Chapter 288 Business Miracle
The future s8 pre-sale release ceremony was successfully concluded, although out of the [-] pre-sales, [-] of them were bought by those famous ladies and rich women for Su Che's sake.

But for the remaining [-] cars, there are also real car enthusiasts and collectors. As soon as they got the car, someone posted a review of the new model on the Internet!

"Dear car lovers! The future s8 newly released by this future car! Its performance has greatly surpassed that of the future s7! Regardless of the engine, suspension, and interior, it is almost the world's top level! It is comparable to Lamborghini, Aston Martin and other supercars. brand!"

"The most shocking thing is! A supercar with the same performance, in Lamborghini, you can say that it costs more than 3000w, but this future s8 only needs 888w! This price/performance ratio is simply invincible!

If you love supercars but don’t have that level of financial means, you can definitely consider buying this one!Believe me, once you get the car, you will never be disappointed! "

As soon as this review video was released, it immediately sparked unprecedented enthusiasm across the Internet.

Not only the supercar world, even ordinary people know that a .
The car production group that can compete with the cars of foreign super brands can't help feeling a strong sense of pride in their hearts!

There are gringos and those Muyang dogs. It can no longer be said that we can't produce high-end cars in Yanxia!
In the next few days, the pre-sale phone calls for future car manufacturers are about to explode. They are all customers from all over the country, calling to order future s8. In just three days, the order has reached a terrible level. 60 cars!
For a commercial product with a price of several million, this order can be described as shocking!
The current production line is already working overtime and overloaded.

In short, the launch of s8 in the future will be a complete success, and it can definitely be called a business miracle!
Looking up and other major media, once again competing to report, also greatly appreciate Su Che, who is the face of the group!


Just when there was a wave of enthusiasm for the future in the whole country, Su Che quietly left Shanghai with Liu Xin, and went to the set of "Summer Airport", Chongqing.

After arriving at the set, Liu Weiqiang personally led the whole crew to welcome Su Che with warm respect.

Liu Weiqiang smiled and said:
"Brother Su Che, you have had a hard time flying here, why don't you go to the backstage to rest first?"

"Need not."

Su Che waved his hand and said:

"I'm not very tired, let's go to see the set first, so that after the shooting, the progress can be faster."

"That's fine! I'll let the assistant director watch it with you later!"

Liu Weiqiang was also very surprised. He didn't expect Su Che to be so dedicated. He went to see the set without taking a break right after getting off the plane. He admired Su Che even more in his heart...

The assistant director at the side came over, to Su Che's surprise, the assistant director of this film was actually a young and beautiful girl?
"Hi, Mr. Su Che, my name is Liang Shanshan, and I'm the assistant director of this film."

Liang Shanshan took the initiative to greet Su Che and said:

"Nowadays there are really few dedicated actors like Mr. Su Che. I believe we will be able to cooperate happily this time."

Su Che knew that although this girl was young, it must not be easy for Liu Weiqiang to take a fancy to her as a partner in a movie, so she nodded with a smile and said:
"Well, I also hope that Assistant Director Liang will give me more advice then."


After that, Su Che walked around the set with Liang Shanshan, talking while walking, and the two got to know each other a lot.

After shopping around, Su Che nodded and said:
"That's right, Director Liu really put his heart into it this time. You can tell from this look that many of them are real guys!"

Especially when I saw the Boeing 747 on the runway, it looked like I had really rented a large passenger plane, which obviously cost a lot of money!

Su Che exclaimed:
"Excellent, I really got a Boeing 747!"

The assistant director Lian said:
"That is, for this film, our director also specially invited two professional airliner pilots. We shot most of the scenes in the sky, without green screen special effects, and strived to be real!"

Su Che gave a thumbs up and said:

"Director Liu really has a heart, and he will never make rubbish movies!"

"Of course, isn't this what every filmmaker should pursue?"

Liang Shanshan smiled and said:
"Okay, the set is almost done, go try on your costume, if it doesn't fit, I'm afraid you have to ask someone to order it."

"it is good."

Su Che nodded.


Inside the fitting room.

"Mr. Su Che, are you ready?"

Liang Shanshan stood outside, waiting for Su Che to change.

"All right!"

The curtain was pulled open, and a handsome figure stepped out from inside.

Liang Shanshan turned her head to look, her big eyes suddenly flickered.

"Wow... so handsome..."

I saw Su Che wearing a captain's uniform, with an imposing appearance and an extraordinary temperament.

An extremely powerful aura hits the face, just like a real airplane captain!
And Liang Shanshan never thought that this dress looked so good on Su Che. She looked at Su Che in a daze, and her heart jumped wildly.

"How about it?"

Su Che asked Liang Shanshan.

"good very good……"

Liang Shanshan swallowed, forced herself to calm down, and said in a slightly unnatural tone:
"Mr. Su Che, this dress is tailor-made for you! It fits so well!"

"Really? Then I can rest assured!"

Su Che stood there, posing a few poses, and Liang Shanshan, who was on the side, almost spit out a nosebleed.

"How is it? How did the clothes try on?"

At this time, director Liu Weiqiang walked in from outside the door, and stared at Su Che who was wearing the captain's uniform, and was stunned:
"Oh my god! Su Che, you're even better than the captain in this outfit!"

After all, the captain is also a profession with a strong aura. At first, Liu Weiqiang was worried that a young actor like Su Che would not be able to support him, but now it seems that he was completely overwhelmed!

If he didn't know Su Che, he would definitely think that Su Che was really an experienced veteran captain who had flown thousands of flights!

"Director Liu, you are exaggerating."

Su Che shook his head with a smile and said:
"Oh, by the way, Su Che, our crew has invited two pilots to introduce you to each other. Next, they will guide you on your piloting skills."

Director Liu smiled and shouted to the outside:
"Instructor Wu, Instructor Song! Come here!"


Not long after, two men in flight suits walked over.

"Let me introduce, this is Su Che, the actor who participated in our drama, and he will fly the plane then!"

Director Liu introduced to the two instructors.

"Su Che, this is Instructor Wu, and this is Instructor Song. They are our flight technical advisor for this movie! They are also instructors!"


(End of this chapter)

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