Chapter 156
On Mars, if there is life on it, then they must be able to see a figure flying fast in the sky.This figure is exactly Shen Qiu. He unleashes his mental power and keeps flying over Mars, trying to explore whether there is life on it.

When passing through a plain, Shen Qiu saw the detectors from Huaguo and the United States, and the construction vehicles of the two countries were moving forward at an extremely slow speed.At the speed of an engineering vehicle, he can only walk more than ten meters a day. It is basically impossible to explore the plain in front of him.

When he reached the sky above the construction vehicle of America, Shen Qiu suddenly had an evil taste. He manipulated his mental power to push the construction vehicle of America. Pushed down.

At the moment of falling down, the office building responsible for the Mars project in the United States was in a mess. From the data transmitted from the engineering vehicle, it was inferred that the vehicle seemed to be pushed hard by someone, otherwise it would not be possible to explain the situation in the Great Plains of Yimapingchuan. The construction truck fell down for no reason.

Everyone quickly retrieved the surveillance on the vehicle, and they saw a figure in the sky in the surveillance screen transmitted back. Because the figure was too far away, they could only roughly judge that it was a humanoid creature.

At this moment, the staff of the entire building became a sensation. Although people have always believed in the existence of alien civilizations, and many relics on the blue star also show that civilizations have visited the blue star, this is the first time they have been in the queue. Everyone was so excited about the pictures of aliens.

This incident quickly attracted the attention of everyone on the blue star. It turned out that there was life on Mars not far from the blue star, which aroused people's enthusiasm for space exploration.

Shen Qiu, who is 5500 million kilometers away, did not expect that a sudden bad taste of his would have such a big impact on Blue Star. Afterwards, when he learned that the mysterious humanoid creature in the photo was himself, he did not either. A public statement, just shook his head with a smile.

On Mars, after leaving the range of the American probe, Shen Qiu continued to fly towards a mountain range in the distance.At a place ten kilometers away from the mountain range, through mental power, Shen Qiu found a spaceship over there, so he slowed down and stopped in front of the spaceship.

"Master, this spaceship should be left behind by an interstellar traveler." Moss' voice sounded, and he directly projected it from the communicator on Shen Qiu's wrist.

Interstellar travelers are a special group, most of them are at the level of the starry sky, and they are full of fun exploring the unknown universe.It is precisely because of their existence that many civilizations can safely connect with the universe and be formally incorporated into the territory of the universe.

The spaceship in front of Shen Qiu must have encountered a malfunction. In this remote place in the solar system, the owner of the spaceship could not find suitable repair parts, and instead abandoned the spaceship here.

"If my guess is correct, the owner of this spaceship should have died, otherwise it would be impossible to abandon the spaceship here." Moss' voice sounded again.

For interstellar travelers, the spaceship is their life, and they will not abandon their spaceship unless they themselves are in an accident.

The spaceship in front of him is a C-class spaceship, which is one level higher than the D-class spaceship that Shen Qiu was on, and can travel through galaxies.

Shen Qiu found that the door of the spaceship was open, and after he went in, he found the body of the spaceship owner in a room.Due to the vacuum environment here, the corpse on the spaceship did not rot, but became a mummy under the influence of time.

"It's strange. I don't think the communication system on the spaceship is damaged. Why didn't the owner of this spaceship send out a distress signal?" Moss wondered.

In the universe, there are companies that specialize in rescuing fallen spacecraft. Of course, these companies are not free, and they will only appear after the owner of the spacecraft pays a certain amount of compensation.Most interstellar travelers will sign contracts with these companies, and pay a certain premium every once in a while. When the spacecraft encounters damage, they will send people to rescue them.

"Maybe this guy was unlucky. He died before the people who rescued the company arrived, and the other party chose to give up after losing his response." Moss continued: "Interstellar travel is full of dangers. In addition to opening meteorites, it is also necessary to prevent accidents such as damage to parts on the spacecraft, especially black holes."

In the universe, black holes are invisible and intangible. Except for those marked, there are still many large and small black holes in the vast starry sky.If an ordinary spaceship flies into the gravitational range of a black hole, it is impossible to escape. Only spaceships that have reached S rank or above can perform wormhole jumps to escape.

However, under normal circumstances, most people sail strictly according to the routes on the star chart. These routes are safe routes that have been summed up over countless years, and basically there will be no danger.Only those who do not follow the prescribed route will encounter the black hole.

"Of course, in front of the old master, the black hole is a piece of cake. He can shuttle freely in the black hole, and he can destroy the black hole with a full attack." Moss said arrogantly.

The power of the black hole, Shen Qiu, of course knew that this was a celestial body that even light could not escape. At the same time, he was amazed at the strength of the strong man in the holy realm, and his desire for martial arts in his heart increased a bit.

Although the parts of the C-class spaceship in front of him were damaged, most of the facilities were relatively intact. After Shen Qiu buried the owner of the spaceship, he directly put the spaceship into the space ring.

After leaving the spaceship, Shen Qiu continued to fly on Mars for more than an hour. Apart from the spaceship, there was nothing on the entire Mars, and it was deserted everywhere.However, Shen Qiu also solved a long-standing doubt. On this fiery red planet, there is indeed water. Most of this water is in the underground of the planet, and only a small part of it appears on the surface in the form of ice crystals.

After a short half-day trip to Mars, Shen Qiu returned to the blue star in the spaceship.During the entire trip to Mars, none of the satellites on Blue Star were detected, thanks to the signal jammer on the spacecraft. With Blue Star's current technology, this jammer can completely isolate these signals.

After driving the spaceship back to the secret realm, Shen Qiu returned home directly. After seeing the vastness of the universe, Shen Qiu's heart began to yearn for it.

(End of this chapter)

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