cosplay in the heavens

Chapter 146 Purple Beast Fire

Chapter 146 Purple Beast Fire
This silver color is not the pale silver color mutated due to some disease.

It was as soft as a silver thread, fluttering and fluttering, which gave the silver-robed girl a strange attraction.

Taking a closer look, Chen Yu was amazed in his heart, no wonder this woman can make most people in the hall look hot.

This kind of style and temperament is really good.

Compared with her, the woman named Lin Fei lacked such ethereal temperament.

Especially the soft three thousand silver thread that is sterling silver but does not lose its luster makes some women can't help but feel a little jealous.

After sweeping his gaze, Chen Yu slowly withdrew his gaze, turned slightly sideways, and consciously stepped out of the way.

The silver-robed woman walked up slowly, walked past Chen Yu without looking sideways, and walked straight to Frank.

Standing aside, Chen Yu lightly sniffed the faint body fragrance left by the place she walked, smiled in his heart and praised: "Excellent."


Coming in front of Frank, a faint smile appeared on the delicate cheeks of the silver-robed woman.

The sudden smile was like the snow lotus blooming on the iceberg, making Renda feel amazed.

"Hehe, you're finally here. The old guy Otto can't wait."

Staring softly at the proud student in front of him, Frank smiled gratifiedly.

"Master Otto!"

The silver-robed woman turned her head slightly, and gave a slight salute to Otto who was rolling his eyes.

"Xuemei girl is still so polite, better than me... Cough, okay, okay, let's start quickly when you come."

Smiling and nodding, Otto turned his head, but looked at his student's pursed mouth, shook his head involuntarily, and hurriedly changed his words.

Slightly nodding her head, Xue Mei was also walking on the stone platform under everyone's gaze, and there happened to be only an empty platform between her and Lin Fei.

The two people looked at each other, and there were sparks flickering faintly. It seemed that the two of them did not seem to be in harmony.

"Hmph, don't blow up again later, it doesn't matter if you fail yourself, don't bother me."

The jade hand patted the medicine cauldron of the same model in front of her, Lin Fei straightened her nose and hummed softly.

"I think, even if there is no interference, the possibility of your failure should not be small."

Xue Mei smiled lightly, although she seemed a little cold on the surface, but she still had difficulty maintaining absolute calm for this opponent who had competed with her for several years.

"Cough, okay..."

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder between the two gradually became stronger before the assessment started, Frank shook his head helplessly

Smiling to Chen Yu at the side: "Friend, you can go there, hehe, it doesn't matter if you fail, you still have a lot of time."

Judging from the meaning in his words, it seems that Chen Yu has little expectation of successfully passing the examination.

After all, waiting until middle age to register as a pharmacist is hardly a good seed.

Shrugging, Chen Yu looked along Frank's finger, but shook his head helplessly.

Because he found that his position happened to be between the two women who were full of gunpowder.

The two girls, who were confronting each other, could not help but glance at Chen Yu when they heard Frank's arrangement.

After casually glanced at it, the two women withdrew their gazes and began to check the refining equipment on the stone platform.

Shaking his head helplessly, Chen Yu ignored the jealous gazes of the young colleagues behind him, and walked slowly into the stone platform.

The corners of his eyes glanced at each side. The different beauty of the two girls comforted him, and then he began to check the tools on the stone platform.

The basic requirement for a first-grade pharmacist is to successfully refine a formed elixir independently.

As for what kind of elixir, it can be set by the alchemist guild.

Chen Yu picked up a piece of parchment on the stone platform, and looked at it.

This prescription is a kind of pill prescription called Fuling Pill.

The effect of this magical pill can allow the person who has to take it to obtain the power of the spirit of the monster in a short period of time.

This kind of elixir, among the first-grade elixir, can be regarded as the top elixir.

Because the power of this magical pill depends entirely on the power of the monster's soul.

It's just that there are still many difficulties in successfully refining this pill without the spirit of the monster.

However, its effect will be greatly reduced, and the increase in strength it can bring is also negligible.

Holding the Fuling Pill prescription in his palm, Chen Yu glanced left and right, but found that everyone seemed to get different prescriptions.

And looking at the expressions of the two women next to him, it seemed that they were quite confident in the elixir he needed to refine.

"Is this old man trying to make things difficult for me?"

With a murmur in his heart, Chen Yu glanced at the smiling Frank, then shook his head helplessly, and turned his gaze to Shitai again.

On the stone platform, three copies of the medicinal materials needed for this elixir were neatly prepared.

That is to say, if anyone completely uses up these three medicinal materials during refining, then the assessment will fail.

Beside the medicinal materials, there are also several jade bottles with good color and luster, which should be used for the final pill loading.

"Have you finished the inspection? If there is no problem, then... the assessment begins!"

His eyes swept across the stone platform, and when he saw that no one was speaking, Frank waved his palm, and a burst of strength shot out of his palm, and finally smashed on the quaint iron clock at the top of the hall.

Immediately, the crisp chimes of bells rang out in the hall.

Hearing the ringing of the bell, all the examinees in the stone platform, except Chen Yu, quickly put their palms on the burner of the medicine cauldron.

Fighting energy surged out of their bodies, and immediately, with a few muffled popping sounds, flames were ablaze in the medicine cauldron.

When the flame inside the medicine cauldron was burning, a transparent light curtain began to rise slowly outside the stone platform.

The light curtain is in the shape of a square, enveloping all the examinees inside.

With the opening of the light curtain cover, the whispers in the hall became completely silent, and all the people were engrossed in the movements of the candidates in the stone platform.

Occasionally, they would nod secretly when they saw newcomers with good control.

Inside the stone platform, everyone started their own medicine refining, but Chen Yu was still calm.

This kind of appearance is like standing out from the crowd, and it is difficult not to attract attention.

At this moment, he was bowing his head and thinking about the expression and movements of the Purple Spirit Wing Lion King.

Ever since he saw the formula of Fuling Pill, Chen Yu wanted to integrate into the soul of the Purple Spirit Wing Lion King.

However, without killing the Purple Spirit Wing Lion King, Chen Yu naturally couldn't possess its soul for alchemy.

However, he can describe God!
Although the treasure technique of transforming the dragon from the outside of the dragon can only condense one's own incarnation, if it is just a step to describe the spirit, it can imitate all kinds of living beings.

While Frank and the others outside were angry at Chen Yu's delay in moving, inside the light curtain, Xue Mei and Lin Fei also looked at this middle-aged man who behaved too differently in astonishment.

Doesn't this guy know that time is running out?
At this time, Chen Yu naturally didn't know that his thoughts had attracted so many people's attention.

After pondering for a while, and sighing softly, Chen Yu slowly put his palm on the fire mouth, and finally started to move his hands.

The stellar energy in the body began to surge, passing through the meridians quickly, and then along the palm of the hand, with a soft sound, it was transmitted into the medicine cauldron.


With a muffled sound, the surging purple flame suddenly burst into flames from the medicine cauldron.

At the same time, outside the light curtain, Frank was angrily taking the tea cup from his subordinates. He had just taken a small sip, but the corner of his eyes suddenly saw the purple flame rising from Chen Yu's medicine cauldron. open wide.

With a "poof", all the tea in his mouth was rudely sprayed out by him...

The tea wetted the skirt of his clothes, but Frank couldn't control it. He pointed at Chen Yu in the light curtain with trembling fingers, and said in horror: "Purple flame? Different flame?!"

Hearing the sound, the hall was instantly dead silent, and all eyes suddenly turned to the middle-aged man in the light curtain.

"No, it's not a strange fire, but it should be an extremely rare beast fire!"

After a brief shock, Otto's eyes were bright, and he immediately saw the origin of the purple flame.

This fire is exactly the unique beast fire of the Purple Spirit Wing Lion King that Chen Yu obtained from the Purple Spirit Crystal.

In order to successfully complete the registration of alchemist, a good flame is essential.

It is naturally impossible for Chen Yu to expose his bone spirit cold fire to the public, so he had to borrow this purple beast fire first.

"I just said why I felt weird when I first met him. I didn't expect that he actually hid some strength under my nose. This man is quite mysterious..."

Otto had a long beard in his palm, and smiled at Frank: "I suddenly want to know his origin. Judging by his fire control methods, he should not be a novice!"


After talking for a while, as the two of them became quiet, the hall fell into peace again.

Only this time, most of the eyes stayed on Chen Yu.

Many people want to know whether this man who can control the suspected strange fire can still perform outstandingly in other aspects.

Chen Yu, who was under the mask, naturally didn't pay attention to the commotion in the hall outside because of the purple fire.

Under Xiao Yan's gentle refining, the embryonic form of the spirit pill was slowly taking shape in the medicine cauldron.

Although each stone platform in the light curtain is separated by a smaller square light curtain, Chen Yu's Zihuo is really too different.

So, shortly after he released it, Xue Mei and Lin Fei, who were on his left and right sides, turned their heads to the side.

When their sights caught sight of the rising purple fire, their beautiful eyes suddenly widened.

With a slight muffled sound, the medicinal materials being refined in the two people's medicine cauldrons were immediately burned to ashes by the flames under their distraction...

(End of this chapter)

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