Chapter 138 Magic Hand Cannon!

Walking halfway, Wang Teng thought about it and went to the steel factory first.

First melt the small pieces of mithril on his hands, and process them into cuboids for him to cut and process.

Soon, Wang Teng came to the hot steel factory, where several tracked robots were busy.

After walking in the steelworks for a few minutes, Wang Teng came to a furnace in the corner that hadn't started.

After all, there is still molten iron in the furnaces that the crawler robots are in charge of, so it is impossible for him to add other materials suddenly in the middle of the process.

"It seems that I have to do it myself!" Wang Teng glanced at the steel factory. There are no redundant crawler robots for him to use. It will take a lot of time to go outside to make new ones, and the circuit boards in his hand are not too much.

"Boom~~" According to the knowledge in his mind, Wang Teng successfully activated the small steelmaking furnace in front of him after a few minutes of fiddling.

When the temperature inside the furnace rises a bit, he can pour all the small pieces of mithril in his backpack into it for smelting, and it will be much faster then. It is basically an assembly line work, and with his skill, there will be no problems.

After a while, Wang Teng melted all the small pieces of mithril and made them into rectangular mithril plates that are easy to cut and process.

Because this part of Mithril Wang Teng is intended to be made into a small magic machine, the thickness is not very high, but it is no problem to make a magic hand cannon.

"Soon, the magic hand cannon will be made soon!" Wang Teng excitedly took the materials and rushed into the personal processing room.

Compared with the ordinary lathe in the machinery factory, the CNC lathe in your personal processing room is better!
Standing in front of the CNC lathe, Wang Teng opened his magic mechanic technology tree and confirmed that what he was going to do this time was the orichan copper magic hand cannon.

Although he doesn't have Orichalcum yet, he has already found a better Mithril. It is absolutely no problem to use it to replace Orichalcum as the main material of the magic hand cannon!

After simulating the production process of the Orichalcum Magic Hand Cannon in his mind, Wang Teng opened his eyes and looked at the CNC lathe in front of him. Now it's time to start working!

"Buzz!" The CNC lathe quickly spun to produce the first part of the magic hand cannon!
After two o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Teng produced all the parts of the magic hand cannon and assembled them together!
"It finally succeeded. My orican copper magic hand cannon, but now it should be called Mithril magic hand cannon!" Wang Teng's eyes lit up, staring at a two-meter-long cannon-tube-shaped object on the processing table.

Although his name is Mithril Magic Hand Cannon, his size is still a bit big and requires two hands to operate.

In addition, Wang Teng's technology tree also has a version that can be operated with one hand, but it is too weak in terms of power, and it is not worth making.

"Appraisal!" Wang Teng waved his hand, and used the appraisal skill on the mithril magic hand cannon on the processing table.

[Mithril Magic Hand Cannon (Excellent)]

[Damage +30, Explosion Damage +25, Magic Damage +25, Impact +15, Armor Break +15, Range +20]

[Description: The small magic hand cannon from magic technology has powerful power! 】

[Durability: 3000/3000]

"It's not bad, and it's also a weapon of excellent quality." Wang Teng said with a smile, but this excellent quality is still a bit low in his opinion.

He is a man with SSS-level talent, but he rarely makes excellent quality items, which makes him very disappointed.

"Make the small water storage tank and water pipe first." Wang Teng put the mithril magic hand cannon aside, and he is not officially finished yet.

After spending a little more mithril, Wang Teng made the remaining water pipes and small water storage tanks.

Although ordinary steel can also be used, it is better to use Mithril in terms of defense, so that the mana water inside will not explode.

"Crack!" Wang Teng connected one end of the water pipe to the Mithril magic hand cannon, leaving the other end temporarily empty, waiting for him to fill the small water storage tank with magic water and connect.

"Come on!" Wang Teng quickly rushed out of the personal processing room. The completion of the Mithril magic hand cannon is in front of him, and he can see his true power soon!
Soon, Wang Teng came to the large water storage tank again.

Because the robot was dusting, Wang Teng waited for a few minutes before rushing in to fill up the small water storage tank in his hand.

"Crack!" Connect the other end of the water pipe to the small water storage tank in your hand, and the mithril magic hand cannon is officially completed, ready to fire at any time!
"My speed is a bit fast, and the storm is not over yet." Wang Teng opened the airtight door and stood on the metal stairs, planning to shoot at the distance like this!
As long as you don't go down here, the storm outside will not be able to touch him!

After searching carefully for a while, Wang Teng selected the target as a towering tree more than 100 meters away. There are many tall trees that are only shorter than him beside him, which are very good experimental targets.

It's a pity that there are plains nearby, otherwise Wang Teng would like to shoot the mountain to see the effect.

"Om!" Aiming at the towering tree in the distance, Wang Teng pressed the charge button on the magic hand cannon, and the dense magic particles gathered in an instant and gathered at the muzzle of the gun.

"Boom!" After waiting for a second, Wang Teng pressed the shooting button next to him, and a light blue beam shot out from the muzzle immediately, accurately hitting the towering tree in the distance, and triggering a big explosion .

"Boom~~" In an instant, the explosion in the distance produced a semicircular energy ball, and it was still spreading around.

The radiation rainwater on the ground was thrown into the sky by this explosion, and then slammed down, the momentum was very astonishing!

"It's so powerful!" Wang Teng smiled with satisfaction. He didn't expect his mithril magic hand cannon to be so powerful. Now he feels that he can kill the leader of the lizardmen with one shot!

"I'll go find you when the storm is over!" Wang Teng said softly, and then put the mithril magic hand cannon in his storage backpack.

Now that everything is ready, the only thing missing is a suitable vehicle!

Although the previous luxury speedboat was good, it was still not stable enough. Wang Teng planned to remodel it to look like a warship!
Considering that the engine of the luxury speedboat is a bit small, Wang Teng plans to transform it into a destroyer, as long as it can be moved!

As for making the engine himself, Wang Teng is going to wait a little longer. The current steelmaking plant is a bit behind and needs time to improve it.

At the same time, the equipment of the machinery factory is also a little behind. If it is not upgraded, it will not be able to meet the next development needs.

These all take a lot of time, so you can only do it slowly.

"Make the destroyer first." Wang Teng walked into the machinery factory and took out the luxury speedboat from his backpack.

(End of this chapter)

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