Chapter 66

"Sister, have you had liposuction? It's only been over half a month, and you've lost so much weight? You're so beautiful."

Su Sa couldn't help but looked at the fat man and said, "Fatty man, follow your sister's lead and counterattack, your seedlings are also good, hurry up and lose weight."

"She desperately tried to lose weight. She also took diet pills and went on a hunger strike. She also had liposuction during the time of self-cultivation."

The fat man said with disdain on his face: "I'm a healthy person, so I won't do things that ruin myself like that!"

"Brother, don't talk nonsense, okay?"

Hao Meili's cheeks were flushed, and she stomped her feet anxiously: "Okay, let's go quickly, if we continue talking, it will be dawn."


Su Sa opened the car door, gave a gesture, and several people got into the car together.

With the navigation on, Hao Qingsong couldn't stop talking.

"I said fool, why are you so powerful now, the chicken just now, I'm serious, I couldn't get close to it after a lot of effort, and its dodging ability is very strong.

The cage is only that big, and it poked straight at my eyes with the strength of a cow.

You said that a chicken, how can it be a big law, it is not as big as a sheep, how can it have such a strong attack power? "

"It's not that it's strong, it's just that you're too weak!"

Su Sa said with a smile: "Your speed is too slow, and you can't deal with agile attacks at all. You should strengthen your training at ordinary times, so as not to suffer in the future."

"Fool, what you are talking about is lightness. I originally practiced offense and focused on defense. That chicken is fierce. Apart from scratching my fur, it didn't hurt my eyes!

This chicken is really a thief!I must have revenge! "

"elder brother……"

Hao Meili couldn't help but interjected: "What we have to face now is chickens that no one has domesticated in the wild, mutated pheasants, those outside the protection circle contain nuclear radiation, unlike the chickens in our backyard, no matter how much they attack you, yes You did no harm either.

It is useless to study it now, why don't we ask our instructor to explain how to deal with those chickens in the wild. "

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Yishan, the Winged Warrior in the back row, finally spoke: "Actually, I can't be called a mentor, it's just what the adults ordered, and we will definitely do our best to complete it.

This time, it is also your first time to act. I am only responsible for protecting your lives and not participating in the battle.

But let me tell you about their characteristics first.

Mutated chickens, also known as nuclear radiation mutant chickens, generally the chickens you see are in flocks, but in fact, they belong to the group of summoning animals.

Generally, they live separately in their own territory, and only gather together when the chicken king calls.

And each territory has more than one king rooster, at least eight or more.

Once they occupy a mountain, or some plain territory, they will live together with the birds and beasts in it.

Under normal circumstances, they will not attack humans, but when the mating season is over, the chicken king will look for some hidden places if he wants to hatch chicks.

And when the chicks hatch, some roosters will step up their fights and fight over other people's territories when food is scarce.

If there is a human invasion at this time, it is the public enemy of chickens.

However, the most dangerous time is also the most rewarding time.

Often at this time, the chicken king will mutate and advance, and some chickens will even produce chicken treasures.

At this time, it is also the time when the chicken king is seriously injured and needs to rest.

It is also the bounden duty of all mutant pheasants to call all chickens to secretly protect their own safety.

Even, there will be a native chicken demon king to come to support.

The chicken demon king lives in groups, and has practiced for at least a thousand years.

Under normal circumstances, pheasants, after hundreds of millions of years of evolution and growth, also have a certain degree of self-defense. Even among chickens with phoenix blood, there are some pheasant demon kings with the power of nirvana.

Although you are first-level Ruins Beasts, you have not yet become warriors, so you can't take it lightly.

Especially in the face of the pheasant king, the mutated pheasant king has reached the standard of a second-level wild beast.

And the Pheasant Demon King has even reached the third level, and some of them over ten thousand years have even reached the fourth level of Ruin Beast.

If you are facing common pheasants, you can focus on attacking their esophagus.

The diet is hard all year round, and their esophagus has become the most vulnerable place.

The same is true for the pheasant king, but if he is facing the pheasant demon king, the esophagus attack will not work at all.

You can only attack their wings, first make them unable to fly, reduce their speed, and then attack their eyes.

It should be noted here that the balance of the chicken is the highest among all animals. If you want to attack it, it is best to use an irregular hidden weapon. "

"Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. Thank you, respected teacher, for popularizing these for us."

Su Sa acted confidently: "It seems that there must be another bumper harvest tonight."

"Mentor." Hao Meili asked doubtfully, "How do we distinguish the grades of those beasts?"

"This~" Zhang Yishan was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to express it.

"It's very simple. The more powerful the monster is, the more special it is in the group. Generally, it is like a king, and it is supported by the group, and its size will be too large."

Su Sa added: "However, some hairs are golden yellow, white, or the head and tail are different from others of the same kind. Basically, they are either elites or kings."

"What you said is right, but not all right, it depends on the type."

Zhang Yishan said with a silly smile: "Specifically, I have always relied on my intuition and combat experience. These monsters are constantly evolving, and some are good at hiding, so I can't generalize them."

"Hey~ They're all monsters, they're all monsters, anyway, just hit them!"

The fat man happily said: "Tonight is the first time in my life to go to the wild to fight monsters, brother, I must show my skills."

"Brother, I'm a little nervous. I don't know if the herbs I prepared are enough."

Hao Meili was a little tense. Seeing that the population was getting thinner, it was estimated that she would not be far away from the protection circle.

"After leaving the protection circle, I will set up an enchantment for the car. You just hide in it obediently and don't go out."

Zhang Yishan said with a smile: "You don't have the need for actual combat yet. Watching and emulating on the spot is a very effective learning for you."

"You have come so far, why don't you touch monsters?"

The fat man was a little disapproving, and said to the instructor: "Would you underestimate my sister too much? She will also become a warrior in the future, and she has the qualifications to spread wings. Come here, of course I have to do it!"

"No, brother."

Hao Meili's eyes were a little evasive, and her heart was already trembling.

She was extremely unconfident and afraid: "I want to hide, just watch from a distance, I'm afraid I will cause trouble for you."

"Sister Hao, it's okay, don't come out if you're afraid, your Brother Su killed some chickens for you to see,"

Su Sa eased the atmosphere and said with a smile: "At that time, if the fat man pees in fear, I will take a picture and send it to your Moments. I will be out of the protection circle soon, fasten your seat belt, let me slow down first, and I will speed up when I pass the barrier Already!"


The enchantment of the protection circle is a strong attack bomb, and the weak ones walk through it.

Gently drive out of the protection circle, for a while, the mountains, rivers and lakes are waiting in the dark~
(End of this chapter)

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