The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 165 Practice breathing

Chapter 165 Practice breathing
The next day Allen was woken up by the sound of birds chirping outside the window.

After waking up, he didn't dare to touch and feel his body carefully.

He felt that there were two nozzle-like things in his mouth, which grew at the mouth of his throat, that is, at the base of the tongue. The muscles that make up the nozzle were very strong and tough.His brain told him that he could control the two nozzles to spray, but he didn't dare to mess with the two nozzles, but gently opened his eyes.

The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the familiar tabby cat, the lines around the cat's eyes were exactly the same as the square glasses that McGonagall wore.

The spotted cat was also looking at Allen intently, and she immediately turned into Professor McGonagall after seeing Allen wake up.

"Alan, are you awake? Are you feeling okay?" Professor McGonagall asked with concern.

Her face was a little tired, it seemed that she had been guarding here all night.

Allen nodded, feeling an inexplicable sense of guilt in his heart, and he wanted to sit up.

"Don't move too much, you now have two more pouches on your neck." Professor McGonagall reminded.

"Pouch?" Allen was startled, but he quickly controlled his emotions and sat up carefully.

He felt his neck thicken, and two warm sacs were attached to his neck, the sacs were filled with fluid.

It seems that this is the fire-breathing gland of the fire dragon, because he only deformed the gland for the fire dragon to breathe out, and there is no space in his mouth to store these two glands, so the two glands are attached above his neck.

According to Mr. Scamander, the two pouches should contain different magical secretions.

Professor McGonagall deformed a mirror and floated in front of Allen, allowing him to see the pouch under his neck through the mirror.

The pouch was green and hung symmetrically on both sides of his neck below the chin, like two extra pieces of flesh.To be honest, these two pouches are still a bit ugly.
But this is not what Alan is most concerned about. I can feel that the nozzle in my mouth is connected to the pouch.

The nozzle on the left has a fiery sensation and the nozzle on the right has a bitter sensation.

Allen opened his mouth to say something, and Professor McGonagall immediately discovered his intention to speak.

"Don't talk, I'm afraid you won't be able to control your glands to spit out dragon's breath when you talk, so just write what you want to say." The professor handed Alan a piece of parchment.

Allen thinks that Professor Mike is right, his appearance is really not suitable for talking.

"I want to go out and try. I feel that the pouch is full now." Allen wrote on the parchment while gesturing at the pouch under his chin.

"It really should be like this. If you can't skillfully control the glands you deformed today, I won't allow you to go to the auditorium to eat and attend classes. Let's find an empty and deserted place to practice!" Professor McGonagall suggested .

Allen nodded in agreement with Professor McGonagall's proposal.

When Allen got dressed, he found that Madam Pomfrey had packed a medicine box and was waiting for him with Professor McGonagall.

Allen could only smile and nodded at them.

They decided to practice on the grass in front of the castle gate.

Alan was walking in the corridors of the castle, and met many little wizards and professors along the way, and they all stared at the pouch under Alan's neck in surprise.

They all realized what the pouch on Allen's neck was, and they started whispering around, and some little wizards followed them directly
When Allen came back to his senses, he found that the team behind him was getting bigger and bigger, and many little wizards followed, and even some professors.

The news spread quickly, and more and more people came!

Allen felt that the entire Hogwarts teachers and students were mobilized, and he even saw Professor Dumbledore. You must know that this was the second time he saw Professor Dumbledore this school year, and the first time was at the beginning of the second year. when.

Allen never expected that today's battle would be so big. He was not mentally prepared at all. It is human nature to watch the excitement, even wizards are no exception.

Professor McGonagall wanted to disperse the little wizards onlookers, but she couldn't find out which school rule the little wizards violated?So in the end I just let it go
Under the eyes of everyone, Allen felt a lot of pressure.

"Alan, let's start. In today's situation, if you don't show something, the students won't leave." The professor said with some concern, "Madame Pomfrey is ready, If you're okay, you can start anytime."

Allen bit the bullet and nodded.

Think of it as a kind of stress training, the pressure when facing the basilisk is much greater than the pressure brought by everyone's eyes!If you can't bear the pressure today, then you don't have to challenge the Basilisk.Allen thought silently in his heart.

He stroked the pouch on his neck carefully with his hands, and he heard the crisp sound of the liquid in the pouch hitting the wall of the pouch.

Allen seemed to know instinctively what to do. He knew he needed to shrink the sac as much as possible and compress the nozzle in his mouth.

he took a deep breath
The little wizards standing directly in front of him quickly made a passage, and in an instant, there were no creatures within the 100-foot fan in front of him.

Allen's actions made the little wizards at the scene quiet down. They stared closely at Alan's actions. The people standing behind even raised themselves up with a floating spell so that they could see Alan clearly. Every move, Alan even noticed that the tallest floating was Professor Flitwick.

Only then did he realize that he was a little distracted, and he quickly focused on the gland nozzle and gland pouch in his mouth
He can feel the air in his mouth, he can better compress the nozzles on both sides of his tongue, and he can feel the pouch in his neck shrinking gradually.
He could feel the liquid in the two sacs start to hit the nozzle in his mouth, and the nozzle in his mouth moved forward due to the pressure, and it reached the position of the teeth.
Allen felt that the fire dragon breathing system he had transformed had been squeezed to the limit.
Self-taught, he relaxed the muscles of the two nozzles, the nozzles lost their suppression, and two long, thin streams of bright liquid rushed out of them
At the same time, he opened his mouth wide to the limit.
The two streams of liquid did not contaminate his tongue, teeth and lips, and sprayed out of his mouth very cleanly.
The two streams of slender liquid collided smoothly one meter in front of him, and a dazzling green flame appeared in the air immediately
 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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