Conquering the Heavens: Beginning at Hogwarts

Chapter 33 Transfiguration Class (Revised)

Chapter 33 Transfiguration Class (Revised)

The Gryffindors deserved to be in charge of the atmosphere, relying only on some simple props and some ordinary food, they successfully turned the dinner into a party.

Everyone played late that day.

Dumbledore himself said to cancel the class tomorrow morning, and the Weasley twins got some beer from somewhere, and mixed it in the cups of the little wizards.

As a result, in the middle of the night, the seniors kept carrying these little wizards in the first, second and third grades who couldn't drink and fell drunk to the ground.

"Where did they get the wine?"

"I don't know, but I know I can see them in the toilet tomorrow."

"I think so too."

Two fifth-year Gryffindors carried the drunk Weasley twins back to their dormitories.

Early the next morning.

Pender scratched his head and got up.

A little beer wouldn't make him drunk, it's just that his body didn't get used to alcohol, so Pender finally collapsed.

Although the consciousness is clear, but wobbly, it is inevitable to bump into each other.

Touching the big bump on his head, Pan De used his magic power to reduce the swelling while washing.

"There are two classes in the afternoon. The Transfiguration class is Professor McGonagall's class."

After tidying up his clothes, Pan De walked out of the room.

He and Harry lived together in the Gryffindor common room.

"Today's class, I was assigned to Ravenclaw."

Pendor looked at his class schedule.Although he takes classes with everyone, each class is in a different college, and there are special subjects that need to be taken, and the courses are three times that of others.

Presumably it was arranged by Dumbledore.

Come to the auditorium, it is ten o'clock in the morning.

Harry and the others were still sleeping, and there were not many people in the auditorium.

Finding something casually to cushion his stomach, Pan De went to the library with the book in his arms.

"Good morning."

Pendor came to Hermione's side. He didn't expect Hermione to wake up so early, and she was still watching. Explaining Transfiguration?
"Ah. Good morning."

Hermione was so engrossed that she didn't notice Pendor approaching at all, and by the time Pendor greeted her, it was too late.

She hurriedly covered her book, her little face was flushed, and she looked like a thief.

Hermione was wearing a red Gryffindor school robe today, a red scarf around her neck, and red striped knee socks on her legs. Overall, she looked abstinent.

"Transfiguration is very profound, and without a professional instructor, it is easy to have problems." Pendela opened a chair and sat down, reaching out to Hermione for a book.


Hermione hesitated, but handed the book over.

Pan De opened the book and found a paragraph of text and illustrations for Hermione, "This is one of the most basic training methods. If you want to learn Transfiguration, the best way is to understand the essence of Transfiguration. Professor Ge, she is a master of Transfiguration."

"Transfiguration, the essence?" Hermione blinked, she couldn't understand the knowledge that Pender gave her, the things in it seemed very profound.

"Simply put, it's control, with a little bit of imagination."

Pender drew his wand, and transformed a bottle of ink on the table into a miniature tiger, and back again.

"How did you do it?" Hermione was surprised, she tried many times by herself, but couldn't even conjure a needle.

"Practice more."

What Pan De said was the truth, he was indeed trained.

Hermione nodded, she thought so too.

"By the way, what are you looking for in the library?"

"Well, I want to learn alchemy and find some basic books."

"That's something I only started learning in seventh grade."

"It doesn't hurt to have a look."

Pender found the book, and sat here with Hermione to read it. Hermione would ask Pender if there was anything she didn't understand. Of course, if Pender didn't understand anything, she could just write it down~
"Let's go, you can write down what you don't understand, and compare it with what Professor McGonagall said in class."

Pendor checked the time, got up and interrupted Hermione, who was already addicted to it.

"Oh, good."

Because the two of them were obsessed with reading, they had successfully missed lunch and even missed their lunch break, and now they were about to miss the class time.

The two trotted all the way, but they were not late.

Walking into the classroom, the first thing you see is a tabby cat squatting on the teacher's desk.

"Why is there one here?"


Pendor stopped Hermione and dragged her to the front row to sit down.

After sitting down, Hermione pulled Pender to continue exchanging knowledge about Transfiguration.

When the bell rang, Harry and Ron arrived late and ran into the classroom with their books in their arms.

"Why are you here? You're late." Malfoy at the door gave them a blank look, and then asked in a low voice.

"We're lost." Harry smiled.

"That's right, the professor hasn't come yet." Ron said with some relief, "If my mother knew that I was late for the first period of school, she would definitely kill me."

Hearing what Harry and Ron said, Pender just shrugged amusedly and said nothing.

Hermione rolled her eyes.

And at this moment, Ron's voice just fell.

The cat on the table jumped forward and changed instantly.

Cat girl... Bah!No, it's Professor McGonagall, making his debut.

In the shock of the little wizards.

McGonagall first looked at Hermione and Pender, "I heard the questions you two just said, and we will talk about them in a while. Transfiguration is very rigorous, and the foundation is the most important thing."

"This is so cool." Ron at the other table exclaimed, "Harry, did you see that? It's so cool!"

"Yes, I saw it." Harry also looked at Professor McGonagall, with a strange color in his eyes.

"Don't be too surprised, Mr. Weasley." McGonagall looked back at Ron and smiled slightly, "You should be glad that this is the first time you and Mr. Potter are late, otherwise I might turn you into pocket watches , to remind you to be punctual."

Mag looked at the two of them and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Sit down now, I don't think you won't sit down, right?"

"Yes Professor." Harry and Ron whispered back.

"Very well, let's start class." Mag nodded.

"You should really pay attention, Professor McGonagall doesn't like people who are not punctual, and she is our dean, you are almost late." Hermione on the side whispered to Harry and Ron, just in that tone, Some are not quite right.

Ron and Harry looked at each other, curled their lips, and didn't say anything, but there was more displeasure in their eyes.

Next, McGonagall explained the principles of Transfiguration in the Transfiguration class.

She wrote on the blackboard,
The form changes, but the essence remains the same.

"Transfiguration is to change the shape of a thing through magic power, so that it changes from another to another. The shape changes, but the essence remains the same."

"For example, if you turn an iron ingot into a block of wood, its appearance becomes wood, but the essence inside is still iron."

"Changing the substance itself is a matter of alchemy. Transfiguration can't be done. You can never use transfiguration to transform real gold." McGonagall said.

Then write on the blackboard.

Weight, size can be changed, but overall the same.

"An object affected by Transfiguration can change its weight, size, length, and even as long as your knowledge is sufficient, you can even change part of its properties. Of course, that requires sufficient knowledge of alchemy."

"But remember, no matter how you change, you can't create something out of nothing. The object will not increase because you make it bigger, it's only temporary. The extra part is the effect of your magic power being temporarily filled."

"Transfiguration can't change food." Mag continued without pausing, "That's also a transformation between substances."

Pan De recorded these carefully.

He tried it himself, and the transfiguration technique really couldn't do this. To be precise, it wasn't that it couldn't change into food, but it couldn't turn into organic matter.

This kind of material transformation still belongs to the category of alchemy.

But Transfiguration can turn a table into a lion, a bottle into a pig, a person into a clock, into a fox.

Weird right?
But this is magic, we don't reason with science.

(End of this chapter)

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