Starry Sky Martial Arts

Chapter 448 Calm Days

Chapter 448 Calm Days

In the solar system, a figure stands in space.

This person is obviously Shen Qiu.

After his resurrection, he spent most of his time in the ancestral city.

This time back to Blue Star, on the one hand, I want to meet my family, and on the other hand, I plan to solve the problems on Blue Star.

Shen Qiu had already learned from his family before that there are many great forces from the universe on the blue star, and they are all powerful families who lived here after learning about the special features of the blue star.

Among these people, although most of them can abide by the order on Blue Star, there are still a small number of people relying on the power of their families to bully others.

Shen Qiu directly appeared in the solar system, he looked at the planets in the solar system, full of doubts in his heart.

With his current state, he can see the extraordinaryness of the solar system at a glance.

The entire solar system is like a huge natural formation. This formation is very clever, even if he has returned many times before, he has not discovered it.

From a distance, the solar system looks like a carefully arranged formation.

Among the planets inside, each planet seems to be operating according to some special law.

And at the core of this formation, it is the blue star that Shen Qiu grew up with.

At this time, Shen Qiu remembered why in the solar system, why there is no life on other planets, but there is on the blue star.

Moreover, billions of years have passed since the formation of the blue star. Logically speaking, after so many years, many civilizations should have been born on this planet long ago.

But in the history of Blue Star, except for the occasional visiting alien civilization, no other native civilization has ever been found.

At the same time, every planet in the solar system has its own meaning of existence.

Jupiter, as the largest planet in the solar system, has a huge gravitational force and can forcibly attract any celestial body that wants to crash into the blue star.

In this way, the creatures on the blue star are prevented from being destroyed by alien celestial bodies.

Even if some celestial bodies are lucky enough to escape the traction of Jupiter, there are still satellites outside the blue star, that is, the moon.

According to the previous human detection on the blue star, the moon has blocked countless disasters for the blue star during these billions of years, and it is full of bump marks on it.

Shen Qiu diffused his spiritual power, and in an instant, the appearance of the entire solar system appeared in his mind.

Through mental power analysis, Shen Qiu discovered that this natural formation has another function, that is, it can hide the position of the solar system.

Although the Milky Way is just an inconspicuous galaxy, with the highly developed technology in the universe, planets like Blue Star, where intelligent civilizations were born, should have been recorded long ago.

However, this is not the case in fact. In the early alien civilizations recorded on the blue star, all these alien creatures entered the solar system by accident, and all of them stayed on the blue star directly.

Because at the edge of the solar system, there is a huge layer of fire circle.

According to people's experience, it is impossible for life to be born in such a galaxy surrounded by a very high-temperature ring of fire.

But Blue Star violated common sense.

To leave the solar system through the circle of fire, only high-level warriors can do it.

"Is it all natural?"

Shen Qiu was full of doubts in his heart. The natural formations of the solar system seemed natural, but he had a vague feeling that they were artificially arranged.

At this time, he remembered the special things on the blue star.

Indeed, people were right.

It takes many years of development for a strong person to be born on a planet.

Because the Blue Stars have never been in contact with cultivation before, their talents and bloodlines are far inferior to those cultivation planets with a long history.

After Blue Star connected with the universe, he not only gave birth to a strong man with the combat power of a holy master, but also gave birth to Zhuge Yun and Nie Feng, two saints at the peak of the ground level.After them, there are countless masters at the star domain and galaxy level.

All of these all imply that the planet Blue Star is extraordinary.

You must know that even those in powerful families have a complete inheritance and massive resources, which makes the talents in their families appear continuously.

As for the humans on the blue star, there may be a lot of opportunities among them, but more importantly, their cultivation talents are terrifying, and their cultivation speed is faster than other people of the same age in the universe.

After thinking for a while to no avail, Shen Qiu was no longer troubled.

"Maybe I thought too much, this formation was naturally formed."

"It is very likely that the existence of this formation has created the special features of humans on Blue Star."

Afterwards, Shen Qiu teleported, and he directly appeared in Lan Xing's hometown.

A few days later, a piece of news caused a sensation in the entire Blue Star.

Because their lord, Shen Qiu, who is also the number one powerhouse of Blue Star, has returned.

At the same time, after he came back this time, he directly took drastic measures, and those forces that did evil on Blue Star were directly and violently eliminated by him.

And those forces that only settled on the blue star, none of them did evil, were directly driven away by him, and only some forces that were deeply integrated with humans on the blue star remained.

Regarding Shen Qiu's actions, no one from any force dared to express any dissatisfaction.

After all, they were outsiders, and they settled on Blue Star without the consent of the lord.Moreover, Shen Qiu's strength was far from what they could resist, if they really angered the other party, even the ancestors of their family would not be able to protect them.

Therefore, after this incident, only a few foreign forces remained on the blue star, and the densely packed floating cities in the blue star sky also decreased a lot in an instant.

For the next period of time, Shen Qiu stayed on the Blue Star to accompany his family.

With the guidance of his great master and the investment regardless of cost, the strength of his parents and wife has been promoted to the peak of the star realm by him.

And they also comprehend the laws, as long as they practice these laws to perfection, they can become saints.

As for Shen Qiu's younger sister, Shen Xiaomo, and her son and daughter, their strength broke through the holy realm when they experienced it in the universe.

After hearing the news that Shen Qiu had returned to Blue Star, his relatives and friends rushed back one after another.

In this way, Shen Qiu stayed on Blue Star for decades. For ordinary people, these decades may be his whole life, but for powerful warriors, decades may be just one time for their cultivation.

However, an incident interrupted Shen Qiu's peaceful life, and this incident caused a great shock in the entire human world.

(End of this chapter)

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