Chapter 265 Future S7!

"Sole supplier?"

Boss Xia was somewhat puzzled and said:
"What does this have to do with helping me enter the domestic auto industry? I have been helping major domestic auto manufacturers supply parts and components, and even some foreign companies will order from me. If there is no way out, I can help you make a show, okay?"

Su Che grinned and explained slowly:
"Looking at the history of the development of those major international car brands, there are many well-known car companies that originally stood out from the competition of clubs and then developed into famous car companies. For example, the famous Ferrari, isn't that how it rose? ?”


Upon hearing this, Boss Xia shook his head and said:

"What you said is the development path of luxury brands. The price is too high, and it does not conform to the current national conditions of our country. My current idea is to enter the low-end market first, slowly promote the brand, and then consider entering the low-end market. High-end market!"

Dong Yun smiled and said:
"Boss Xia, don't you understand Su Che's meaning? I don't want my children to be entangled with wolves! There is no rule that a brand must start from a low-end market to a high-end market!

You can do it the other way around, use Su Che's program to build the first super luxury sports car brand in China, and after you get famous, then pick up the plane and enter the low-end market, isn't that very simple? "

"Besides, you underestimate Yanxia's spending power too much. Who can't afford a car worth 30 to [-] now? At that time, you can even give up the low-end market and directly enter the mid-end market! This kind of counter-intuitive This plan is the first in the domestic market, if it fails, it will cost billions, but if it is done, do you think about the benefits it brings?"


After being touched by Director Yun, Xia Yunbo's eyes lit up, he nodded and said:
"Our fan economy in Yanxia is still very strong. Through Su Che's program to promote the brand, when the time comes to reduce the entry into the mid-end market, the common people will easily accept it!"

"Su Che, I agree to this matter! I can be your car supplier!"

Xia Yunbo also realized that this was an unprecedented opportunity for him, and he would never let it go easily!
Moreover, Su Che is now the top star in Yanxia, ​​with his golden signboard here, what brand is not popular?

"Haha! Then this matter is settled! We wish Brother Su Che's show a success! Boss Xia's car brand goes smoothly!"

Director Yun picked up the wine glass, and at his proposal, everyone clinked glasses one after another.

With Xia Yunbo's consent, things are naturally much simpler.

Many of the bosses present also took a fancy to the prospect of Su Che's project, and invested money one after another to register a new super sports car brand together!
Su Che invested all the 0.9 million meters of gold he earned during this trip.

Director Yun was even more generous, and with a wave of his hand, he invested [-] million meters of gold!
Add up a total of one billion meters of gold, and start building the first super sports car brand in China!
During the dinner, everyone chatted, Xia Yunbo asked curiously:
"Brother Su Che, how did you come up with this plan? As far as I know, Lexus seems to be only in the mid-to-high-end market, and has not invested much in the field of sports cars..."

Su Che drank the red wine and said with a smile:
"In addition to Neon, I went to the United States to play games before. I found that people there believe in the brands of their own country. Even if they don't buy them, they can't look down on them with colored glasses."

"But our atmosphere in Yanxia is different. Most people in Yanxia feel that domestic products are not good, and they are worse than European and American ones! So I am thinking about how to change this atmosphere. The history of the development of automobile companies gave me such an idea.

And I also want to take this opportunity to reverse the Chinese people's views on domestic brands!Let us Yanxia people also have our own proud brand! "

When Su Che said this, everyone was shocked.

Su Che is not very old, but his pattern and vision are so long-term?

"Okay! Brother Su Che, your idea is very good! I will definitely support you with all my strength!"

Director Yun nodded, as expected of the young man he valued, he was really outstanding!
The other bosses also praised, saying that they would definitely help Su Che.

Thus, at such a private gathering of such a group of super bosses, a super brand that is about to dominate Yanxia and go out of the world, and compete with the world's super brands, was born.


In the next few days, the registration channel for the "Car God Is Coming" program continued to open, and online registration was enthusiastic.

In just a few days, the total number of applicants exceeded [-]!
Among them are hundreds of people, all of whom are stars in the entertainment industry, ranging from first-tier to eighteenth-tier.

This is a program held by Su Che, which has a huge influence across the country, and those artists naturally want to get in!

Including Tian Han, Huang Tao and others, they all signed up, and they were unwilling to let go of this opportunity.


With a large number of applicants, the review work is naturally heavy. The staff of Su Che's studio worked overtime to review.

There are two main reference points. Artists must be topical and can bring heat to the show, and amateurs must fully review their resumes.

After all, it is a reality show, so the most important thing is to ensure the program's effect!
When Su Che's studio was preparing for the show, two weeks later, Xia Yunbo's side also brought in three sets of designed models.

The three sets of designed models are very avant-garde in appearance, a bit like a concept car, with a sense of technology.

"Not bad! Boss Xia really has strength!"

Su Che couldn't help but praise after reading it.

Xia Yunbo laughed and said:
"That's right, although we can't build a car factory, we have run to countless top manufacturers. We haven't eaten pork, haven't we seen pigs running?"

Su Che nodded, and asked again:
"Some parts of your design are too advanced, are you sure you can produce it?"

Xia Yunbo packed the ticket and said:
"Of course! We have the best team in charge of production. As long as you and Director Yun nod, we can immediately mass-produce [-] units for broadcasting!"


Su Che was overjoyed.

Within two weeks, not only can it provide such high-quality design drawings, but it can even be mass-produced immediately. The person introduced by Director Yun is indeed right.

Director Yun looked at it and was also very satisfied, and said to Su Che:
"Su Che, come and think of a good name for the new brand! Those foreign super sports car brands, such as Ferrari, Maserati, and Lamborghini, are very impressive! We can't let it go!"


Su Che nodded, touched his chin and thought for a while, then raised his head and said:

"This model is full of avant-garde and futuristic, why not call it the future! This first model is called s7!

The implication is to create a new future! "


(End of this chapter)

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