cosplay in the heavens

Chapter 63 Fucheng

Chapter 63 Fucheng
"There seems to be something wrong..."

Chen Yu couldn't help frowning, obviously in the Broken Dragon Mountain Range, how could it be so quiet and harmonious here?
It's like a paradise.


Suddenly, a slight explosive sound came from a distance, which immediately made Chen Yu's nerves tense up.

When he followed the sound, he unexpectedly found that beside a deep pool, there was a bonfire burning ragingly.

The slight sound before was the crisp sound of dry wood cracking in the flames.

"Anyone here?"

Chen Yu hid in the dense bushes and looked in the direction of the campfire. He saw that the side was a little messy, with some objects scattered, but he didn't see anyone.

At this moment, a strong smell of meat wafted over, and Chen Yu turned around in surprise, just in time to see a young man with red lips and white teeth, holding a leg meat and staring at him curiously.


The moment he saw the other party, Chen Yu stepped on the demon and retreated seven or eight feet away. Seeing that the other party hadn't made a move, he stopped, and was afraid for a while.

When did the other party stand behind him?He didn't notice it at all!

Seeing Chen Yu running away like a frightened rabbit, the young man blinked his eyes curiously, went straight to the campfire, and sat down.

Ignoring Chen Yu, the boy ate the leg meat in his hand, and suddenly started to work.

Chen Yu looked over cautiously, and immediately felt his scalp tingling.

The other party was actually actively skinning and washing the flesh of a monster. Looking at the fluctuations emitted after its death, it had reached the second level!
Tier [-] monsters, they are ferocious birds that can rival those at the Vein Opening Realm!
To be eaten so casually by the boy in front of him, this...

Chen Yu's cheeks couldn't help twitching violently, what is the origin of the other party, so fierce!

Under the light of the flames, the boy pulled off the fur of the monster and washed the flesh and blood.

He took out a radiant dagger, cut off the animal meat and bones, and put them next to the campfire to smoke and roast them.

After a long while, the entire area around the deep pool was filled with a strong fragrance, making the mouth full of body fluids.

Sniffing the rich meaty aroma of this second-order monster, Chen Yu's belly instantly deflated, making a disappointing sound.

Since returning to the world of mythology, he has been on the run for the past few days, and can only eat dewy wild fruits to satisfy his hunger.

How can he resist the fat but not greasy smell of meat now?
Beside the bonfire, the mysterious young man was feasting, suddenly turned his head to look at Chen Yu, and muttered inarticulately: "Come and eat together."

Seeing that the young man didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, Chen Yu was relieved at first, but then he couldn't laugh or cry.

He always felt that this picture was a bit weird, as if he was a down-and-out beggar with no food to eat.

And all of this is thanks to Tu Ge who hunted and killed him and the people behind him who issued the decree!
Thinking of this, Chen Yu's chest was burning with anger.

After calming down a little, Chen Yu still sat beside the young man with a vigilance.

He glanced at the young man beside him, and immediately bit the bullet, picked up a bonfire-like leg, hesitated a little, and then bit down.

The tender meat entered his mouth, and golden juice flowed out, which immediately turned into gusts of energy and poured into Chen Yu's body, moving his expression.

This mouthful of animal meat contains a lot of life essence. Although it is not as effective as the Rejuvenation Pill, it is still very precious.

Instead of being polite to the young man beside him, Chen Yu opened his stomach hungry and began to eat.

Rich life essence was continuously poured into Chen Yu's wounded body. Under its nourishment and nourishment, the dark diseases in the past few days were all forced out of his body one after another.

It didn't take long for the animal meat beside the campfire to be wiped clean by Chen Yu and the young man beside him.

Sitting on the ground leisurely and comfortably, the two's belly swelled slightly, their mouths were full of oil stains, and they were all lazily enjoying the temperature of the campfire.

After filling his stomach, Chen Yu finally couldn't help but chatted with the boy beside him without saying a word.

After all, it was really strange to suddenly see such a young man in this deep mountain and old forest.

"My name is Ye Nanming, you can just call me Nanming." The young man lay on the grass with his head up, and said comfortably, "I came to the Broken Dragon Mountain Range to go to Fucheng and visit an old friend of my sister."

"Fucheng?" Chen Yu raised his eyebrows, apparently he had never heard of such a city in the Broken Dragon Mountain Range.

As if seeing the doubt in Chen Yu's eyes, Nan Ming smiled, looked up at the sky full of stars, and said: "There is indeed such a city, and the specific origin is unclear. Except for the Holy Land of the Human Race and several other forces, Not many people know about it.”

Looking at the other party at close range, with the help of the firelight, Chen Yu saw that the young man in front of him was very handsome, with regular features, red lips and white teeth.

The other party was about thirteen or fourteen years old, with long black hair hanging down. At first glance, it was easy to be mistaken for a girl.

Seeing the other party's sincere appearance, Chen Yu couldn't help being surprised. Isn't this kid afraid of encountering some villains when he walks outside alone?
In this regard, Nanming's explanation is also simple.

"Hahaha, there is nothing to worry about. My sister once taught me a mental method, which is enough to know the good and evil of people."

Nan Ming put his hands on his head and said with a smile, "If you don't know that you have no ill intentions towards me, do you think you can still sit here safe and sound?"

Hearing this, Chen Yu couldn't help but a black line behind his head.

Although the young man in front of him was young, when he spoke, he always had an old-fashioned feeling, which was quite awkward.

However, when he heard that the other party was able to recognize good and evil, Chen Yu couldn't help but secretly stunned, does this kind of mentality really exist?
He was suspicious in his heart, not knowing whether the other party's words were true or false, but the other party obviously did not intend to continue to explain.

And soon, from the other party's mouth, Chen Yu learned something even more depressing.

It turned out that when Tu Ge chased and killed him in the past few days, the other party had a panoramic view of them like watching a play.

For a moment, Chen Yu had mixed feelings in his heart, and he didn't know what to say...

After resting next to the deep pool with Nanming for a night, Chen Yu set off with them at dawn, heading towards the so-called Fucheng together.

The Broken Dragon Mountain Range is full of dangers and fierce birds are everywhere. Instead of fleeing in the mountains, Chen Yu might as well hide in the ambush city.

Along the way, Chen Yu was not idle, and asked Nanming many questions about cultivation.

Although the boy in front of him was still young, his cultivation and vision surpassed Chen Yu's by a large margin.

For Chen Yu, who was eager to break through to the Pulse Opening Realm, the other party was undoubtedly a living know-it-all who could answer many of his doubts.

In the face of Chen Yu's humbly asking for advice, Nan Ming was not stingy, and pointed out Chen Yu's misunderstandings in every detail, which greatly benefited the latter.

The two walked and talked like this, and within half a day's journey, a majestic and magnificent black giant city suddenly appeared in a huge basin deep in the Broken Dragon Mountain Range.

Standing on the cliff tens of feet high, looking at the black city dormant like a wild beast in the basin below, Chen Yu couldn't help showing a look of shock on his face.

In the depths of the Broken Dragon Mountains, which is full of dangers and fierce birds, there is such a magnificent and vicissitudes of life, it is beyond ordinary people's imagination!
Slowly walking down the artificially carved stone steps on the cliff, the closer you got, the more Chen Yu could feel the vicissitudes of the years in his heart.

Under the oppression of Fucheng, Chen Yu and Nan Ming were rare silent, speechless all the way.

When the two of them finished walking all the stone steps and came to the gate of the city in person, there was a rush of noise that soared towards the sky like a tide.

Standing in front of the huge city gate, Chen Yu was surprised to find that although the pedestrians passing here were human races, most of them had horns on their foreheads!

According to Nanming's explanation, the Broken Dragon Mountain Range is the place where dragons are buried. The human race living in Fucheng has been nourished by dragon energy all year round, and their physique is inherently stronger than ordinary people.

The horns growing on its head are regarded by the people in Fucheng as the blessing and gift of the ancient true dragon.

The more similar the horn is to the dragon horn, the more this person is protected by the lost ancient dragon.

After paying five stone coins at the armored guard at the entrance of the city gate, Chen Yu and Nan Ming entered the city smoothly.

"I need to visit an old friend of my sister now, so let's say goodbye here for the time being."

Looking at the gigantic stone building in front of him, Nan Ming's eyes showed a little nostalgia, and he cupped his hands and left alone.

Seeing this, Chen Yu didn't ask too many questions. He simply walked around the city a few times before finding an inn to rest.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed in the room, Chen Yu couldn't help thinking about breaking through to the pulse opening state.

According to Nanming, a monk has reached the ninth level of the Outer Mortal Realm, and can enter the Pulse Opening Realm at any time. There is no restriction on cultivation, as long as he gathers Qi in the dantian and breaks through the acupoint of the essence of life.

But there is one thing worth noting, that is, when a monk rushes to the acupoint, the stronger his aura is, the stronger his strength will be after entering the pulse opening state.

Therefore, after reaching the ninth level of the Mortal Realm, most monks will undergo a process of precipitation, trying to make their aura strong and rich.

The amount of qi can be measured by the unit of "dou".

For an ordinary monk's aura, if it can reach five fights before breaking through, it will be great.

And most of those talented people can reach Seven Dou, and the successors of the holy places of the major human races can even reach as much as Eight Dou.

In hundreds of years, occasionally there will be people who can break through the Eight Dou and reach the Nine Dou.

Nine Dou Qi is the limit of a human cultivator. Anyone who can reach this point will be a powerful human race with the sun, moon and stars in their hands in the future.

Even the holy sons and saints of the major holy places, few people can reach this level.

It can be said that if any holy place can cultivate successors with nine fighting spirits, it will surely usher in a glorious era of thousands of years!
However, although nine Dou Qi is the limit of human monks, according to ancient records, Qilin Qiongqi and other sporadic heirs of auspicious beasts can reach ten Dou Qi!
Monsters are more difficult to practice than humans, but their potential is incomparable.

In the era when the monster race ruled the world, there were three heirs of kings with the spirit of ten fights who ruled the world at the same time, causing more than a dozen human races with the spirit of nine fights to drink blood and hate!

Now, to Chen Yu's delight, after refining all the primordial purple qi, the qi in his body has reached seven buckets, which is comparable to the core disciples of ordinary great sects.

Stepping into the realm of opening the pulse with Qi Dou's spirit, Chen Yu can already have a good combat power.

However, with Nanming's reminder, at this moment, Chen Yu is not in a hurry to break through to the state of opening the pulse, but wants to squeeze out his own potential as much as possible, and strive for a stronger path of cultivation!

After a brief rest in the inn, Chen Yu walked towards a magnificent tower in the east of Fucheng without any delay.

(End of this chapter)

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