The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 264 The Ministry of Magic

Chapter 264 The Ministry of Magic

Accompanied by a dizzy feeling, Allen felt himself stepping on solid ground again.

Alan found him standing in a long, resplendent hall with a dark, polished wooden floor.The peacock-blue ceiling is inlaid with gleaming gold symbols, constantly moving and changing, like a giant bulletin board in the sky.

The walls on all four sides are clad in dark wood planks, and many gilded fireplaces are embedded in the planks.Every few seconds, with a soft pop, a wizard pops out of one of the fireplaces on the left.And on the right, several people were lining up to leave in front of each fireplace.

In the middle of the foyer is a fountain.A group of solid gold statues, larger than life, stood in a circular pool of water.The tallest of them all was a dignified wizard, with his wand raised high, pointing directly at the sky.Surrounding him are a beautiful witch, a centaur, a goblin and a house-elf.The centaurs, goblins, and house-elves all looked up at the two wizards with admiration.Glittering jets of water shot from the tip of the wizard's wand, from the arrowhead of the centaur, from the tip of the goblin's hat, and from the ears of the house-elf.

There were ding dong ding dong, splashing water, popping and popping apparition figures, and the chaotic footsteps of hundreds of wizards and wizards.With the dead morning expression on their faces, they strode toward the set of golden doors at the far end of the hall.

"Alan, Hagrid, here!" Allen suddenly heard a very familiar voice, it was Mr. Weasley's voice.

"Arthur, good morning! The weather is fine today." Hagrid said roughly, standing behind Aaron.

"The weather is fine, and good morning to you too." Mr. Weasley seemed to be getting fatter.

Then he looked at Alan, "I saw the news about you recently, and your achievements made me and Molly proud." Mr. Weasley patted Alan on the shoulder affectionately.

Allen didn't want to talk about this topic. He looked around, "The official document from the Ministry of Magic said that someone would welcome me by the fireplace. Why didn't I see anyone?"

"Don't look for it, that person is me." Mr. Weasley said with a shrug. "There are still too few Animagus. You are the eighth Animagus registered in this century. On average, only one Animagus comes in more than ten years. It is impossible for the Ministry of Magic to set up a permanent institution for this. Every time you register The Department of Magical Law Enforcement is a temporary organization, so I'm here to welcome you, and the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office where I work is a subsidiary organization of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

"Well, where should we go next?" Allen said.

"Let's register your wand first, and then go to my office to study the follow-up procedures." Mr. Weasley said enthusiastically.

"Okay." Allen nodded.

"I won't go, I still have class in the afternoon." Hagrid muttered, looking at a table in the distance with his black beetle-like eyes, he held the red umbrella in his hand even tighter.

"Well, I respect your wishes." Mr. Weasley said with some regret.

Then Hagrid said goodbye to Alan, and walked directly into a fireplace.

Allen and Mr. Weasley joined the crowd, pushing their way through the Ministry of Magic staff.Some of them carried crumbling piles of parchment in their arms, others tottered briefcases, and others read the Daily Prophet as they walked.

"This way, Ellen," said Mr. Weasley, as they moved away from the stream of Ministry staff heading for the golden door.

At a table to the left, under a sign that said "Security Check," sat a very unclean-shaven wizard in peacock-blue robes.

As they approached, he looked up and put down the Daily Prophet in his hand.

"I brought a guest." Mr. Weasley said and pointed to Allen.

"Come here," said the wizard in a listless tone.

Alan approached him, and the wizard raised a long golden rod, as thin and resilient as a car antenna, and he used it to sweep Alan's chest and back from top to bottom.

Then the wizard used a strange machine to detect and register Alan's wand.

After registration, Mr. Weasley took Alan back to the wizarding trend towards the golden gate.

Pushed by the crowd, Alan followed Mr. Weasley through the gate and into a smaller hall over there.There were at least twenty elevators there, blocked by elaborate golden grille doors.Allen and Mr. Weasley joined the crowd surrounding one of the lifts.

They took the elevator to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement on the second basement level, and the Auror Command is also on this level. Allen saw that many Auror cubicles were covered with various portraits of Sirius Black. .

But Alan didn't do much observation, he and Mr. Weasley got up and went to Mr. Weasley's office.

Mr. Weasley's office was dark and shabby, seemingly smaller than a broom closet.Two desks were crammed in, and there was a row of overflowing filing cabinets along the wall, with precarious packages of papers piled on top of the cabinets, and there was little room to move around the desks.

Mr. Weasley skillfully poured Alan a cup of tea, "You wait here for a while, I'll ask other people what your registration process is."

Then he left the cubicle, leaving Allen alone. Allen also noticed that there were several car advertisements on the wall of the cubicle, one of which had a picture of a disassembled engine; An illustration, which he looked to have cut out of a Muggle children's book; and a diagram of how to install a socket.

It was Mr. Weasley's hobby.

After a while, Mr. Weasley returned.

"I found out about you, and now there is good news and bad news."

"The good news is that Minister Fudge is going to make your registration ceremony more grand. He said that he will attend the ceremony in person, and many other wizards will also participate in the ceremony."

"The bad news is that Minister Fudge went to inspect suddenly, and it is estimated that he will not come back in a few days. During the next period, you need to wait here for the return of the minister. The Ministry of Magic has a special guest room for visitors, and you can stay there for a few days. "

This made Allen's impression of Fudge worse, but he had no choice but to bow his head under the eaves, so he stayed in the guest room of the Ministry of Magic.

What he didn't expect was that this stay was only 7 days before Fudge returned to the Ministry of Magic.
And in Hogwarts in the distance, a dog and a cat took over again.
 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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