Global Wasteland: Awaken the Heart of Technology at the beginning

Chapter 120 Studying the Mineral Vein Detector 【Subscription】

Chapter 120 Studying the Mineral Vein Detector 【Subscription】

After a while, Wang Teng learned a general idea about the basic technology of chip manufacturing in his mind, and he felt that he could almost practice it!

But before that, it is necessary to find out the quartz sand, the raw material of the chip, otherwise everything is empty talk.

Of course, quartz sand can also be purchased from other players on the trading platform, but it is difficult to get the amount you need with the mining level of other players.

"I'll go out when the storm is over." Wang Teng took out the mineral vein detector from his backpack and turned on the knob switch on it.

"Di—!" A familiar voice came from the mineral vein detector, and at the same time its screen began to show the surrounding detection situation.

Of course, Wang Teng has explored the vicinity several times, and there are no other veins.

"It would be great if we could go out to search while moving the base vehicle." Wang Teng was a little distressed. There was no hope here, and he had to go to other places to find new mineral resources.

But when moving the base car, he must always sit in the driver's seat and deal with all the situations encountered during the driving.

"What should I do?" Staring at the mineral vein detector in his hand, Wang Teng turned his little head quickly.

Soon, Wang Teng thought of a possible solution.

Let him disassemble the mineral vein detector first to study the principle, and then make a mineral vein detection drone, which can sit in the lord's mansion to detect the surrounding situation!
And I have a universal repair hammer, even if this mineral vein detector is accidentally broken by myself, it can be repaired!

The only pity is that he doesn't understand the universal repair hammer at all, and there is no way to repair it or make a new one.

After all, this universal repair hammer is really easy to use. Since getting it, Wang Teng has used it to repair many items that are about to be scrapped. It can be said to be an artifact at this stage!
"I don't know when I can get another universal repair hammer." Wang Teng turned off the mineral vein detector in his hand and removed the battery, then took out a screwdriver from the storage backpack and began to disassemble it.

This mineral vein detector is an old-fashioned machine. You only need to remove a few screws on the back, and you should be able to open it.

Soon, Wang Teng easily removed the 6 screws on the back of the mineral vein detector, and carefully placed them on a corner of the table to prevent them from being found when they were put back later.

Of course, it doesn't matter if they are all lost, he can make screws himself, or wrap a few times with tape to make do with it.

"It should be just to pry it open." Wang Teng groped along the gap in the middle of the vein detector for a while, but found no problem.

In addition, he tore off all the stickers on the vein detector, but no screws were found under the stickers.

"Crack!" Wang Teng took out a thin piece of iron and inserted it into the gap in the middle of the vein detector, pried it hard, and a crisp click sound came out immediately.

"It's really opened like this!" Wang Teng was overjoyed, and quickly turned a thin iron piece along the vein detector to pry open all the buckles inside.

"Ding~~" Wang Teng put down the thin iron sheet, grasped both sides of the vein detector with both hands and pulled gently, and the vein detector was easily opened by him.

"Fortunately, I didn't use any force just now." Wang Teng took a glance and found that there were many wires connected to the two sides of the mineral vein detector, which seemed to be easily torn off.

Gently placing the two halves of the mineral vein detector on the research table, Wang Teng turned on the light and studied the mineral vein detector carefully, trying to figure out its principle.

At first glance, the internal structure of this mineral vein detector is a bit familiar, and it is very similar to the magic detector he made himself!

"I almost understand. The principle is really the same." Wang Teng studied for a while staring at the inside of the mineral vein detector, which is the opposite of his magic detector.

His magic detector passively receives the weak fluctuations from the magic crystal to determine their position and distance, while this mineral vein detector actively sends out an electromagnetic wave to detect the surrounding mineral vein resources.

And the reason why this mineral vein detector can detect so many mineral resources should be the function of the chip in the center!

"It seems that I can only buy some quartz sand from other players and imitate a few of these chips." Wang Teng thought for a while, and now he only has this mineral vein detector.

If it is tied to a drone and modified, it should be possible to detect the surrounding mineral resources without leaving home.

But the risk of doing so is too high. If someone or a monster is encountered during the investigation, this precious mineral vein detector is likely to be lost!
Once this precious mineral vein detector is lost, Wang Teng will have no way to make a second mineral vein detector!
Therefore, before the modification, Wang Teng needs to study the chip thoroughly, or copy the program inside completely, so that there is no need to worry about losing it.

After all, the innermost chip is the most difficult to handle, and he can imitate other structures now.

"Do you want to study this chip first?" Wang Teng was a little hesitant. If he wanted to study this chip, he would have to remove it from the circuit board, which was a bit risky.

Wang Teng stared at the vein detector and thought for a few minutes.It was decided to remove it for him first, otherwise there is no way to study it in depth, and only some superficial things can be seen.

"Make a hair dryer first." Wang Teng decided to use a gentler method to remove the chip from the circuit board with hot air.

You can also use a soldering iron, but that's too rough and a bit inappropriate.

After more than half an hour, Wang Teng built a brand new hair dryer!
The main reason is that the shell of the hair dryer took a lot of time, otherwise Wang Teng could have been faster!
"Huh!" Wang Teng turned on the hair dryer, and the hot wind rushed out from the mouth of the hair dryer and landed around the chip of the mineral vein detector.

After waiting for a while, Wang Teng stretched out his hand and twisted the chip of the mineral vein detector a few times, and found that it had begun to loosen, and he could take it off directly after waiting a while.


"Finally took it down!" Wang Teng held the chip of the mineral vein detector with his right hand, and pushed the other things to the corner of the table with his left hand.

"Drip!" Put this chip into the burner connected to the laptop, and then open the relevant software in the computer.

After waiting for a long time, the program inside the chip began to appear on the laptop screen.

"It's a bit complicated, but it won't bother me!" Wang Teng smiled confidently, relying on the technology tree, he is fearless!

(End of this chapter)

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