Starry Sky Martial Arts

Chapter 158 Kakuxing

Chapter 158 Kakuxing

Long before, Shen Qiu told his family about Moss, and at the same time, he also revealed his idea of ​​going to the universe in the future.

But due to the long distance in the universe, it may take several years or even ten years for him to come back after going out, so Shen Qiu has never made a final decision.

"You can go out at ease, I will take care of Siqiu and Yue'er." Chen Yao comforted.After so many years, she has already understood Shen Qiu's heart of martial arts very well. Now it is very difficult for her husband to improve while staying on Blue Star. The resources on this planet are completely insufficient to support him to cultivate to the next level. It can only be displayed on a broader stage outside.

Shen Qiu turned his body sideways, he hugged Chen Yao tightly, without speaking for a whole night, the two gradually fell asleep like this.

The next day, with his wife's support, Shen Qiu told his parents about his thoughts. This time, he planned to go directly to Kaku Star and stay outside for two or three years before returning.Shen Congrong and Zhao Guilan are also very supportive of their son's decision. Shen Qiu's achievements are obvious to all, and the vast universe stage is his destination.

Shen Qiu found Zhuge Yun and Nie Feng at the same time, he didn't tell them that he was going to leave Blue Star, he just wanted to retreat for two or three years, hoping that they could take good care of their families.

Zhuge Yun and Nie Feng didn't think too much about it. With their current strength, it is common for them to retreat for two or three years at once, not to mention that Shen Qiu's cultivation base is higher than theirs.Therefore, the two nodded in agreement, and agreed to discuss each other after Shen Qiu left the customs.

Everything on the Blue Star was ready, and after Shen Qiu brought enough items, he left the Blue Star on Hope.

As time went by, the blue star in Shen Qiu's field of vision became smaller and smaller. This was the first time he really left the blue star to reach another galaxy tens of millions of light years away. Here, Shen Qiu was about to Start a new journey.

After about twenty minutes, the Nozomi reached the space channel between Uranus and Neptune.Through the glass cover, it was the first time for Shen Qiu to look at these two large celestial bodies at such a close distance. Unlike Mars before, these two planets are too far away from the sun, and the light and heat have been consumed when they reach here. Pretty much, so both planets appear light blue.The temperature above can reach as low as minus 200 degrees, which is completely unsuitable for the survival of life.

"Master, you are ready to enter the space channel." Moss' mechanical voice came.

"Okay!" Then, Shen Qiu aimed the spaceship at the entrance of the space passage, and after he pressed the acceleration button, the spaceship flew towards the space passage.

From the outside perspective, the spaceship disappeared into the space after suddenly accelerating in one direction, which indicated that the spaceship had completely entered the space channel.

Shen Qiu only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and then, a colorful space channel appeared in front of him.In the passage, these colors are so charming, Shen Qiu couldn't help being immersed in them for a while.

In the channel, if you accidentally touch the boundary of the channel, it is very likely that the spaceship will be teleported out. The specific transmission location depends on the luck of the spaceship owner. Some people with less luck will directly They are sent into the interior of the star, directly evaporated by the huge high temperature, and some are lucky enough to be directly sent to a living planet.

Basically, unless you operate blindly or the spaceship malfunctions and the steering wheel fails, it is difficult to touch the boundary.

In this passage, space storms occasionally appear. Once encountering a space storm, unless it is a spaceship above S rank, there is no way to escape, and it will be directly smashed by this storm.In the space channel, the probability of encountering a storm is very small, and it can be used as a space channel marked on the star map, basically such accidents will not occur.

After 20 days, after a long and boring flight, Shen Qiu's Hope finally arrived at the other end of the space channel. This is a spiral galaxy located 3000 million light-years away from the blue star. The size of this galaxy is about the same as that of the Milky Way. , there are hundreds of millions of stars inside, and the Kaku star that Shen Qiu is about to go to is just over ten light-years away from the exit of the space channel.

According to the coordinates on the star map, Shen Qiu found that the space passage closest to Kaku star would take two days of flight from here, and then he could go directly to the surroundings of Kaku star through the space passage there again.

Two days later, after a total of [-] days of running around, the spaceship Shen Qiu was on finally arrived at Kaku Star.

The size of Kaku Star is similar to that of Blue Star. From the perspective of space, the land of Kaku Star occupies seven layers of the entire sphere, and the remaining three layers are occupied by oceans. Above these oceans, you can see Many large and small floating cities.

Kaku Star is a very famous entertainment planet in the spiral galaxy. In the entire galaxy, those big forces have their own industries on this planet. Because the composition of the forces on the planet is very complicated, if there is a person who came out of Kaku Star If the high-level powerhouse suppressed it, the entire planet would have been in chaos.

As early as the spacecraft entered the range of Kaku, Moss connected the network on the spacecraft with the virtual network in the universe.

The virtual network in the universe is different from the virtual network on Blue Star.On Blue Star, the virtual network is a castrated version imitated by Zhuge Yun on the spacecraft, which is different from the real virtual network in the universe.The full version of the universe virtual network can truly communicate with the entire universe, and even the strength above the holy realm can be completely scanned by the virtual network.

No one knows how this virtual network came about, maybe only the real high-level people will understand these things.

By connecting to the virtual network, Moss applied for a personal account for Shen Qiu. This virtual network account is equivalent to a person's ID card in the universe. Each account is unique. After so many years, there has never been a single case. impersonation situation.

When the spacecraft was about to approach Kaku, a request to receive information appeared in Shen Qiu's control room, and Shen Qiu clicked through.

Soon, a mechanical voice sounded: "Welcome to Kaku Star."

This is the intelligent life form of Kaku Planet, and they are responsible for guiding the parking of the spaceship.

According to the prompt of the intelligent voice, Shen Qiu parked the spaceship in a square, and in this square, all the various spaceships stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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