The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 135 Decisive Victory!Dueling Club

Chapter 135 Decisive Victory!Dueling Club
There was a burst of laughter from the Slytherin crowd. They laughed and looked at Alan's embarrassed appearance, and Malfoy laughed especially happily.

But Alan has no time to take care of these. He avoids the transparent wall summoned by Rozier clumsily. It is the weight of the dragon scales on his body that affects his actions. Now the scales on his body are covered with a lot of dust. It looked very embarrassed.

Rozier is not very familiar with the obstacle spell, so he gave Allen time to dodge, but Allen knew that in order to dodge, his physical strength was consumed less and less. If Rozier could not find a solution until his physical strength was exhausted If there is no way, then he will be slaughtered.

Time was not on Allen's side, and Rozier, who had the upper hand, still did not relax his vigilance, maintaining a transparent armor in front of him.

Allen thought of the cleaning spell, and the transmission of the cleaning spell should be able to bypass Rozier's armor spell, but he didn't know what he could transmit to make the final decision.

"Alan, this way!" Allen suddenly heard Harry's voice.

He turned his head and saw that it was Harry, Ron and Neville, each of whom moved a chair over.

This is Allen's entrustment to Harry before he came to the stage. He has always been prepared, so he quietly extracted the memory of recording the parameters of the steel claw wolf on the stage, and then asked Harry to move some chairs. Because in order to make room, the chairs were moved to the corner.

Transfiguration is like this, and it also needs a carrier that can carry the transfiguration spell.

Allen quickly focused on the memory of recording the parameters of the steel claw wolf in his mind, and then took the opportunity to quickly cast two transformation spells, turning the two chairs into two steel claw wolves.

"It's unbelievable!" A voice suddenly rang out from the crowd. This voice overwhelmed everyone. Everyone was familiar with this voice. It was Hogwarts Quidditch match commentator Lee Jordan.

And now he seems to be about to start explaining.

"Phoenix has shown superb transfiguration skills. You must know that the second grade is still learning to turn animals into objects."

"Phoenix casts the Transfiguration Curse very quickly. He doesn't seem to need to prepare before casting the Transfiguration Curse. Many fifth-grade students may not be able to do this."

"Phoenix transforms into two wolves, but I don't think the two wolves can do anything."

"Rozier's obstacle spell is becoming more and more proficient, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Allen to dodge."

Professor Snape glanced at Lee Jordan in the crowd, and didn't intend to stop him from explaining. Although he said a lot of good things about Allen, Rozier had the upper hand now, and Snape acquiesced. .

Alan actually doesn't know why he transformed into two steel claw wolves, maybe it's just because with the help of his memory, he can cast the transformation spell at the fastest speed now.

Allen established a link with the two steel claw wolves, and he began to direct the two steel claw wolves to pounce on Rozier.

But with this distraction, Allen was hit by the invisible wall again.

"Phoenix directed his transformed wolf to pounce on Rozier, and Rozier carefully added an armor spell, he was too cautious!" Jordan continued to explain incessantly.

The two wolves bumped into the invisible armor at once, making a dull sound, but the invisible armor did not change at all.

The Slytherins were getting louder.

There were disappointed sighs from the Gryffindor crowd. They thought the wolf summoned by Allen could turn the situation around.

"The wolves transformed by Phoenix are just two ordinary wolves. It is impossible for ordinary wolves to break through the armor curse!" Jordan explained.

Rozier also looked at the wolves wandering in front of him, and he didn't think these two wolves could threaten him, but he discovered one thing very keenly - when Allen commanded the wolves, the speed of dodging would slow down , he thought it was a great opportunity.

Yes, Allen's current limit is to establish a link with two deformed creatures. When he directs the two wolves to act in his mind, it will inevitably affect Allen's reaction speed.

"The wolf transformed by Phoenix didn't play any role, but drew his attention." Jordan clearly understood the situation on the court.

Rozier suddenly realized that these two wolves were not bad, their existence would only distract Allen.

So he let the two wolves in front of him go, and concentrated on casting a spell to deal with Allen.

Allen was really desperate at this time, he really couldn't think of a way to break the game, so he had to continue to direct a wolf to circle behind Rozier and launch an attack.

But Rozier was keenly aware of Allen's intentions, and he quickly cast an armor spell behind him.

The wolf that circled behind bumped into the transparent armor again, and its claws slapped feebly on the transparent armor, but an unexpected thing happened the next moment.
The transparent armor was inexplicably broken.
"What happened? Rozier's armor spell was inexplicably broken." Jordan's tone became excited.

Allen's eyes lit up, and he understood what was going on. The material of the steel claw wolf claw that was just summoned was the same as that of the silver gate key of Gringotts.

Does that strange metal actually have the effect of breaking the magic defense?
He suddenly gave up dodging completely, and put his mind completely on commanding the two wolves, allowing him to be sent flying by Rozier's impediment spell.
The Steel Claw Wolf circling behind aroused Rozier's vigilance.

"Break into pieces!" Rozier cast a spell on the Steel Claw Wolf who circled behind.

Allen controlled the steel claw wolf and easily dodged the spell.
When Rozier was attracted by the scene behind him, the steel claw wolf in front suddenly broke through two layers of armor spells.

Rozier didn't react at all, and when he felt bad, the steel claw wolf in front had already pounced on his body.

The sharp claws cut Rozier's clothes, and then began to bite.

Rozier didn't expect his spell to be broken so easily. He wanted to cast a spell to kill the steel-clawed wolf on his body, but he had never been injured like this since he was a child. He overestimated his sensitivity to pain. He couldn't concentrate at all, let alone cast a spell.

At this time, Allen had already commanded the steel claw wolf behind Rozier to bite Rozier's wrist holding the wand, and Rozier completely lost the ability to resist.
And the steel-clawed wolf that pounced on Rozier's body was not idle, it kept scratching Rozier's body with its claws, and the sharp claws easily cut through his clothes, leaving many deep scars on his body. deep wound
Red blood spurted out all of a sudden.
All this happened so fast that Rozier felt the pain at this moment. He let out a scream and then fell to the ground, constantly trying to shake off the two wolves on his body, but it was all in vain
The auditorium suddenly became quiet. Everyone had never seen such a tragic scene. Everyone became silent. Even Lee Jordan forgot to explain. There were only Rozier's screams and the sound of wolf claws cutting cloth. ringing continuously.
"Stop the curse!"

"Stop the curse!"

Professor Snape quickly cast two spells, and the two wolves turned back into chairs.

Professor Snape quickly stepped forward to check Rozier's situation
His face was extremely gloomy.
 The lazy cancer broke out on the weekend, and the next chapter will be published later.
  Still looking for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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