot of soil was pushed up.

It was as if a battlefield had been divided. The dirt piled up high by the spiders blocked the sight of Zhong Ye and the convoy, and also prevented the possibility of Zhong Ye escaping from that direction.

Zhong Ye turned over and landed on a tree root, the solid feel of his feet almost made him think it was the ground.

The spider crawled up, its body and limbs trembling slightly, and when it turned around, it shook off the dirt sticking to its ears and tentacles.

It neighed at Zhong Ye, turned into a black shadow and rushed over.

Hearing the sound of the tips of the limbs kicking on the ground, feeling the flow of the air, and staring at each setae moved by the wind as the spider moved through the wind, Zhong Ye took a deep breath.

The spider rushed up along the roots of the tree, at a very fast speed, and came under Zhong Ye in an instant.

This time it learned how to be smart, one of its legs flicked, and it punched out like a boxer.

The warrior squatted down, watching coldly as his footsteps pushed the air to fly over, and the oncoming 'fist wind' blew his temples and hair.

When the leg was about to extend to the limit, Zhong Ye suddenly jumped out, dragging the big sword and sliding under the spider's chest.

Ten fingers and palms tightened immediately, pulling the big sword and swiping downwards.


A series of sparks burst out as the blade touched the spider's chest and abdomen!

Zhong Ye landed and immediately sprinted forward. The moment he disappeared in place, a spider fell from the sky.

They fled and chased, running between the roots of the trees. The spider was much more familiar with this terrain than Zhong Ye, and soon blocked his way.

Facing this giant spider, Zhong Ye charged forward without stopping.

The spider's two tentacles shot out suddenly, even knocking the air.

The air flow was surging, Zhong Ye didn't hesitate, and ran against the swipe of the tentacles, and performed the same trick a second before the tentacles hit him, shoveling under the spider.

He passed by the spider, stood up with the strength of his waist and abdomen, and then squatted down while the strength was still there.

The muscles of both legs tensed rapidly, and the martial artist took a breath from his dantian, and immediately released the restriction on his legs, and his body suddenly rose like a spring.

The spider suddenly turned around, but failed to find the human figure behind it, swaying left and right, trying to pursue it.

The tentacles and listening hairs swayed slightly, making it feel the changes in the sky above.

- It's too late!

Zhong Ye descended from the sky with the moonlight, and chopped the blade of the sword into the joints of the spider's legs and legs.

He could feel quite obvious stagnation, and the shock also rushed along his arms to his body.

Both feet seemed to be firmly attached to the spider's body, feeling the furious vibration of the giant beast under his feet, Zhong Ye was never shaken by the spider.

The spider quickly discovered this, and ran towards the giant tree with its head buried.

At this moment, another round of breathing allowed Zhong Ye to regain his strength, and then he raised the strength of his whole body and violently pressed down the big sword!
One of the spider's steps broke at the sound!

The body staggered suddenly and hit the roots of the tree.

Zhong Ye jumped backwards, and just as he landed, he saw the spider suddenly turn over and crazily bite the air.

Only one foot was broken, and the movement is quite flexible...

Taking a deep breath, Zhong Ye put the big sword on his shoulder, pressed the handle of the straight knife with his left hand, and walked forward boldly.

The tentacles flickered slightly, and the spider turned to face Zhong Ye. Its tentacles rubbed against its fangs, hissing.

The boots suddenly imprinted into the mud, and the warrior suddenly pressed his body down, pouring strength from his limbs into the ground, pushing his body forward.

The spider waited patiently on the spot, and when Zhong Ye appeared in front of him, it jumped back suddenly, in mid-air, bent its abdomen, and pushed out several spinners.

Thick mucus spurted out, quickly solidified in the air, and turned into silk threads and shot to the ground.

Seeing this, Zhong Ye's heart skipped a beat, and he kicked the ground frequently, changing his steps to avoid the spider threads that came from him.

——Cannot be glued on, once glued on it is over!

The limbs hooked the silk thread, and the spider quickly weaved a spider web around it.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Ye paused, turned around resolutely and ran towards the direction the convoy was fleeing.

The spider was stunned for a moment, and the limbs that were weaving the web stopped in mid-air—it never expected that this human being would run away so decisively!
The next moment, the spider jumped out of the giant tree, threw off seven legs and chased after Zhong Ye.

Zhong Ye walked around the high mounds of soil, his eyes flicked back and forth and swayed from side to side on the surrounding trees.

Lightly kicking the tree trunk with the toes, the spider shuttled through the woods, like a phantom, and like a strong wind, driving the leaves to rustle.

The spider is like a dancer jumping in the air, pulling its body with its extremely tough silk thread, swinging dangerously across the ground, crossing the canopy of trees, and flying high into the sky.

In the eyes of the spider, the figure of the human being was getting closer and closer.

The fact is the same, in less than half a minute, the spider caught up with Zhong Ye.

It swooped down from a high altitude, and in mid-air, the spinning machine beat one after another, and all the trees in front of Zhong Ye and on both sides were glued together with silk threads, blocking his escape route, and he had to turn around to face himself.

The spider slammed to the ground behind him, and the samurai turned around suddenly, using centrifugal force to throw out the big sword.

The moonlight drew an arc, passed through the gap between the stabbing limbs, and hit the two fangs.

At the same time, Zhong Ye retreated violently - he let go of his hands!
The big sword that flew out collided with the fangs, and the two swinging tentacles fell into the air, leaving only a strong airflow to meet them.

His toes pulled the ground, his arches were raised, Zhong Ye stopped his figure, and immediately bounced back forward.

Just as the spider's movements were stopped, the straight knife suddenly came out of its sheath, drawing out a dazzling blade.

With inertia, the blade sliced ​​into the junction of another limb.

This time, the blade was also stuck between the limbs.

Facing the gnashing teeth and ferocious face that was close at hand, the warrior swung his fist and violently struck the back of the sword, cutting off the foot.

The spider twisted its head, its fangs suddenly opened, and rushed towards Zhong Ye.

At the critical moment, Zhong Ye did not retreat but advanced, and slid under the spider's body with a short body. At the moment it fell under the body, he jumped out from under the segment of the limb that was cut off before.

The high-raised sword swirled to the ground and plunged into the ground. Zhong Ye ran past and pulled it out.

With a shake of his arm, the mucus on the straight knife was shaken off and put into the scabbard. Zhong Ye continued to run away without looking back.

Losing two legs on the same side, it was difficult for the spider to continue chasing, so it could only be helpless and furious, venting its anger on the trees that Zhong Ye kept leaving behind, but it couldn't catch Zhong Ye.

At this moment, the body that had been tempered by running finally played a role. Zhong Ye could keep his speed at the peak for a long time, allowing him to quickly get away from the spider.

Not long after, there was no more attack from behind.

Zhong Ye breathed a sigh of relief, looked around, and quickly found the traces left by the convoy, and then followed the traces to chase after them.

(End of this chapter)

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