The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 144 The Hunting Decision

Chapter 144 The Hunting Decision

Firenze stared blankly at this neat killing, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.
"The weapons of war developed by your wizards are really terrifying. This thing is much better than a magic wand in melee combat." Firenze sighed.

Allen did not respond to Firenze. The whole body of the saber was designed for combat. Although it is not yet perfect, the lethality and mobility displayed at this time are enough to make people marvel.

But what Allen is most interested in now is the metal material on the saber. It wasn't obvious before, but today he absorbed the spider's venom. He took a closer look at the armor on the saber, and vaguely felt that there seemed to be a lot of metal on it. A touch of greenery.
This made him even more interested in the origin of the metal.

"Wizards have been improving, and these results are not surprising." Allen said flatly.

Firenze suddenly lost interest in the conversation.

Allen quickly cleaned up the battlefield, and then prepared to go back to Hogwarts. After all, it was already dark, and he was afraid that he would worry about him and Fang Ya when he woke up.

When he said goodbye to Firenze, he remembered the Weasley family's magic car again.
"Do you know the car wandering in the Forbidden Forest?" Allen asked Firenze for information.

"I know! It suddenly appeared in the Forbidden Forest a few months ago, and has been wandering around, but it doesn't hurt the creatures in the Forbidden Forest, and he runs fast, so I live in peace with the creatures in the Forbidden Forest It's all right, is that also the research result of your wizards?" Firenze didn't hide anything.

Allen nodded, then shook his head and said, "I'm not sure, but that car always feels like it's a child."

Firenze agrees.

Then the two bid farewell to each other, and Alan declined Firenze's offer to send him to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Continue to ride Yaya back along the ruts, leaving many marks on the way back.

He valued this newly discovered way of making money, and he decided to take advantage of the winter when the spiders hibernated and made several more visits.

One is for the ecological balance of the forbidden forest;
The second is to eliminate the ugly things in the world and spread love and beauty;

The third is to help Ron find the car at home, maybe Mr. Weasley will tell him the mystery of magical intelligence when he is happy;

The fourth is to optimize Saber.Saber, a deformed beast born for battle, must find problems in battle, optimize them, and make constant adjustments to achieve the most perfect state;
The fifth is to collect some magic materials to help poor orphans study magic.

Allen felt that the first three were the most important, while the latter two were extras and secondary.

Allen quickly returned to the edge of the Forbidden Forest along the ruts, and he lifted the polymorph on the two sabers, watching them become tree trunks again.
Then Fang and Fang went back to Hagrid's cabin.

Hagrid had already sobered up a bit at this time, so Alan hurriedly found Hagrid's big cup, put a lot of tea in it, and then cast a 105-degree Qingquan curse on the cup.
A cup of strong tea is brewed like this.

Ellen struggled to make Hagrid drink some strong tea.
"Allen is that you?" Hagrid regained consciousness and looked at Alan with misty eyes.

"Yes, take a good rest! I have already taken Fangya to inspect the Forbidden Forest." Allen said.

"Alan, you are really thoughtful," Hagrid muttered.

Alan looked at Hagrid's appearance, and suddenly wanted to ask him some questions.

He didn't want to know why Hagrid drank so much today.

He wanted to ask Hagrid about the giant spiders in the Forbidden Forest Basin, after all, he couldn't just listen to what Firenze said!

"Hagrid, Hagrid!" Alan shook Hagrid, "Do you know the giant spider in the Forbidden Forest? It's the kind with eight eyes and eight legs."

"I know!" Hagrid still lowered his head, his voice muffled, "Those are the descendants of Aragog and his wife, Aragog is my friend"

Allen was surprised when he heard this, he didn't expect to hear such a secret.

"I saw the horsemen hunting the hibernating giant spiders today." Allen said hesitantly.

"I will not allow others to harm Aragog's descendants!" Hagrid suddenly said loudly.

Allen was startled. Could it be that his new way of making money is going to be ruined?
"But the centaurs are right. Aragog's descendants are too prolific. If you don't control them, they will eat up all the animals in the Forbidden Forest." Hagrid's voice became smaller and smaller.

"Just don't let me see it," Hagrid said, and fell into a deep sleep.

Hagrid's words made Alan breathe a sigh of relief.

He quickly covered Hagrid with a blanket and helped Hagrid adjust his sleeping position.

Then he left Hagrid's hut gently and walked towards Hogwarts Castle.

It was past midnight when Allen returned to the dormitory, and he drew back his curtains and lay on his bed, feeling exhausted from the hours of patrolling.

But he found a very strange thing - his bed felt a little warm.

Had someone just been lying in his bed for a while?Allen thought suspiciously.

He looked at the other four four-poster beds in the dormitory. The curtains were tightly drawn on each bed, and their steady breathing sounded from the curtains.

Allen shook his head. He thought it was his illusion. At this moment, a sense of drowsiness rushed over him. He got into the bed and fell asleep after a while.
Early the next morning Alan sent a letter to Mr. Newt Scamander, enclosing a spider's fang.

The letter described what he had seen in the Forbidden Forest and asked about the spiders.

Allen had a letter back from Mr. Scamander the next day.The letter is as follows:
Mr. Phoenix:
Great to hear from you, from your description and the fangs you sent with your letter, I think this is the notorious acromantula.

Acromantula are cruel and dangerous carnivorous spiders that can lay a hundred white, soft eggs the size of beach balls at a time.The eggs take six to eight weeks to hatch.

Therefore, the eggs of acromantula are Class A prohibited trade items, because they have no natural enemies and can easily reproduce a lot, becoming an invasive alien species in a place
The danger of acromanders comes primarily from their large size, deadly venom, and gregarious habits. When you see one acromander, there are often a whole group of acromanders around.It is only during the winter that the acromanders are less dangerous when they go into hibernation
The venom of the acromantia is so precious that it can cost as much as 100 Galleons a pint.Since it is nearly impossible to obtain venom from a live acromander, the venom is usually obtained from a recently deceased acromander.

I've heard that acromantulas have been found in the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts.

In addition, I am very interested in the last time you transformed into dragon scales. If you can, please describe your feelings in detail at that time. If you have a photo, please send me a photo. Thank you very much.

Newt Scamander.

 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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