Chapter 266 The Snow Disaster is Over
"Is this the Xinggang?" Looking at the huge monster in front of him, Wang Teng became short of breath for a moment.

Although I have seen many pictures of Xinggang on the computer before, it is still far from the real thing, and there is no such shocking feeling.

Standing in front of Xinggang, Wang Teng quickly put on the energy heavy armor that he hadn't taken out for a long time, and walked over after opening the spiritual shield. ,

After all, this star port is still under construction, and his surroundings are very dangerous. Even Wang Teng must maintain absolute vigilance, otherwise he may die, and it will be bad at that time.

Soon, Wang Teng came to the bottom of Xinggang.

After walking around this behemoth, Wang Teng felt that the construction level of the intelligent robot was still very reliable, at least from his point of view, there was no problem.

"It's not bad, but the progress is a bit too slow." Looking at the star port under construction, Wang Teng nodded in satisfaction.

Except for the slow speed, he is very satisfied with this star port, and it is perfect in all aspects.

In addition, since there is a precious SCV on the side to assist in the construction, the construction speed of this star port is not so slow. If the number of SCVs can go up, it may be faster.

Next, as long as the star port is successfully built, I can quickly put the star port into working condition, and then produce the newly designed Banshee transport aircraft for production!
Because he was too excited, Wang Teng thought about it and waited patiently beside Xinggang.

Anyway, there is no other work on the sky fortress now, and the blizzard outside is even more trivial. With the magic barrier, I don't have to worry about it at all.

"I hope it can be built as soon as possible." Taking out a recliner from the storage backpack, Wang Teng waited patiently around the star port.

It took a whole day for this important star port to be built successfully.

This is all thanks to the help of SCV, so the intelligent robot was able to build this star port in a short time.

At this moment, Wang Teng was very excited. After waiting for such a long time, he was finally fully prepared for the sky fortress.

If the banshee transport plane has no problems and meets his needs, then the sky fortress can take off.

However, considering the violent snowstorm blowing in the wasteland world, Wang Teng felt that it would be better for him to wait for a while.

For the sky fortress with anti-gravity devices, this blizzard will not affect him in the slightest, on the contrary he can easily take off.

But the problem lies on the Banshee transport plane. Since the space utilization rate of this Banshee transport plane is a bit high, and there are not enough places left to install instruments and equipment, Wang Teng did not install precious anti-gravity on it. device.

Of course, the main reason is that the energy source is not high enough. If he continues to install anti-gravity devices on the Banshee transport plane, I am afraid that he will only be able to fly in the air for a short period of time before losing power, thus failing to complete the set goal.

Watching the intelligent robots making the final inspection on the Xinggang, Wang Teng left this floor satisfied and walked towards his Lord's Mansion. ,

He has already done what he needs to do now, so he can only go back to the lord's mansion and wait. If everything is ok, the Banshee transport plane will be produced soon. Unfortunately, due to the current situation, he cannot conduct a take-off test.

Soon, Wang Teng returned to his lord's mansion.

"Master, welcome back!" Seeing Wang Teng's return, Jarvis, who hadn't seen Wang Teng for a long time, warmly welcomed him, and at the same time sent work summaries to his laptop.

"Well, what's the situation now?" Wang Teng said as he sat in his driver's seat and glanced at the situation outside.

From the number of magic barriers, it can be seen that the blizzard was quite violent during his absence, otherwise Jarvis would not need to increase the number of layers of magic barriers.

Reaching out and clicking on the world chat channel, Wang Teng knew that his guess was correct.

In the current wasteland world, due to the long-term blizzard, the temperature has dropped to a pitiful minus 150 degrees, which can be said to be extremely cold.

In this dangerous situation, almost most of the players gave up struggling and chose to sell the large amount of resources in their hands in exchange for any way to survive.

"It's a pity, my resources." Wang Teng looked enviously at what happened on the World Channel, thinking that it would be great if he had enough resources to sell.

Maybe I can immediately get rid of this poor life and become a rich man in the wasteland world.

It's a pity that I can only think about this kind of thing. After all, I didn't make sufficient preparations before the disaster came. Now I can't do anything except look jealously at the large number of acquisition conditions on the trading platform.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, Wang Teng felt that he couldn't waste his time like this. Maybe he could consider building a transport vehicle that could travel in a snowstorm to collect resources.

In this way, Wang Teng felt that he might still make a lot of money while the blizzard was not over.

"Let's talk about this issue later." Wang Teng lay on his driver's seat, planning to wait for the Banshee transport plane to come out.

After all, the sky fortress is too important to him, and he doesn't want to pay attention to anything other than the banshee transport plane in front of this big event.

In addition, while the blizzard is not over, if the cost of the Banshee transport plane is not too high, you can consider taking the risk of taking off a Banshee helicopter.

After all, there should still be a lot of bad weather like today. It is impossible to stop on the ground every time and wait for the disaster to end. Therefore, an aircraft that can continue to be used under severe conditions is very necessary.

"Very good, Xingport has started to operate." Looking at the information fed back on the computer screen, Wang Teng nodded in satisfaction.

Now the intelligent robots are slowly starting up the star port, and I believe that it will enter the state of official start in a while, and the banshee transport aircraft will be produced soon.

After waiting for about an hour and a half, Xinggang finally produced the first Banshee transport plane.

Like Wang Teng's design, this Banshee transport aircraft has some advantages of the Banshee and the medical transport aircraft at the same time, which can be said to be very suitable for Wang Teng.

"It's finally produced." Wang Teng was so excited, it was too uncomfortable for such a person.

(End of this chapter)

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