Chapter 69 Counting the Harvest
On the way back to the territory, Wang Teng made a special trip to the location where the iron ore veins were located, and brought back all the iron ore that had been dug.

Back in the middle of the territory, Wang Teng had just parked his three-wheeled motorcycle when he saw Ga Zuo running over.

"Master, you are welcome back!" Ga Zha enthusiastically waved his mechanical arm towards Wang Teng, "During the time you left, everything in the territory is normal!"

"Well, thank you!" Wang Teng nodded in satisfaction. It's really convenient to have Gazhuo to help him manage his territory, but it's a pity that its memory is too small for advanced knowledge.

"Oh, it's my honor!" Ga Zhuo replied loudly, waved his mechanical arm towards Wang Teng, and then moved his body to continue patrolling the territory.

Seeing Gazhuo leaving happily, Wang Teng first went into the Goblin Laboratory and put down the Goblin Ripper Mech, ready to overhaul it later.

When I killed the mutant pigman today, I felt that the left arm of the mecha vibrated violently. It may be that the recoil of the Gatling gun is a bit strong, and it needs to be strengthened.

"Let's open the treasure chest first." Wang Teng pulled up a chair and sat down, and took out 1 copper treasure chest, 6 stone treasure chests, and 11 wooden treasure chests from his backpack.

Staring at the copper treasure chest in front of him, Wang Teng rubbed his hands expectantly. This was the first copper treasure chest he had seen, hoping to find something good.

[Obtain: 23 units of copper]

[Obtain: 12 units of coal]

[Obtain: 1 Shelter Transformation Module]

[Obtain: 1 little piggy]

"There is only one pig, how can we deal with this?" Wang Teng grabbed the little piglet and put it for identification. It was a little boar.

I opened the trading platform and looked. There are currently many players selling pork, but almost none are selling live pigs directly.

This precious source of meat is basically in their own hands, and no one would think of selling it.

"Coke, take him to the breeding area." Wang Teng beckoned to Coke. This little piglet can be raised for a while, and then he can go to the forest to find wild boars for breeding.

"Hmph~~" The newborn piggy still didn't understand what happened, but under the strong aura of Coke, he followed obediently.

After Coke left, Wang Teng took a look at the shelter transformation module, which was also suitable for his Lord's Mansion.

【Shelter Modification Module (Granite Version)】

[Use object: all wooden shelters]

[Instructions for use: Use on wooden shelters to transform shelters into granite shelters! 】

Judging from the information of this shelter modification module, there should be several types of stone shelters, and once used, they cannot be replaced with other stones.

"If I remember correctly, the hardness of granite is already very strong, that's it." Wang Teng walked out of the goblin laboratory, and soon came to his lord's mansion.

[Do you want to use it on your Lord's Mansion to upgrade the material from wood to granite? 】

"Yes!" Wang Teng clicked the OK button, and the shelter modification module in his hand flew to the Lord's Mansion in the distance in an instant.

A white light flashed, and the Lord's Mansion became made of granite. The whole process took less than a second.

"It's amazing!" Wang Teng sighed, taking out the stone treasure chests from his backpack and opening them one by one.

[Obtain: 12 Baguettes]

[Obtain: 4 bottles of water]

[Obtain: 85 units of iron]

[Obtain: 1 kerosene lamp]

[Obtain: 1 Water Well Blueprint]

[Obtain: 1 basic swordsmanship]

[Obtain: 1 armor blueprint]

[Obtain: 1 loom blueprint]

"My luck is so good?" Wang Teng was a little surprised. This time, so many blueprints were issued, and the explosion rate is much better than before.

Although the blueprint that was opened has no effect on myself, it is still very happy.

Wang Teng put the resources into his backpack, took a look at the kerosene lamp and basic swordsmanship, this kerosene lamp seemed a little unusual, it was a good thing.

【kerosene lamp (excellent)】

[Lighting +3, fire damage +5, conspicuous +1]

[Explanation: An ordinary kerosene lamp, the lamp oil comes from some unknown creature, and after being lit, it can increase the fire damage of the lantern bearer! 】

"Does guns count as fire damage?" Holding the kerosene lamp, Wang Teng felt that there should be such a possibility, otherwise the kerosene lamp would be useless to him.

Putting the kerosene lamp in his backpack and putting it away, Wang Teng took a look at the basic sword skills and lost interest.

If you have guns, who would practice swordsmanship? Of course, if it's the kind of swordsmanship with supernatural elements, you can consider it.

After thinking about it, Wang Teng decided to keep this basic swordsmanship book first, maybe it will be used in the future.

"There are still wooden treasure chests left." Wang Teng opened all the last wooden treasure chests, and only obtained some basic resources, without any special items.

"There are still the corpse of the mutant pigman and the electrical appliances found in the building." Wang Teng tidied up his backpack, planning to look at the corpse of the mutant pigman first.

"Boom!" After taking out the thirteen mutated pigman corpses and throwing them on the ground, Wang Teng immediately heard an electronic notification sound.

[Find the corpse of a mutant pigman, you can collect fangs, pigskin, heart, fat! 】

[Find the heart of the mutated pigman, you can feed it to pets to gain growth points! 】

"You can't eat meat or offal?" Wang Teng took out an iron knife and scratched the mutated pigman's corpse a few times.

The meat and internal organs of these mutated pigmen turned green, it seems that they have been completely mutated by radiation, and the hearts are still blood red and edible.

"Too bad, killing these mutated pigs won't do any good." Wang Teng sighed, the fangs on these mutated pigs were just average, and the pigskins were full of big holes, so they were useless.

In other words, a little lard can be extracted from fat, but judging by the strong muscles of this pig man, it is estimated that there is not much fat.

"Take out the heart first!" Wang Teng changed a butcher's knife, plunged into it with a puff, and dug out the hearts of the mutated pigmen one by one.

Looking at the Coke and hot pot that had already smelled the smell, Wang Teng piled pig hearts in front of them, scoring 7 pig hearts for Coke and 6 pig hearts for hot pot.

"Let's eat!" Wang Teng said to the two of them, and then checked the items looted from the building this time.

Among them, there are 4 microwave ovens, 8 toasters, 3 black and white TV sets, 2 radios, and 1 rice cooker.

The rest are some wooden or iron furniture, which can be disassembled to improve the experience of the next sub-professional.

Taking out a sofa to play with, Wang Teng watched the coke and hot pot finish the pig's heart.

With a lot of growth points, Coke has risen to level 9, and hot pot has also entered level 8!
(End of this chapter)

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