cosplay in the heavens

Chapter 139 Ziyun Wing Got It!

Chapter 139 Ziyun Wing Got It!
In a certain inn in Qingshan Town, Chen Yu couldn't help grinning when he noticed the charming picture that appeared in his mind.

He never imagined that the first time he used Longwai's avatar as eyeliner, he would encounter such a beautiful scene.

Chen Yu never thought of himself as a gentleman, nor would he abide by the rules such as do not regard evil as evil.

Why should I avoid the beauty I saw bathing with my own ability?

With this in mind, Chen Yu waited pleasingly for the little doctor to finish his bath before cheering up.

After changing into clean clothes, the little fairy doctor first went out to have dinner, and then returned to the room again, picked up a volume of medical skills, and began to study carefully.

Soon, night falls.

In the entire Qingshan Town, only a few households lit up their lights.

Most of the hunters still adhere to the habit of resting at sunset. When it gets dark, they close the door early and go to bed to rest.

Pushing open the window, I saw the dim moonlight and the beautiful eyes of the little doctor.

After midnight, she lightly blew out the candles in the room and slipped out quietly.

The Warcraft Mountains at night are far more dangerous than during the day.

Some powerful monsters prefer to hunt in this dark night.

This has also led to most hunters, regardless of whether they have caught prey during the day or not, they will insist on returning to the town before nightfall.

But there are exceptions. Sometimes, several mercenary regiments in Qingshan Town will organize a large number of people to go into the mountain for hunting in large quantities.

There are dozens of good hunters gathered together, as long as they don't stray into some special places by mistake, they won't encounter any great danger.

Originally, the little fairy doctor would never enter the mountain alone at night.

But that cave was of great value, once the slightest bit of news leaked out, all that was waiting for her was to fetch water from the bamboo basket.

Above the sky, leaden clouds billowed.

In the mountains, beast roars rise and fall.

According to the safe route that had been planned in the daytime, he quickly and nervously came to a cliff in the mountains, and the little fairy doctor tied the tough vines to the waist of the willow, and then slowly slid down.

Inside the inn, Chen Yu observed everything through the sight of the avatar.

Sliding down the cliff along the vines, the little fairy doctor swayed like a butterfly, and landed directly on a stone platform protruding outward.

Behind the stone platform, there seemed to be a dark cave, leading to the hinterland of the mountain rock.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a flash of light in the depths of his pupils.

Chen Yu got up slowly, raised his hand and pushed open the window of the room. With a leap, his whole body was like a wisp of green smoke, stepping on the demon for eight steps, turning into a blurred light and shadow, and plundering into the Warcraft Mountain Range.

After a stick of incense, Chen Yu followed the traces left by his avatar, and finally came to a tall and steep cliff as he wished.

Looking down at the vines trembling rapidly on the ground, the corners of Chen Yu's mouth rose, knowing that the little doctor had returned.

At this moment, on the cliff, the little fairy doctor wrapped her waist in vines, her pretty face was full of joy.

During this trip to the cave, what she gained far exceeded her original expectations.

She touched the ring on her slender finger excitedly, thinking of the hills of gold coins and medicinal herbs inside, she couldn't help but want to jump up and shout.

With plump breasts rising and falling, the little fairy doctor smiled, grasping the vines with jade hands, and finally climbed back to the cliff with great effort.

However, just as her delicate body jumped, her feet just landed on the ground, and the smiling middle-aged man stood in front of her with his hands behind his back, but her body froze instantly.

"Who are you?!"

The previous joy was gone, and the little fairy doctor looked at the strange face in front of her vigilantly, but her whole body suddenly became tense.

Although she didn't know the origin of the other party, but from the sharp eyes of the other party, she knew that the other party's cultivation was probably far beyond what she could resist.

"How come... I am obviously very careful, why am I still noticed by others?"

Pursing her red lips, the little fairy doctor thought to herself.

However, at the moment when she lowered her head slightly and lost her mind, the middle-aged man in front of her suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"not good!"

With an exclamation, the fairy doctor's hand had not had time to release the ecstasy, but he felt pain in his jade neck, and his vision immediately went dark.

On the cliff, carrying the little fairy doctor who had been knocked unconscious by himself on his shoulders, Chen Yu looked around and picked a nearby cave to go.

Bringing the little fairy doctor to the front of the cave, an angry animal roar suddenly came from the nearby forest.


In the dark corner, a black-horned leopard leaped out like lightning, its scarlet eyes stared at the human in front of it, its fangs were as sharp as blades, flickering fiercely.

However, when Chen Yu glanced at the monster lightly, the other party roared again, and then followed the original path, jumped back and disappeared.

Shaking his head helplessly, Chen Yu strode into the cave, put the little doctor aside, and finally found what he wanted in the other party's ring.

Looking down at the scroll in his palm, Chen Yu licked his lips, untied the carefully tied string on the scroll, and then slowly spread it out.

The pitch-black scroll spread out, and two chill-black eagle wings came into view.

Because the pair of eagle wings were drawn on the scroll, their shape is not large, but they emit a little heat faintly.

Looking at this strange appearance, it is obviously not a simple portrait.

The eagle's wings are dark in color, with some faint purple cloud patterns.

Looking closely, the wings are like black steel, with a special metallic texture, and the feathers on the eagle's wings exude a faint heat.

Chen Yu blew lightly on the top, his face was slightly startled.

I saw that under the light wind, the feathers on the eagle's wings were blown up like real wings, which was extremely miraculous.

His eyes swept over the eagle wings, and Chen Yu's eyes suddenly stopped on a line of small characters on the side, and he looked intently.

"The Black Flame Purple Cloud Eagle, a high-level flying monster, is said to have the rare blood of an ancient phoenix. Its flying speed is among the best among all flying monsters. It is cunning and cruel by nature, and it is extremely difficult to capture. It only lives in the cloud in the south of the mainland. zone."

"This volume of fighting skills is called Eagle Wing, also known as Ziyun Wing. It took me and several friends three years to successfully capture a Black Flame Ziyun Eagle, and use secret methods to take its wings, and finally formed this volume. A flying fighting skill that can be practiced by others, this fighting skill was drawn by me with fighting spirit before my death, it can only be practiced by one person, remember!"

Moved his palms to the scroll, lightly pressed the soft wings, took a deep breath, and slowly closed Chen Yu's eyes.

Not long after the palms were pressed against the wings, a tyrannical spirit suddenly emerged from the eagle wings.

It suddenly let out a trembling sharp cry, and the cry passed through the scroll, and finally along Chen Yu's arm, it hit his mind hard.

The sudden attack by the soul made Chen Yu tremble all over. Obviously, this situation was a little bit beyond his expectation.

However, after the initial loss of consciousness, Chen Yu's eyes sank slightly, and he snorted coldly in his heart, which also drove the shock of the soul out of his mind.

Seeing that the attack had no effect, after a moment of silence in the soul of the Ziyun Eagle, a violent emotion suddenly came out from the scroll, and then hit Chen Yu's mind again.

Seeing this, the corners of Chen Yu's mouth turned upward, and he took a deep breath again, holding his mind tightly, and firmly resisted the tyrannical emotions outside.

This secret contest lasted for more than ten minutes, and it ended slowly with the defeat of Ziyun Diao.

Although Chen Yu has not yet reached the soul state, he has not yet born a soul.

But after going through so much tempering, his mind and will have long been as firm as a rock, and ordinary spiritual attacks can't have much effect on him.

"As long as the soul in the scroll is resolved, you will be qualified to practice this flying fighting skill..."

Whispering to himself, Chen Yu smiled gratifiedly, and touched the eagle's wings with his palms again, but this time, he was not attacked again.

Pursing his lips, the stellar energy in Chen Yu's body began to slowly circulate in his body along the track described on the scroll.

After a while, the Gang Qi turned to the arm, and gradually rushed into the palm.

When Gang Qi appeared in the palm, the eagle wings above the black scroll suddenly became brighter, purple and black, getting thicker and thicker.

In the end, it turned into two tiny purple-black rays of light, which rushed into Chen Yu's palm like lightning.

After entering Chen Yu's body, two tiny purple-black rays of light flowed rapidly along the meridians.

When they flowed to the meridians on the back, they stopped suddenly, and then turned their heads, unexpectedly pulling the meridians abruptly into two extremely small branches!
These two branches extend from the main trunk and stop slowly when they reach the back.

The forcible opening of these two small branches made Chen Yu's face suddenly pale. Even though his will was strong, he couldn't help but groan in pain at this moment.

When Chen Yu came back to his senses from the severe pain, his whole body immediately felt a dull pain like a needle prick.

Chen Yu flipped his palm, and several small celadon bottles appeared in his hand. He tilted the mouth of the bottle, and poured out a few emerald green pills and put them in his mouth.

After taking these qi-nourishing pills that Yao Chen refined for Xiao Yan, the tingling pain all over Chen Yu's body slowly dissipated a lot.

Waiting for his body to recover, Chen Yu picked up the black scroll again, but found that all the characters and eagle wing pictures on it had disappeared.

At the same time, a pair of palm-sized black eagle wing tattoos unexpectedly appeared on his own back.

"Is this Ziyunyi..."

Whispering to himself thoughtfully, the Gang Qi surged in his body, and poured into the black eagle wing tattoo on his back along the two branched veins on his back.

Receiving the infusion of Gang Qi, the jet-black tattoo immediately released a faint purple brilliance.

In the end, it turned into real wings, and the area of ​​the black eagle wings also expanded from the size of a palm to about half a foot.

Looking curiously at the pair of eagle wings with purple patterns, Chen Yu controlled them and fanned them slightly, and a moderate buoyancy emerged from under him.

And under the effect of this buoyancy, Chen Yu also clearly noticed that his feet were off the ground, and he was truly suspended in mid-air!


Thank you book friend Hualuojun Duzui for your reward!

Recently, Qidian Reading and QQ Reading are doing activities. The monthly tickets voted for this book will be doubled, and a certain percentage of the rewards given to the author will be returned to book friends.

So the author has the cheek to ask for a monthly ticket and a reward!

During the event, the author will also explode more explosions and explosions. I hope that book friends will support this book a lot!
(End of this chapter)

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