Chapter 244 Neon King
Neon Country's tough response made those Western pharmaceutical giants look ugly.

But I can only watch...

On the other hand, as soon as the news of Yanxia Media was broadcast, it immediately caused heated discussions on the entire network.

"My God! The royal family of the Neon Kingdom actually seeks Su Che to see a doctor, which means that Su Che's medical skills must be very good!"

"Exactly! Western pharmaceutical companies questioned Su Che before, but now that the news comes out, it's a blatant slap in the face."

"But, does Su Che really want to see a doctor for people from the Neon Country?"

"The people upstairs know what a fart. Su Che is a doctor, and he only cares about curing diseases and saving lives."


There have been numerous discussions online.

Su Che was also surprised when he heard the news.

"Amazing, I really came here in person."

Liu Xin couldn't help asking Su Che:

"Su Che, now that they are here, will you help them see a doctor?"

Su Che thought for a while and said:

"Uh, I just said it casually. Since they came, it means that they are sincere. I'll help them see it depending on the situation."


In the afternoon of the same day, the special plane taken by Nihong Guoling and Wang arrived in Shanghai!

Countless news media at home and abroad gathered together!
"Dear viewers, I am Wang Bing, a reporter sent by Yanxia TV. I am at the Shanghai International Airport right now. Linghe Wang's special plane has arrived. This time, his purpose is only one, to help the terminally ill. Princess Kyoko cures illnesses!"

Holding the microphone, Wang Bing excitedly said to the camera:
"As we all know, the medical level of the Neon Nation has always been at the forefront of the world, but their medical institutions in the Neon Nation are helpless against Princess Kyoko's frostbite. They have no choice but to come to my hot summer and seek Su Che's help!"

"This incident is a signal, maybe it symbolizes that our medical level is becoming more and more advanced, and our Chinese medicine is also rising step by step. For this, we all have to thank Mr. Su Che!"

Wang Bing finished speaking with enthusiasm. At this time, Nihong Ling and Wang behind him had already walked out slowly with their entourage and Xingzi in the wheelchair.

Ling Hewang took the princess out of the airport, got into a few black Cadillacs, and went straight to Shanghai No. [-] Hospital.

At this moment, looking at the audience of this live broadcast, Yan Xia couldn't help but feel that it was too popular!
One person can actually make the whole neon royal family mobilize so many people to come to seek medical treatment. Apart from Su Che, how could Yan Xia find another one for this ability?
"Su Che! Niubi!"

Fans on the Internet seem to be celebrating the New Year.

And as the Neon King's family left by car, countless reporters from home and abroad followed immediately.

After half an hour's drive, the neon royal family and their party have arrived at Shanghai No. [-] Hospital.

Except for the hospital staff, patients, and other people in the hospital, they had already been emptied in advance, and Linghe Wang got out of the car with a majestic expression on his face.

Behind him, several caregivers were pushing a wheelchair, and Princess Kyoko was sitting on it. She was wearing a mask and a hat, and only a small part of her face was exposed, but she could still see that her mental condition was very bad.

"Your Majesty, this is the residence of that genius doctor Su Che."

The subordinates said respectfully to Ling and Wang.


Ling Hewang nodded and walked into the hospital hall.

After a while, a figure with a strong figure and outstanding temperament came out from inside.

It was Su Che!

"Su Che! It's really Su Che!"

Click, click, click!

The reporters in the distance behind them, when they saw that Ling He Wang Lai was really Su Che, they were so excited that they all pressed the shutter button and shot wildly.

"Hello, Your Excellency."

Su Che smiled lightly, speaking neither humble nor overbearing.

Ling Hewang was slightly surprised, he could clearly feel that the young man in front of him had an extraordinary aura, as if he was standing in front of him like a king!
You know, the other party is obviously just a doctor, but the aura of the other party makes even him feel a little bit of pressure, which is really unimaginable.

But in fact, Su Che can be regarded as half a king. From this perspective, Su Che, Henry V, is indeed much more advanced than King Neon.

"It is said that Mr. Su Che is a genius in the medical field. When I saw him today, he was really extraordinary."

Ling and Wang said politely, pointing to a little girl about ten years old in a wheelchair behind her, and said:

"Mr. Su Che, this is the king's daughter, Xingzi."

Su Che turned his head and saw at a glance that this girl was suffering from ALS, and the situation was very serious.

"poor child."

Su Che sighed, and then said:

"Everyone, let's talk about it first in the consulting room."

"Thank you."

The members of the Nihong royal family followed Su Che to the consulting room.

As for the journalists, of course they can't enter, they can only watch outside and report to various media in the world.

At this moment, the world's Internet is boiling.

"I don't know what Su Che thinks. If he is optimistic about this, wouldn't the Nihong royal family owe him a huge favor?"

"Hmph! This time, the Neon royal family is very determined. If Su Che can really be cured, then our Chinese medicine practitioners will definitely be recognized by the whole world! This is an opportunity for our Chinese medicine practitioners to rise!"

"Su Che, come on, you must be cured!"


Yanxia's netizens spontaneously cheered up Su Che, and all hoped that Su Che could be cured!

Many first-line stars in the entertainment industry also spoke out in support of Su Che!

Murong Ling'er was the first to repost:
"Su Che will definitely succeed! I believe in him!"

And Tian Yi also wrote:
"Su Che is the person with the best medical skills I've ever seen! It's perfect, he can definitely cure Princess Kyoko!"


(End of this chapter)

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