Chapter 12 Conflict

The little wizards are having breakfast.

Draco Malfoy was happily talking about his experience playing Quidditch, and about his ingenious and dangerous escape from a Muggle pesticide-inflicted plane.

Surrounded by a circle of first-year wizards from various colleges, everyone listened intently and let out exclamations from time to time.

Malfoy seemed to enjoy this feeling of being sought after by everyone, and spoke more vigorously.

At this time, Allen dragged his long wings into the auditorium. He passed the long table carefully, for fear of touching the tableware on the table.

At this time, the little wizards in the auditorium found him, and rushed towards him screaming to stroke his wings. Some of them even tried to pluck feathers from them, and Alan couldn't stand it anymore.

Fortunately, Percy was also eating breakfast, and with the majesty of the prefect, he frightened the little wizards. Alan's roommate took the opportunity to rescue him from the crowd, but all kinds of jams and butter were stained on his wings.

The little wizards were still unwilling to disperse, and they all gathered around Alan and asked various questions. Fortunately, they didn't get started anymore. Ron and Harry were actively maintaining the order of the questions on the scene.

Allen had no choice but to answer the questions of the young wizards while eating breakfast, and even some senior wizards couldn't help but stop and listen.

What Allen didn't realize was that Malfoy was staring at him from a distance, his eyes full of jealousy and resentment.

Just when Allen was talking dry, a haughty voice came in: "What's so interesting about a 'birdman'!"

Allen stopped, and turned around to find that Malfoy was leading his followers, Crabbe and Goyle. Malfoy combed his shiny back hair and looked at him proudly with his chin raised.

Alan knew that the best way to deal with such an arrogant person was to ignore him and not take him seriously, so he glanced at Malfoy and continued to answer the little wizard's question.

As expected, Malfoy, who was ignored, was even more annoyed. He separated from the crowd and walked up to Allen: "Does this stupid wing make you deaf? Orc!"

Ron and Harry's eyes were full of anger, and they were about to rush forward to argue with Malfoy. Allen quickly grabbed them, and then calmly said to Malfoy, "Oh? What do you want?"

"I just can't bear people like you misleading everyone!" Malfoy wanted to seize the moral high ground.

"Oh, then thank you for your reminder." Alan didn't want to be as knowledgeable as this little kid, and tightened Harry and Ron again, continuing to ignore Malfoy.

"No one has ever dared to ignore me like this!" Sure enough, Malfoy became more and more annoyed.

"So now I have it, don't thank me." Allen continued to reply calmly.

The little wizards around burst into laughter, and Ron laughed the most exaggeratedly, and he slapped the table straight.

Malfoy's face turned red up to the ears, he had never been so angry before, and he was so angry that he didn't know what to say for a while.

But Alan, who was suddenly in a bright mood today, was not going to let him go. Looking at Malfoy's big back, he suddenly thought of the stalk he saw in the short video of his previous life, and said to Malfoy: "You don't use less hairspray to get this hairstyle every day, right?" , you will go bald after using such a large amount of hairspray every day at your age."

The Muggle-borns laughed, while the wizards-borns were a little puzzled.

Malfoy felt that his soul had been hit violently. Although he didn't understand what hairspray meant, there was a faint voice deep in his soul telling him that he had received the most vicious attack in his life.

The anger made Malfoy lose his mind a little, and he said indiscriminately, "You mudblood, a bastard without parents, didn't your parents who died early teach you how to speak?"

Allen's face turned gloomy. As a time traveler, his parents on Earth have always been a pain in his heart, and he never wanted to mention it. In addition, as a Chinese, filial piety is the first thing, so it doesn't matter if he is scolded a few times. It's over, but if the parents are scolded, it's really unbearable.

Allen stood up with a bang, and his wings spread out completely out of anger. The airflow from the huge wings made the young wizards onlookers back a few steps, blowing away many candles floating over the auditorium.

Only then did the little wizards discover that Alan's spread wings are so huge, with a wingspan of more than 5 meters, which is as tall as an adult wizard when fully expanded.

Allen walked towards Malfoy, covering him step by step under the shadow of his own wings. Malfoy felt as if he had become a small beast being stared at by a beast, his heart was trembling, and his body kept moving back. Crabbe and Goyle, his henchmen, were also frightened.

At this moment, Allen felt someone hugging his waist tightly, and when he looked back, he saw that it was Harry, Ron, and Neville.

He was trying to break free, but Professor McGonagall's voice came from beside him: "Don't you eat breakfast in the morning? Don't you have classes in the morning? What are you doing here?"

No one dared to ignore the majesty of Professor McGonagall, so everyone quickly dispersed.

Allen also calmed down instantly, and everyone pretended that nothing happened.

Professor McGonagall gave Ellen and Malfoy a hard look, and walked away.

Allen, who returned to his seat, regretted his impulsiveness just now, which was too high-profile, but it has already happened, so there is nothing to regret.

Harry looked at Allen and said sincerely: "I just held you because we are all orphans, and Hogwarts is our last home. I don't want my good friend to be expelled from Hogwarts." Harry got a little emotional by the end.

Allen's heart suddenly softened, wondering if it was softened by the words "home" and "good friend".

He looked away slightly, a little afraid to meet the light in Harry's emerald green eyes.Sniffing gently, he said to Harry, Ron and Neville, "I'm fine now, thank you all!"

Neville's face was flushed red, and it took a long time before he said a word: "Alan, you are a very good person, don't be as knowledgeable as people like Malfoy."

Ron took the opportunity to joke and said: "Alan, do you know that Fred, George and Jordan are betting on whether you can use your wings to fly, and they are now planning to trick you to the top of Gryffindor Tower, Then push you down!"

"Haha, then I have to be careful, I don't want to be the first 'birdman' to be killed!" Allen joked.

Everyone was amused by Allen's one-liner and started to enjoy their own breakfast.

At this time, Hermione sat across from Allen holding a book called "The Origin of Quidditch", and said briskly to Allen, "Your wings are dirty, can I clean them for you?"

Allen was a little puzzled, have we become familiar to this point?But it seems that there is nothing wrong with cleaning it up.

So he nodded lightly: "I'm very honored!"

Hermione's face was a little red, but she still recited the spell steadily: "Clean it up!"

All kinds of jam and butter on Alan's wings disappeared quickly, and the wings turned white again.

This made Alan feel better, and thanked Hermione gratefully.

Hermione spread out the book on the table and said to Allen, "You're welcome, I can't stand such white wings getting dirty."

"Besides, you look much more handsome today than the legendary wizards in the book!" Hermione glanced at Allen quickly, and said this sentence quickly.

Allen didn't know what to say for a while.

Hermione also felt a little embarrassed. Looking behind Allen, she quickly changed the subject: "Don't pay attention to this. What you should pay attention to now is Malfoy. He looks resentful now, as if he is very unwilling."

Allen turned his head to look at the long table of Slytherin. Malfoy was blushing and telling the other little wizards, as if he was ashamed of his shrinking just now, and he kept explaining to everyone.

Suddenly he seemed to be aware of Alan's gaze, he turned his head, his eyes collided with Alan's in the air, Alan clearly saw the humiliation and unwillingness in his eyes, Alan snorted softly, a little contemptuously Turning his head away, he ended his stare at Malfoy.

Hermione, who was sitting opposite, saw all this clearly, and said softly to Allen, "I'm going to take flying lessons with Slytherin this afternoon." She raised the "Quidditch Tracing the Origin" in her hand, " May I give you some flying advice?"

Allen smiled gently at her: "I'm so happy!"

 The ten-year-old bookworm finally couldn't help writing a book by himself, hoping to get everyone's favorites and recommendation tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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