Chapter 205 Preparations Before Disaster
Looking at the blueprint of the mechanical stalker on the laptop screen, Wang Teng immediately felt a great sense of satisfaction.

Although this mechanical stalker has not been actually tested, but he now has a general idea of ​​the mechanical stalker, as long as he keeps trying, he can finally make it.

After thinking about it, Wang Teng was going to take a rest first, and then go and make this mechanical stalker to have a look.

It is naturally the best if it can succeed at one time. If not, it can also be continuously adjusted according to the existing data in hand.

If it still doesn't work in the end, you can only find a way to catch a stalker from the Protoss portal to study. ,

With the laptop with the blueprint of the mechanical stalker, Wang Teng immediately walked to the personal processing room in the back.

Since it is the first time to make a mechanical stalker, Wang Teng plans to use the most common steel to make it, so that if it breaks, it can be directly thrown into the furnace for recycling.

But if you use mithril or adamantine to make a mechanical stalker, the cost will be too high.

After all, the size of a mechanical stalker is still very large, and the mithril and adamantium in his hand can't make a few mechanical stalkers at all.

For these two precious magic metals, Wang Teng plans to keep them for making more powerful magic machines.

Soon, Wang Teng came to his personal processing room.

After connecting the three-phase power supply in the processing room, Wang Teng skillfully checked all the equipment in the room.

After finishing all the preparations, Wang Teng immediately entered the trading platform and bought a battery with superior performance from it.

Because this is his first time making a mechanical stalker, Wang Teng is going to be more cautious and make an electric drive first to test it.

Wait until the mechanical stalker confirms that there is no problem, and then replace it with a combination of magic technology and psionic technology. This combination is currently the most energy-efficient.

After re-examining the blueprint of the mechanical stalker, Wang Teng immediately picked up the stainless steel plates stacked on the side and started processing.

It took a full three hours for Wang Teng to process all the parts of the mechanical stalker.

"I didn't expect it to take so long." Wang Teng stood up and stretched, then sat on the chair and took out his mobile phone.

It is already past ten o'clock in the evening, and the seventh disaster will come in a little while.

After thinking for a while, Wang Teng was going to go out to see what the disaster looked like. After all, this was the first disaster after the world was upgraded to version 2.0, so it should be very meaningful.

As for my mechanical stalker, I just finished the parts now, and there are still a lot of steps to be completed.

After sorting out the finished parts of the mechanical hunter and putting them into the storage backpack, Wang Teng walked to the cab outside.

After all, the parts of this mechanical stalker are of great significance to him. If one is lost because it is placed here, it will be difficult to handle, and it will take a lot of time to remake it.

Soon, Wang Teng came to the cab outside.

Looking at Jarvis' expectant eyes, Wang Teng briefly told him about the mechanical hunter.

After listening to Wang Teng's words, Jarvis was also a little nervous, although Wang Teng sent him a copy of all the experimental data.

But he still doesn't know much about a brand new species like Protoss, so he can't give better advice for a while.

"The next round of disaster is coming soon. Is there any sign today?" After chatting with Jarvis for a while, Wang Teng asked.

"Master, I didn't find anything abnormal." Jarvis said to Wang Teng. To ensure safety, he arranged a lot of drones around the base vehicle, but he didn't find anything wrong.

"It seems that we can only find out after twelve o'clock." Wang Teng sighed helplessly. This system is becoming more and more strict now. In the past, at any rate, it would give a little reminder before the disaster strikes, but now there is really nothing. up.

And since this period of time, Jarvis has conducted a detailed inspection of the vicinity through drones, but he has not found even a volcano.

The biggest possibility is that when twelve o'clock arrives in a while, all the volcanoes will refresh instantly.

For Wang Teng, there is nothing else, the most feared thing is that the volcano is directly under his base vehicle.

If this is the case, then the matter is much more serious. After all, his base car has not yet been remodeled, so it is still very difficult to escape from this place in a short time.

After discussing with Jarvis for a while, Wang Teng felt that the only way to resist this disaster was to use the magic barrier installed a long time ago.

If it is an ordinary disaster, it can definitely be stopped with a magic barrier.

But if it wasn't the usual volcanic eruption, his magic barrier would be a bit dangerous.

After discussions between Wang Teng and Wang Teng, it was decided to open the three-layer magic barrier in advance, so that the loss could be minimized.

At the same time, in order to ensure the safety of all intelligent robots, all intelligent robots that have gone out will be called back half an hour before the disaster strikes to prevent them from being damaged by the volcanic eruption.

After all, the cost of these intelligent robots is very high, and it takes a lot of money to make an intelligent robot even if it is as powerful as Wang Teng.

It would be a very sad thing if some were lost because of this volcanic eruption, after all, these can be avoided in advance.

Thinking of this, Wang Teng gave Jarvis another command to turn the base car back to the folded state 10 minutes before the disaster, and run away with all his strength if the situation is wrong.

After Jarvis' transformation, the current base car is already very stable, and even if it enters the folded state now, it will not cause damage to the factory on the base car.

"Let's do this for the time being, there is nothing else we can do." Wang Teng sighed, and then opened the chat channel to see if there is any valuable information.

After staring at the chat channel for a while, Wang Teng found that there was nothing to watch. The only valuable news was that disasters experienced in different worlds were different.

But generally speaking, the disasters experienced by their wasteland world basically belong to the simplest level, and the disasters in other worlds are much more terrifying than this.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was more than 50:[-]. At this time, all the intelligent robots had returned to the base vehicle with their tools.

"Boom~~" Without Wang Teng's instructions, Jarvis began to tell the base car to enter the folded state.

(End of this chapter)

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