The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 180 The Scary Basilisk

Chapter 180 The Scary Basilisk

Huge basilisk, the whole body is green, with the unique radiance of venomous snakes. Its body is as thick as a big tree. It stretches its upper half high into the air. There is a bright red feather on its head. It is a male snake monster. The characteristics of the basilisk, its eyes gleamed with a terrifying light, and it stared at Alan flying in the air with hungry eyes.

The scales on the basilisk's body are thick and smooth, with magical light shining faintly on them, and the defense is very strong at first glance. The huge body is coiled on the ground, like a mountain of meat.

Allen, who was flying in the air, only felt a stench rushing towards him, so he quickly raised his height to avoid the bad breath attack of the basilisk.

Only when you really face the basilisk, can you feel the hugeness of the basilisk. The huge body of the basilisk brings great pressure to people.

A snake becomes a python, a python becomes an anaconda, an anaconda becomes a jiao, and a jiao becomes a dragon.

According to Chinese standards, this basilisk can be regarded as a Jiao.

Allen forcibly suppressed the waves in his heart, and faced the provocation of the basilisk, he responded unceremoniously.

He cast an Eye Sickness Curse on the basilisk in a snap, and a yellow light flashed from the tip of his wand, lightning towards the basilisk's terrifyingly large eyes.

The basilisk didn't expect that the little prey would have the power to fight back. It was completely unprepared, and was hit in the right eye. It raised its ugly head in pain and let out a painful roar
Allen's eye sickness spell, which he had practiced for more than a month, worked immediately. He lowered his height and released two impact bulls from the poke ball.

As soon as the impact bull appeared, it lowered its head with red eyes, its shiny mithril horns lay flat, its strong legs stomped on the slate ground vigorously, and quickly rushed towards the basilisk like a mountain of meat.
Still in pain, the basilisk didn't notice the two impact bulls at all.

Two bulls hit the basilisk's body smoothly, one of them hit an inclined plane, and was cut open by the basilisk's smooth scales, leaving a deep scratch on the basilisk's scales , the other hit at a very positive angle, and the momentum accumulated during the running allowed two one-meter-long mithril horns to penetrate deeply into the body of the basilisk.
Blood gushed out all of a sudden, staining the ground around the basilisk red
The basilisk screamed even more fiercely. It didn't care about the pain in its eyes. Its huge tail whipped up a gust of wind and whipped the two impacting cows beside it like a long whip. The two impacting cows were whipped like two toys. It flew out, hit a stone pillar, and turned into a pile of sawdust.
The huge tail of the basilisk swept across the ground unabated, and the second wave of shock bull released by Allen was directly smashed into sawdust by the basilisk's tail halfway.
Then he slammed on a stone pillar with great force. The stone pillar as thick as a bucket was crushed by the tail of the basilisk like tofu. The huge cracking sound echoed in this underground space. Like bullets flying around
The Shock Bull is transformed by Allen with the trunk of the Forbidden Forest, so when he receives huge damage, the effect of the Transformation Curse will disappear and it will look like a tree trunk
A gravel the size of a watermelon rushed towards Allen. He flapped his wings to avoid the gravel. The eardrums, the feathers on his head trembled violently, and the torn air hit his bare face skin, making him feel a little painful
Then the gravel hit the wall behind him with a dull sound. He quickly turned his head and found that the watermelon-sized gravel had been deeply embedded in the wall
Even after several months of preparation and psychological construction, the power of the basilisk still far exceeded his estimate, and a shadow cast over his heart.
Allen quickly came to his senses, he knew that now was not the time to be in a daze, he needed to cause more damage to the basilisk.
The basilisk also regained its strength at this time, it quickly found Alan in the air, and stared at him again, its yellow lantern-sized eyes suddenly burst into green light.
It was only then that Allen discovered that the eye disease spell he had just cast did not blind the basilisk's right eye, but judging from its performance just now, the eye disease spell still caused it a lot of pain.

But Allen felt something was wrong right away, he felt that he was starting to become stiff, and the speed of his flapping his wings slowed down, and he felt that his muscles were starting to become as stiff as a stone
He knew it was caused by the magical power of the basilisk's eyes, and he wanted to look away from the basilisk's gaze, but he had lost control of his body
At this time, a lot of tears suddenly secreted from his eyes, and these tears seemed to be able to counteract the magical power projected from the eyes of the basilisk. He gradually regained control of his body, and he quickly ended the eye contact with the basilisk.

He realized something in his heart: the green light in the eyes of the basilisk can greatly enhance the lethality of its eyes.

So when the green light appeared in his eyes, he had to decisively end the staring.

Allen was also afraid for a while. The magical power of this basilisk also exceeded the records in the book. Fortunately, the tears of the phoenix could offset this part of the sudden increase in magical power, otherwise he was directly controlled by the basilisk just now. .

He quickly released an impact falcon from the elf ball, and commanded it to fly around the head of the basilisk. As expected, the basilisk was attracted by the fast-flying impact falcon, and he took the opportunity to release a number of impact bulls. The basilisk added several more wounds.

While the basilisk was too busy to take care of itself, Allen decided to take the initiative to attack. The pouch on his neck was already full of magic secretions. He wanted to try the lethality of the dragon's breath on the basilisk.

He flew to the roof of the secret room, took a deep breath, and then swooped down towards the basilisk, because the distance of his breath was only about 10m, so he needed to be close to the basilisk.

He rushed towards the basilisk like a red lightning bolt, he squeezed the nozzle in his mouth to the limit, he passed about 5 meters above the head of the basilisk, and suddenly opened his mouth as he passed, an extremely bright flame shot from him It spewed out from the mouth, impacting the basilisk.
This flame illuminated the entire secret room, and the temperature of the entire secret room seemed to rise a few degrees. The puddles on the ground where the basilisk was entrenched were all evaporated by the temperature of the flame, and white steam rose around the basilisk.
This flame started from the head of the basilisk and sprayed all the way to the back of the basilisk. The green scales where it was sprayed turned into scorched black, lost their original luster, and became dull.
This hit dealt more damage to the Basilisk than all previous damage combined
The basilisk has obviously never suffered such a big loss since it was a child, and red bloodshots appeared in its yellow eyes, which is a sign of its extreme anger
It held back the pain in its body, ignored the interference of the shock falcon, and rushed towards Allen who was about to breathe again
 These chapters are very difficult to write, so the update will be later!
  Still looking for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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