Chapter 230 Huge harvest
After wandering back and forth in the garbage dump for more than an hour, Wang Teng found that his robots were still very efficient.

According to the current speed, it should not take long to clean up the entire garbage dump.

This is the advantage of robots, neither the disgusting smell nor the toxins accumulated inside will affect them.

"It's really good." Wang Teng walked to a small corner that no one cleaned up with emotion, and then waved the psionic blades on his arms to start cleaning up the garbage.

Although using a psychic blade may affect the items inside, this probability should be very low, and Wang Teng's reaction is several times that of ordinary people, and he can definitely stop the psychic in his hand before destroying the items. Can sharpen.

The next moment, Wang Teng threw himself into the excavation of the garbage pile excitedly, trying to obtain some good items from it with his own strength.

After several hours of digging, Wang Teng left the garbage dump in disgrace.

I thought that I could get good items from the garbage dump with my own strength, but I didn't expect that nothing was cleared out at all, and some were just useless garbage.

"I hope there are really treasures here." Wang Teng was a little helpless, but considering that so many people came to Hongshi Town one after another, there should be no problem with the gold content of this garbage dump.

After patrolling the garbage dump for a few laps, Wang Teng returned to his base vehicle.

As for the surrounding area, due to the short time and Jarvis' strict control, it was basically in ruins.

Only in the settlements outside the city, there are a few wooden houses that shelter the refugees from the wind and rain.

"Master, welcome back!" Seeing Wang Teng's return, Jarvis said respectfully.

"Oh~" Wang Teng sighed, and then sat in the driver's seat he was familiar with.

This time I went out to relax my mind, but I didn't get anything.

It seems that the garbage dump in Hongshi Town is more difficult than I want, otherwise there would not be so many people coming to clean up the garbage dump.

Hearing Wang Teng's sigh, Jarvis knew without asking that he hadn't been able to get anything good from the dump, otherwise he wouldn't have this expression.

Fortunately, the speed of the intelligent robot and the mechanical stalker is still very fast. It takes about ten days to clean up the three giant garbage dumps here.

This is the result of their 24-hour work, but even if they are extremely powerful robots, they still need to come back to the base vehicle for supplies and maintenance every once in a while, otherwise they will be easily scrapped after working for a long time.

So in order to save resources and protect the intelligent robots on the base vehicle, they have to come back every once in a while.

"Oh, wait a little longer." Wang Teng thought for a while, and was going to lie down on the chair to rest for a while, and then study the mechanical sentinel in his hand.

As fighters created by the Protoss family, these mechanical sentinels are still very powerful.

And they are small enough to meet the needs of various situations.

But the disadvantage is that these mechanical sentries have a bit of demand for psionic energy. At the same time, Wang Teng's current level has no way to produce the psionic energy needed to maintain the operation of a large number of mechanical sentries.

"It seems that my psionic generating device is going to be modified." Wang Teng touched his chin. The problem of psionic energy shortage has troubled him for a long time.

As a man with SSS-level talent, he couldn't let this small problem keep hindering his development. He had to solve the problem of insufficient spiritual power as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Wang Teng planned to study the command center of the Protoss clan after a while.

There, I might be able to obtain more information about psionic abilities.

As long as I can get my understanding of psionic energy a step closer, I can perfect the large psionic energy generator on the base vehicle.

Not to mention other things, at least the problem of insufficient spiritual power must be solved.

After thinking carefully for a while, Wang Teng felt that it was not too difficult to do this.

Because of the existence of the system, he was able to create unlimited production of mana water before, and now it should be easy to expand the scale of psionic energy.

Time passed quickly, and soon came the second night.

With the sound of metal clashing from outside, Jarvis excitedly reported to Wang Tenghui, "Master, I found something good!"

"What is it?" Wang Teng opened his eyes in surprise. Originally, he had given up all hope. He just thought that this garbage dump was a rumor spread by the mayor of Hongshi Town. He didn't expect it to take such a long time. It can really pay off.

"A small fat nuclear bomb." Jarvis smiled, and then excitedly said to Wang Teng.

When he attacked Hongshi Town before, he was very interested in this good thing, but he didn't expect to find a similar model from the garbage dump now.

However, this small nuclear bomb has not yet been inspected in detail, so it is not certain whether its function is intact and whether the explosion will be affected.

"That's right, I actually found this thing." Wang Teng also nodded excitedly. He didn't expect there to be such a good thing as a small nuclear bomb in the garbage dump.

Originally thought that the only way to encounter this thing again was to go further north to Hongshan City, but I didn't expect that there were still garbage dumps in Hongshi Town.

Excited, Wang Teng quickly ordered Jarvis to arrange for the robot to bring the small nuclear bomb back immediately, and he wanted to observe it carefully.

Wang Teng had never seen such a big killer like a nuclear bomb, so he was very excited at this time.

If possible, Wang Teng is going to dismantle this small nuclear bomb for research to see how it differs from the small nuclear bombs in his technology tree.

With amazing intelligence, Wang Teng is now confident that after disassembling this small nuclear bomb, he can install it back intact.

Of course, it would be fine if some anti-theft means were installed on this small nuclear bomb. Wang Teng has no confidence to study him intact under such circumstances.

A moment later, an intelligent robot with a strong smell knocked on the door of the Lord's Mansion, and handed a small nuclear bomb with a somewhat rusty casing to Wang Teng's hands.

"My God, this garbage dump is too scary." Wang Teng was a little speechless. It seemed that all the robots had to be cleaned after the garbage dump was cleaned up, otherwise he couldn't bear such a terrible smell.

(End of this chapter)

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