Starry Sky Martial Arts

Chapter 124 Explore

Chapter 124 Explore
Among the deacons, eight are at the first level of the planetary level, and four are at the second level. Therefore, in this secret realm, they can't deal with the second-level life forms alone, not to mention the existence of even higher-level life forms. Yes, if they encounter such creatures, they probably won't even be able to run away. Only the strength of the councilors can enter and explore safely.


After the meeting, Shen Qiu withdrew from the virtual world, took off his helmet, and prepared to get up and go to the headquarters of the Warrior Union.At the meeting just now, it was finally decided that Wu Dao and Shen Qiu would accompany the two deacons Fang Yu and Magus to the secret realm for preliminary exploration.

Warriors Alliance Headquarters.

"Mr. Shen."

Shen Qiu walked into his exclusive office, and the staff along the way greeted him with respectful gestures.

After about a few minutes, everyone had arrived, and Shen Qiu came to the square to join a few people, and then got up to go to the Siberian Plain.

The Siberian Plain is located in Russia, and before the Great Cataclysm, it was a relatively barren area.After the cataclysm, due to the mutation of the plants, there was no barrenness before, but there were few human footprints, and it became a paradise for fierce beasts.

The four of Shen Qiu and his party flew towards the Siberian Plain at high speed, and one of the deacons released his planet-level terrifying aura, and the beasts along the way trembled, fearing that they would be targeted by Shen Qiu and his team.Therefore, along the way, basically no beasts with no eyes came to obstruct them.
After flying for about half an hour, Shen Qiu and his party finally arrived at their destination, the Siberian Plain in Russia.

The geographical latitude of Russia is relatively high, and it is cold winter. There is heavy snow falling on the Siberian Plain. The heavy snow covers the whole land and puts a white coat on the ground.On this white land, traces of living creatures can occasionally be seen. These creatures have adapted to the living environment here and are going out to look for food.

A simple temporary camp was set up at the entrance of the secret realm that Shen Qiu and the others were going to. This was the temporary residence of the relevant staff of the Warrior Alliance, and they guarded the entrance of the secret realm here.

When everyone came to a tent, a light door the size of a person flashed in their eyes, and this light door was the portal of that secret realm.

Wu Dao entered the light gate first, and Shen Qiu and the others immediately followed.

Shen Qiu only felt a flash of white light in front of his eyes, and his figure soon appeared in another space, so he diffused his spiritual power to sense the surrounding environment.

Since there are a large number of planetary life forms here, Shen Qiu did not dare to extend his spiritual power too far, and only explored around 200 meters away.In Shen Qiu's induction, the cosmic energy here is extremely active, and the plants on the ground are somewhat different from the varieties on the blue star, most of which he has never seen before.

Magus took out an instrument from the space ring. This instrument is a life detector. It is the latest invention of scientists. It can be used to detect life forms within a radius of five kilometers. At the same time, it can also detect the energy intensity of the opponent. For Shen Qiu and the others This exploration has been of some great help.Using this instrument, they can avoid some unnecessary battles.

According to the information given by the researchers, some of the plants here may have special effects, and it is better to bring back as many as possible.Shen Qiu and the others also went straight to the point. While exploring this space, as long as there were plants they hadn't seen before, they would take some back to study by the way.

The space of this secret realm is unknown. Shen Qiu and the others flew hundreds of kilometers inside without seeing the end, as if it was on a planet.Looking up at the sky, you can also see the sun high above, setting in the west as the day progresses.

Along the way, although with the help of the life detector, Shen Qiu and the others avoided many planet-level creatures, but there was also a creature that was more sensitive to the surrounding environment, and it spotted Shen Qiu and the others from a distance. A group of people, so they also had a brief battle.

Shen Qiu happened to know the target of this battle, it was the strange creature he defeated in the secret realm of the Kunlun Mountains last time, but this one here only needs to be stronger than the previous one, fully reaching the second-order planetary level strength.

"The front detector didn't respond at all," said Magus, who was in charge of using the life detector.

"I'll use my mental strength to see." Shen Qiu continued.He used his mental power to slowly explore the area ahead, and found that after reaching a certain range, no matter how much he increased the intensity of his mental power, he just couldn't penetrate it.

Shen Qiu frowned: "The front should be a special area that can isolate all perception and detection."

Several people speculated that there should be some special items in the area ahead. After discussing for a while, they decided to go and check.

Afterwards, everyone restrained all their breath, and slowly landed on the ground, walking forward cautiously.

After walking for about a kilometer, the field of vision in front of them widened, and a huge lake appeared in front of them. The area of ​​this lake was so huge that they could not see the end at a glance with their planetary level powerhouse eyesight.

On the shore not far from Shen Qiu and the others, there was a group of warrior-level amphibious creatures resting on the shore. This group of creatures was a species they had never seen before.The shape is like a lizard, but there is a huge circle around the head and neck, the eyes are very huge, occupying the head, and there are huge fangs in the mouth.

Under normal circumstances, ferocious beasts are solitary or create their own populations after evolving to the Valkyrie level, and they are not still living in groups like the ferocious beasts in front of them.And after Shen Qiu's observation, the intelligence of this group of ferocious beasts seems to be lower than the intelligence on the blue star, as if they have not evolved.

Shen Qiu and the others did not disturb the group of beasts, they walked in another direction.

Suddenly, the group of ferocious beasts frantically ran in another direction as if they had encountered some natural enemy.On the lake on the shore, a huge ancient giant crocodile rushed out of the lake quickly, biting a fierce beast that had no time to escape.

The cold eyes of this ancient crocodile turned away from the direction in which Shen Qiu and his party left, and then sank into the lake again.

All this happened in a blink of an eye, Shen Qiu and the others only felt a sudden planet-level energy coming from the direction they just left, and it quickly disappeared into nothingness.

"Did you also feel it just now?" Fang Yu said, his strength here is the worst, and he was the first to ask a few people.

Everyone nodded, and their vigilance against this area increased again.

(End of this chapter)

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