Chapter 154
In the boundless desert, Chen Yu traveled hundreds of miles, and finally landed on a low mountain outside Mocheng again.

Qinglian's heart fire and bone spirit's cold fire gradually subsided from her body surface, gradually revealing a face of a middle-aged man with sharp edges and no anger.

Mind knowledge, after seeing the blue and white in his dantian, like yin and yang, Chen Yu exhaled lightly, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly again.

"Unexpectedly, this yin and yang alchemy technique is actually the way to step into the realm of sacrificial alchemy!"

In the ancient city of the temple before, after Chen Yu successfully subdued Qinglian's heart fire, he was immediately rewarded by the heavens system.

After obtaining the Yin-Yang Casting Alchemy, Chen Yu just glanced at it and knew that with the help of this technique, he would be able to condense the astral into a pill under the tempering of two kinds of different fires.

And the result was just as Chen Yu expected, he stepped into the realm of sacrificial alchemy as he wished.

And through the yin and yang casting alchemy technique, he even crossed to the middle stage of the alchemy realm in one fell swoop!
On the short mountain, Chen Yu stood with his hands behind his back, lowered his head and thought about the harvest of this trip to the desert, touched his chin, and couldn't help chuckling.

On the side, Hai Bodong looked at the middle-aged man in front of him in disbelief.

Now, even if he is a fool, he also knows that Chen Yu has successfully subdued Qinglian's heart fire, and his own strength has skyrocketed through this.

A pharmacist with two different fires...

Whispering softly, Hai Bodong's old face twitched violently. What he experienced today was like a dream.

With his old bones, he has lived for so long, but he has never seen such a scene.


After a long silence, Hai Bodong spoke hesitantly.

But before he finished speaking, Chen Yu withdrew his mind, glanced at the other party lightly, and said, "Don't worry, I will refine the elixir that breaks your seal."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Yu walked towards Mocheng not far away on his own.

Half a day later, under the respectful expressions of Otto and Frank, two fourth-rank alchemists, Chen Yu stepped on a Tracer Gryphon and disappeared into the sky.

Seeing Chen Yu leave, Otto and Frank looked at each other with deep bitterness.

Who would have thought that the man in front of him just left for a few days, went back and forth, and passed the examinations of fifth-rank and sixth-rank pharmacists one after another.

This kind of alchemy attainment is comparable to that of Jia Ma Empire's number one alchemist, Alchemy King Furukawa!
"A sixth-grade pharmacist, who the hell is this Xiao Zhan?"

Otto and Frank looked at the direction where Chen Yu was leaving, and smacked their lips with complicated faces, trying to say something, but they still couldn't make a sound.

With two different fires in his body, Chen Yu easily completed the fifth-rank and sixth-rank pharmacist assessments. Before leaving Mocheng, he handed over the ancient pill that could break the seal of the snake to Hai Bodong.

When Hai Bodong held Gudan in his hands, his whole body trembled with excitement.

For so many years, he has been tortured by the Snake Sealing Curse, and his cultivation base has plummeted. Seeing that his days are numbered, he did not expect that after meeting Chen Yu, he finally ushered in a turning point.

After Chen Yu left, Hai Bo Dongdang took Gu Dan, broke the seal smoothly, and returned to the peak of his combat power.

In an instant, a powerful wave swept across the entire Mocheng, making the entire city panic, not knowing what happened.

And right after he regained his strength, Hai Bodong didn't stop there, turned into a frightened bird, and flew towards the capital of the Jia Ma Empire.

With one foot on the back of the Skyhunting Griffin, it took Chen Yu nearly half a month to return to Wutan City slowly.

And at this moment, the vitality fluctuations in the Miaojiang Holy Gu reached its peak after several days of brewing.

"Crack la la."

In the depths of the Xiao Clan's mansion in Wutan City, a colorful light cocoon the size of a water tank burst, leaking countless rays of light.

Chen Yu stared intently at the Holy Gu of Miaojiang floating in mid-air, and he couldn't help feeling nervous and looking forward to it.

After successively refining the Amethyst Winged Lion King and devouring most of the power of the Colorful Sky Swallowing Python, what kind of existence will be born in the end?
Not far away, the glow was dense, and there were cracks and ravines the size of a thumb.

Large pieces of debris fell and turned into stars and dissipated.

A vague black shadow also gradually appeared in Chen Yu's field of vision.


When the last large piece of debris fell to the ground, a black shadow came as fast as lightning, and in the next second, it landed on Chen Yu's head.


In his mind, a childish divine thought came, which made Chen Yu startled slightly.

Feeling the fluffy ball on his head, Chen Yu stretched out his hands and hugged it off his head.

"This is…"

Seeing the little thing in his hand, Chen Yu immediately had a strange expression on his face.

At this moment, in his hands, a fluffy little thing was staring at him curiously with black eyes.

It was a creature shaped like a white tiger, only the size of two fists, but above the head, where the word "king" should have been, there was a vague imprint, like a butterfly dancing gracefully.

Just now, that childish voice came from this little thing.

"Isn't the Miaojiang Holy Gu a chrysalis? How did you get a kitten? Could it be that something happened?"

Seeing the little white tiger rubbing his palm affectionately, Chen Yu grinned involuntarily.

Who can believe this...

Not far away, Xiao Yan and Xun'er, who had been observing the opening of the chrysalis, surrounded them curiously.

"Ah, what a cute little guy!"

Seeing the fluffy little creature in Chen Yu's hands for the first time, Xun'er's beautiful eyes lit up with a gleam of brilliance.

Stretching out her slender hand, she held the little white tiger in her arms, and Xun'er lovingly stroked its smooth fur, which was tender and lovely.

"Father, I think this little thing has a strong aura, probably stronger than several elders in the clan."

Feeling the fluctuations emanating from the little white tiger's body, Xiao Yan couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Hearing this, Chen Yu also nodded in agreement.

Don't look at this little white tiger's innocence, but just after it was born, it does have the strength of the early stage of alchemy, but now it has not learned how to use it.

"Uncle Xiao, this little guy is so cute, what name should I choose?"

Holding the little white tiger and rubbing it against her pretty face, Xun'er blinked curiously.


A little embarrassment appeared on Chen Yu's face. Things like naming names have never been his strong point.

Back when he first played games in college, every time he registered a nickname for a game character, he had to struggle and hesitate for a long time.

"Just call me Xiaobai."

Bite the bullet, Chen Yu said.


Today's little white tiger seems to be unable to speak, and just keeps making baby-like hums.

It seems that seeing Chen Yu and others naming him, he immediately twisted his fluffy body cutely.

"Forget it, Xiaobai feels like the name of a dog, it doesn't quite fit..."

Touching his chin, he glanced at the little guy in Xun'er's hand, and Chen Yu said, "'s a mother... let's call it Tuanzi..."

As soon as the words fell, the little white tiger slipped out of Xun'er's hands, turned into a white shadow, and lay on Chen Yu's shoulder, rubbing his face affectionately.

"This little thing quite likes the name..."

After touching the smooth fur of the dumpling, Chen Yu couldn't help laughing fondly.

This little white tiger is really too cute...

"Yan'er, you should bring this little thing with you in your future cultivation."

Turning his head to look at the dumpling on his shoulder, Chen Yu raised his eyebrows and suddenly said.

This is a little creature with unlimited potential. God knows what kind of horror it will reach in the future. It must be cultivated well.

"Huh? I practice with this little thing?"

Xiao Yan was surprised, wondering if such a small thing knows what cultivation is.

As soon as the words were finished, Tuanzi stretched out its paws at Xiao Yan foolishly, and the air current in the air suddenly surged up, faintly like a small storm.

However, the storm didn't take shape, it just broke with a bang. Obviously, Tuanzi hadn't been able to control his own power, not even a tiny bit.


Seeing this, Xiao Yan was immediately dumbfounded.

Xun'er at the side, after being slightly startled, couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing: "Brother Xiao Yan, don't lose to Tuanzi..."

(End of this chapter)

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