The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 104 Chain Reaction

Chapter 104 Chain Reaction
The three members of Creevey's family huddled together tightly. Their neat and decent clothes had a lot of dust on the ground, but they didn't care about it at all. They frantically searched for the medicine in the bag.

Finally Mrs. Creevey found the medicine. She tremblingly opened the medicine bottle, poured out two pills and stuffed them into Mr. Creevey's mouth, but Mr. Creevey didn't swallow at all. Mrs. Creevey looked around anxiously.
"Are you looking for water?" It was still the boy's voice, and then a glass of water floated in front of her
Mrs. Creevey took a quick look at Allen, grabbed the glass of water, and poured it into Mr. Creevey.

Mr. Creevey's breathing became stable immediately after taking the medicine, and he woke up leisurely after a while.

He looked at Alan and was about to scream again, but Alan had already spoken first.

"Sir, I don't mean anything malicious, and I won't hurt you! I just look weird," Allen said sincerely.

Mr. Creevey kept Mrs. Creevey and Colin behind him, looked at Allen warily and said, "Then why don't you let us go out!"

"It may be that the lock itself is broken. If I have malicious intentions towards you, can you still be so intact?" Allen replied helplessly.

Colin peeked at Allen quietly with his eyes exposed behind Creevey.

"Dad, look at that man's chest, it's the symbol of Hogwarts!" Colin suddenly pointed to Allen's chest and said.

It was only then that Allen remembered that he still had the Hogwarts school badge on his chest, which also reminded him.

"Are you a first-year freshman at Hogwarts?" Allen wanted to use this topic to ease the atmosphere, "I am your senior, and I will be a second-year student at Hogwarts this year."

And this topic made the Creeveys even more terrified. They looked at each other and asked cautiously, "Are all Hogwarts students like you?"

Allen thought for a while and said, "Not all!"

The Creeveys gasped at the same time, and Colin's expression became excited instead.
Allen also realized that he had said something wrong, so he quickly made amends: "The other students at Hogwarts are quite normal!"

But the Creeveys could no longer believe the standard of "normal" in Allen's mouth.

For such a strange monster, "normal" is what he looks like!The Creeveys thought quickly in their hearts.

They've made Hogwarts a school with all sorts of grotesque monsters.

However, the monster in front of him didn't seem particularly dangerous, it just looked a little strange. If you look carefully, the face still looks like a boy.Mr. Creevey thought to himself that these discoveries calmed him down.

"If there is nothing else, can you let us go out?" Mr. Creevey straightened his back, trying to make himself appear more imposing.

"Aren't you going to buy a wand?" Allen asked with some doubts.

This monster actually wants to buy and sell by force!This turned out to be a black shop!Mr. Creevey thought bitterly in his heart, and he glanced at the wand in Allen's hand with some fear.

But now the form is better than the person, let's hold your nose and admit it!Mr. Creevey made up his mind.

"The one just now is very good, how much is it? Let's buy it directly!" Mr. Creevey pointed to the wand in Colin's hand.

"The one just didn't fit, we have to keep trying, the right wand is very important for wizards!" Alan patiently explained to the customer.

Mr. Creevey had to acquiesce.

Then Colin tried one wand after another in this dull atmosphere, and finally chose a suitable wand.

"A total of seven Galleons," Allen said politely at last.

This price surprised Mr. Creevey, who thought he would be slapped hard.

So he readily paid the money.

Allen also used the unlocking spell to open the locked shop door.

The Creeveys took Colin out tremblingly, but were stopped by Allen.

The Creeveys looked back in horror, thinking the monster had changed its mind.

But they saw that Alan bowed deeply at 90 degrees to the three of them, "I'm sorry for frightening you!" Allen said sincerely.

He didn't realize the visual impact of bowing with such a long neck.

The Creeveys took two steps back in fright, then led Colin out of the store without looking back, and ran away in embarrassment.

Alan originally wanted to get up and see him off, but he was seen by passers-by on the street as soon as he stretched out his head from the store, which caused another chaos.
He quickly retracted his head, and after thinking twice, he decided to close the store early today, so as not to scare more people.

In fact, it was a very special experience to be randomly assigned to the neck of a giraffe. It is said that because of the long neck of the giraffe, in order to supply blood to the brain, the blood pressure of the giraffe is 2.5 times that of a human. However, Alan did not feel the lack of oxygen in the brain, nor did he feel it. The blood pressure in the body is high, and in the end it can only be attributed to the magic of magic.

The biggest advantage of having a giraffe's neck is that you can stretch your head higher and see farther.

But a long neck means that it can be stretched lower, just like people can bury their heads between their legs. After having a longer neck, Allen found that he could easily stretch his head behind his buttocks. .

In addition to these fun places, the long neck also brought him a lot of trouble.

For example, the most obvious is that the probability of bumps and bumps has increased, and then it is not easy to maintain balance when walking because the center of gravity has become higher.

Eating and drinking has also become laborious, because his hands are much shorter than his neck, so in order to deliver food and water to his mouth, he has to lower his head very low. He has to raise his head immediately after taking a bite, otherwise it will be difficult to go He swallows, so he needs to lower his head and raise his head constantly when eating, and his neck is so long, so the range of lowering his head and raising his head is also very large.

Later, Allen discovered a good way to eat, which is to use the floating spell to send the dinner plate to the top of the cabinet, and then stretch out his head for a while to gnaw and lick wildly. This is the most efficient way, but isn't this the way giraffes eat?

The last thing is to sleep. With a long neck of 1 meters, Alan’s height is more than 5 meters. Sleeping has become a problem, because the bed is not long enough, and sleeping with a bent neck is uncomfortable, so Alan didn’t sleep nap.

In addition, Allen decided not to transform the wand talent tonight, because a lot of things have been delayed today.

When Allen was distressed by this, the Creevey family ran out of Diagon Alley in embarrassment and returned to their familiar world. They found their car and left the block quickly. Mr. Levy has been maintaining a high level of vigilance, frequently looking at the rearview mirror, for fear that the monster will catch up again.

Mr. Creevey did not relax until he got home, poured himself a glass of brandy, and drank it down before feeling better.

"Colin absolutely can't go to Hogwarts to learn magic! There are a bunch of monsters there! Colin goes there and it's over!" Mr. Creevey's face turned red because of the alcohol.

"Yes! It's dreadful! Colin must not go!" Mrs. Creevy agreed.

Colin felt that everything he experienced today seemed to open the door to a new world, and he opposed the decision of the Creeveys.

But the Creeves directly ignored Colin's opinion, locked all the weird things they bought today in the basement, and then sent a letter to the signatory of the admission letter, Professor McGonagall, with the newly bought owl , made it clear that he would not send Colin to Hogwarts
Mr. Ollivander came back to the store the next morning. Allen got the owl's eyes randomly today, which can't turn, so he can only adjust the viewing angle by turning his head.
Ollivander was a little surprised that only three wands were sold yesterday, but he didn't delve into it, and Allen naturally felt guilty and didn't say much.

In the next few days, Allen helped Ollivander sell a lot of wands, and this peak sales season passed like this.

And Allen also began to think about visiting Ron's house. He sat on the desk in his room and prepared to write a letter to Ron.

So he took out a random notebook from the pile of old notebooks he bought a few days ago, and started writing on one of the pages. The content of the letter expressed his desire to visit.

But when he finished writing the letter and wanted to tear off the page, he found that he couldn't tear it off.
Just when he wanted to try further, Ollivander began to call him to help move the new materials.

By the time he returned from work, Allen had forgotten about the notebook, and he had just rewritten the letter on the parchment on the counter, and sent it away with Ollivander's owl.

Then the next day, Allen received a reply from Ron. In the letter, Ron expressed that Allen was very welcome to play at his house, and told Allen how to use Floo powder to reach his house through the fireplace.

Fortunately, Ollivander's store has everything. Under the patient guidance of Mr. Ollivander, Alan successfully arrived at Ron's house with Floo powder.

Allen's arrival was welcomed by all members of The Burrow.

At noon, Mrs. Weasley cooked a large table of delicious food, and even filled Alan's dinner plate to the brim.
Just as a group of people were eating lunch in full swing, a strange owl flew in, dropped a red envelope in front of Allen and flew away.

The whole dining table became silent in an instant, and everyone was staring at the red envelope.
Allen picked up the red envelope suspiciously, and muttered: "Who will write to me? The red envelope is quite festive! Could it be that someone sent me an invitation to get married?"

"It's a Howler letter!" Ron leaned forward and whispered.

"What is a roaring letter?" Allen asked suspiciously. He saw that everyone on the table showed terrified expressions, and looked at the envelope again. He felt that something was wrong.

"Have you offended anyone recently?" George said with a smirk.

"No!" Allen said after thinking carefully for a while, "Could it be Malfoy? But how did he know I was in the Burrow?"

"I suggest you open it directly!" Fred also came up, "Otherwise the consequences will be serious!"

"You haven't told me what a roaring letter is?" Allen looked at the envelope with some hesitation. The red envelope now gave him an ominous premonition.

"Hurry up and open it! You'll know when you open it! It's only a few minutes!" Ron urged Allen, when the four corners of the envelope started to smoke
Allen picked up the letter carefully, and the people on the table had already started to cover their ears.
The letter was opened, and a loud voice filled the room, and Allen immediately recognized that it was Professor McGonagall's voice
"Ellen - Phoenix - look at what you've done - why are you trying to scare first years and their parents? There are now six Muggle families of young wizards who have turned down their Hogwarts invitations - This is a huge admissions accident! This is the first time in the 6 year history of Hogwarts - I had to visit these 1000 families one by one, and my plan to go to Africa for vacation was blocked because of you Cancelled—you probably haven’t thought about—what kind of mood I’m in right now—”

The whole table was dumbfounded listening to Professor McGonagall's shouting letter. Professor McGonagall's voice was a hundred times louder than usual. angry mood
"After school starts—you—immediately—immediately—come to my office—"

The roar stopped, but Alan's head was still buzzing. The red envelope had already fallen to the ground, burning automatically, curling up and turning into ashes.
Allen sat there blankly without saying a word, he didn't expect that his inadvertent mistake would cause such serious consequences.
Everyone at the dining table understood the content of the roaring letter, and they didn't come back to their senses for a long time.
"That was Professor McGonagall just now?" Mrs. Weasley spoke first, "I have never seen her lose her temper so much, you know he is usually very elegant"

Everyone at the dinner table nodded in unison. They all agreed with Mrs. Weasley's words, and the way they looked at Alan changed.
Fred and George pushed Ron aside, sandwiched Alan, and asked excitedly, "How do you scare freshmen? Tell me."

Allen only felt that something was blocked in his throat, and he lost all his appetite in an instant.

He pushed his plate forward and said politely, "I'm full, I want to be alone now."

After speaking, he ran upstairs to Ron's room.
leave everyone staring at each other
After a while, Harry and Ron also followed. With their efforts to comfort, Allen felt better, so he was going to write a letter to Hermione about this matter, and asked her to help analyze what should be done about it. How to deal with it.

He spread out a clean piece of parchment on Ron's desk, and then began to write, but he kept feeling that Ron's desk was shaking all the time.
"Why is your table shaking all the time?" Allen asked Ron.

Ron seemed to be familiar with this matter, "Check to see if the book on the corner of the table has been kicked aside by you, and if it has been kicked away, put it back."

Allen looked down and saw that there was indeed a book with a black cover under the table. When he was about to continue using the book as a corner pad, his eyes were fixed.
Because the cover is written in ancient rune
 This book will be on the shelves tomorrow, and those who have not invested can invest quickly.

  Today there is an update of 4000 words, and it will be updated tomorrow when it goes on the shelves.

  Still looking for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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