Kill monsters for money

Chapter 83 The Little Mermaid

Chapter 83 The Little Mermaid

But a large water tank not far away caught Su Sa's attention.

The cold big water tank is decorated very warmly.

Wang Peng walked over, his eyes softened instantly.

A beautiful little girl emerged from it. Half of her hands seemed to be tempered, and the tiny strands of hair on her head looked extremely sharp.

It has been tied up neatly and has a ball head.

The girl couldn't speak, looked at Wang Peng, just laughed.

Wang Peng took out a bunch of discarded batteries from the Qiankun bag and fed them to the girl.

She excitedly talked about swimming around in the fish tank, splashing water, so romantic.

This situation has been seen in sci-fi movies, the little girl who eats batteries.

At this time, Wang Peng opened another door, and there was a woman sitting inside, and her appearance was not bad.

It's just her, foolish and silly, who can only giggle.

Wang Peng moved her to the wheelchair and pushed her out.

Said: "Xiaohui, look, our daughter has grown up again, she can eat more and more, she really looks like you."

But the one named Xiaohui ignored him at all and continued to giggle.

Jiang Peng took out two breads and fed them to her, but she just smirked.

Ma Feixiang pulled Su Sa aside, walked aside and explained: "This is a good thing WK ​​did, they are now not only studying werewolves, but also those in the water.

You just passed by both sides of the passage and you saw that, those are the results of their research failures.

Every living person was persecuted by them.

Xiaohua was born to Xiaohui. She is the only child who has not been researched yet and survived.

She has to eat a lot of discarded batteries every day, and her body is gradually tempering.

I'm afraid that one day, after her whole body is tempered, there will be no signs of life anymore.

Xiaohui is also a poor woman. She was domesticated by WK since she was a child, and she was soaked in a poison jar.

As for Wang Peng, their story is long. "

"Could it be that the debt of love is irreparable again?"

"you could say so."

"Su Sa is all ears."

Ma Feixiang took him to a secret room, and there was a small pool in that secret room, which emitted a foul smell.

In order for him to understand what was inside, Ma Feixiang pulled a mouse with a broken leg out of the cage.

Put it in the pool to soak, and just put it in, it struggled desperately, as if it was in great pain.

After struggling for a while, take it out again.

A miraculous scene appeared.

The little white mouse with a broken leg grew two legs.

Su Sa was astonished and asked, "Is this water capable of regeneration?"


Ma Feixiang said: "This is all an illusion, the potion can last for ten hours, and every time it is soaked, the person involved will be in great pain.

Enduring the pain of thousands of ants eating bones, moreover, has an impact on people's life span.

But it is often those ten hours, as long as I can stand up and walk in front of the people I care about, no matter how much pain I endure, I am willing. "

It turns out that it is only temporary, this potion, don't worry about it.

Ma Feixiang continued: "When Xiaohui was three years old, she was brought into WK by a man named Tang Yongjie.

Tang Yongjie is a complete scum, controlling her life for 18 years.But Xiaohui regards him as her only relative.

When she was about to become a poison transporter, the den at that time was accidentally given away.

And this person who brought her up has become her dependence, and she regards that dependence as love.

The Wing Warrior who took away that den was Xiaohui's father.

In order to survive, Tang Yongjie uttered lies and gained her father's trust.

When she was 20 years old, the two were about to get married, but they were put together by the insidious and cunning Tang Yongjie. His father lost his life, and his mother was also arrested as a traitor to the Wing Warrior.

Tang Yongjie robbed her of her assets, imprisoned her, and tortured her infinitely.

Wang Peng, who fell in love with her at first sight and loved her deeply, founded a company, developed medicine, and secretly suppressed his ex-husband.

But unfortunately, Tang Yongjie was so tall that her ex-husband asked someone to drive him to death with a car, but in the end he didn't die, and his legs were amputated.

When he was on the verge of death, he was discovered by human traffickers, and he was taken back to make him a beggar.

Unexpectedly, the group that the beggar belongs to is also WK.

Bearing the burden of humiliation for 10 years, going deep into the lair, fighting against the murderers and others.

It took ten years to get revenge on his ex-husband, and finally got together with Xiaohui, but he couldn't give her a normal life.

When her ex-husband died, all her assets were recovered, and Wang Peng became a rich man.

Someone with a heart is coveting property, and seeing that she has no children and is over 40 years old, he wants to seduce her.

But Xiaohui's heart is dead, and she follows Wang Peng who gives her warmth.

Half a year later, Xiaohui found out that she was pregnant, but what was even more terrible was that some genetic mutations had occurred in the child in her womb.

After a detailed inspection, it was discovered that in addition to being soaked in poison, Xiaohui had also been planted with metal elements.

Wang Peng asked her to give birth to the child.

Resistance developed in her body and fused with the poison. When she was full term, she had to have a cesarean delivery.

When the child is born, it has no legs, but a fish tail, and the lower body is covered with scales.

Looking back at the video left by his ex-husband Tang Yongjie, he found that after Xiaohui got out of WK, Tang Yongjie continued to experiment and planted mermaid DNA.

Using one's own child as an experiment, this kind of beast should go to the [-]th level of hell.

After Xiaohui found out, she cried for a few days, but she did not give up on the child and raised her well.

But this child is not interested in any food, as long as he drinks milk, his whole body will be electrified.

Crying all day long.

Wang Peng inquired countless materials, and finally discovered the secret in the diary left by Tang Yongjie.

She can only eat batteries to maintain her life.

Wang Peng tried feeding a battery, and she swallowed it in one gulp.

Xiaohui thought that going on like this was not an option, she was already a half-crippled person, and the child was so young, there must be a way to save her.

For the sake of the child, Wang Peng continued to lurk in WK, trying to find an antidote.

But he could only stay inside for ten hours a day, which aroused suspicion from above.

And those coveters laughed at him for not being able to give Xiaohui happiness.

Finally one day, he couldn't help shouting, "I can give her happiness, and develop a potion that can regenerate fertility and grow real legs." '

Those pretenders were eventually killed by him.

During the period of lurking in WK, flaws were exposed many times.

Until you appeared, he was sent to carry out a mission to capture you. If you were captured at that time, it is estimated that you should have been developed into a werewolf by now.

Wang Peng hid in the dark and observed you for a long time.

Finding that you are different from ordinary people, there should be some kind of adventure.

After discussing with me, I decided to observe you for a period of time. I hope you are a person with three views and a certain ability and strategy.

With your qualifications and fortuitous encounters, you will definitely be able to expose the ugliness of WK and completely defeat this shady group. "


Su Sa doubted her ears a little. The story was very tortuous and miserable, but she was just a warrior who just broke through.

WK is going to be destroyed, but how can it have such a strong ability now?

"It's you."

Ma Feixiang patted him on the shoulder: "I have tested it, your potential is definitely not just that of an ordinary wing warrior. You are a spiritual master."

"For WK, you are also one that will be eradicated sooner or later. If you cooperate with us and help us, you are also helping yourself."

Afraid that he would not agree, Ma Feixiang continued: "I am willing to pass on what I have learned all my life to you."

(End of this chapter)

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