The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 130 Preparations for Transforming Dragon Skin and Dragon Scale

Chapter 130 Preparations for Transforming Dragon Skin and Dragon Scale

When Allen woke up the next day, he quickly started to check his body, but he couldn't touch the scales with his hands, but his hands felt fluffy. His body was covered with a layer of fur. The whole body was light yellow and long, with black markings , The hair on the chest, abdomen and inside of the limbs is white.

Allen didn't recognize what animal's fur it was for a while, until he stood in front of the mirror and saw the familiar "king" pattern on his forehead, and then he realized that his talent transformation today was the fur of a tiger.
Although this result disappointed him, he was not discouraged at all, because he knew what the problem was!
It seems that the magic materials produced by the fire dragon still need to be consumed!If you want to become stronger, you have to spend money!Allen thought silently in his heart.

However, Professor Dumbledore has already approved his application for magic materials to be used in the research of innate transformation, so let's apply for a magic material produced by the fire dragon another day.Allen made a decision in his heart.

This decision made Allen feel much better. He admired himself in the mirror, and suddenly felt that he was in good shape. If he wanted to put it in the game, it must be a Year of the Tiger limited skin.
Allen was stunned by his own thoughts again. He suddenly felt that the skin deformed by talent was quite similar to the various skins of game characters in previous lives, but his skin was limited to various animals.

But this is also a good way to adjust his life. He is already a little tired of random corners, ears, noses and other things. Compared with the skin, it is much more fun.

Looking at his tiger-headed and tiger-headed self in the mirror, Alan's mood became better.
The roommates who woke up also found Alan the tiger man. After yesterday's incident, everyone's acceptance of Alan's transformed things has increased to a higher level. Regarding the things Alan transformed today, everyone was shocked. Envious, I kept asking Alan how he felt.

Alandao didn't feel anything special, except that he felt a little hot, but he could still bear it.

Professor McGonagall showed extraordinary enthusiasm for Alan's transformation today. She reached out and touched Alan's head and neck for a long time. Alan felt that she regarded him as a big cat, but isn't a tiger just a big cat? cat?
What Alan didn't expect was that Hermione also liked his transformation very much. She reached out and stroked Alan's smooth fur, and tried to scratch Alan's chin.

Allen resolutely stopped this behavior of stroking cats. He was a little depressed. He clearly transformed into the skin of a tiger today, but everyone licked him as a big cat. It was really annoying!
"I have always wanted to raise a cat. Today your transformation made me make up my mind. No, I will write to my parents and ask them to allow me to raise a cat." Hermione said on the Gryffindor table Talking about her plan to Alan, her eyes became brighter when she looked at Alan.

Alan was noncommittal to Hermione's words because he was reading a letter.

When they were having breakfast in the auditorium, Hedwig suddenly flew in and threw him a letter, but Hedwig didn't seem to like Alan's transformation today, and never allowed him to eat the food he gave.

The letter was sent by Newt Scamander, who did not expect him to reply so soon this time.

The letter was unexpectedly long this time, and Mr. Scamander erupted with great enthusiasm for Alan's transformation into the fur of an invisible beast.

In his letter, he used a lot of space to recall an invisible beast that had been with him for a long time, and also introduced the various habits of the invisible beast in detail, emphasizing that the invisible beast will only become invisible when it feels threatened.

Seeing this, Alan suddenly realized something. He was full of anxiety from the moment he saw his long hair yesterday, and he was worried all day long. No wonder he would remain invisible.

According to Mr. Scamander, as long as he calms down, the invisibility effect will naturally disappear.

However, Allen suddenly felt that it was not bad to be invisible, and the appearance of long silver-white hair was quite scary.

In the end, Mr. Scamander emphasized that he welcomes Alan to discuss with him the direction of his talent transformation. He seems to be more interested in Alan.

After reading the letter, Allen's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of his plan to transform dragon skin and dragon scales. He felt that he was a bit reckless in this matter. For powerful magical creatures like fire dragons, he really should ask before transforming. Experts, lest there be a problem like yesterday.

So he immediately wrote a reply letter, which described in detail his plan to transform dragon skin and dragon scale, and asked Mr. Scamander to check his plan.

After sending the letter away, Allen began to fill out the application form for applying the fire dragon magic materials for research on talent transformation, and handed the application form to Professor McGonagall when the transformation class was over.

Professor McGonagall was also very shocked by Allen's imagination.

The next day Allen received another letter from Newt Scamander, which was as follows:
Mr. Phoenix:
The letter has been received, please allow me to express my praise for your wild imagination.

Regarding your question, I think there is no one in the magic world who is more qualified to answer this question than me. As the only person in the magic world who keeps a private dragon, I have a deep research on fire dragons.

First of all, I think the idea of ​​transforming dragon skin and dragon scales you put forward is feasible. Dragon scales and dragon skins have extremely high defense power, and the magic power contained in them is used to strengthen the defense, so there will be no such thing as invisible beasts. question.

But there is one thing you need to pay special attention to, because I don’t know enough about your natural shape-shifting ability. I don’t know how you can make sure that you can transform into dragon skin and dragon scales instead of other parts of the fire dragon, so I especially want to remind you you.

A dragon's most dangerous organ is actually the gland it uses to breathe fire.The reason why the fire dragon can spray flames is because there are two glands in the mouth of the fire dragon, which usually secrete two kinds of magic secretions and store them in the pouches of the glands. When the fire dragon wants to breathe fire, the two magic secretions will be released. It is sprayed out by the gland, and then burns after touching the front of the dragon's mouth and continues to spray forward.

These two kinds of magic secretions are extremely dangerous. I don't know how much control you have over the deformed parts, so I can only remind you first.

If you deform the dragon's flame-breathing glands, please keep calm, and it is best not to open your mouth, so as not to threaten yourself and others. The power of the fire dragon's flames is beyond your imagination.

Finally, once again I wish you good health and success in your studies. If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time. Please write to me more often to synchronize your progress in researching talent transformation. I am very interested in this.

Your faithful Newt Scamander.

Alan stroked his chin after reading the letter and fell into deep thought.
There is no technical problem with the transformed dragon skin and dragon scale, but Mr. Scamander's letter seems to have pointed him in a more interesting direction!
 How does the fire dragon breathe fire? I checked a lot of information, and finally chose this one. In fact, the principle of fire-breathing rockets in reality is similar. When nitrous oxide meets unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine, the molecule will undergo a chemical reaction, which will cause exothermic combustion (3K-4K°C) and generate huge energy.

  Still looking for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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