The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 273 After the War

Chapter 273 After the War
Everyone present stared dumbfounded at the sudden change in the field, watching the star that Professor Snape transformed into disappear into the distant night sky
After a long time, Hermione was the first to break the silence, "Professor Snape will be fine, right?" Hermione said with some difficulty, "He was shot so high."

"Probably not." Harry said in an uncertain tone. Although he was usually at odds with Professor Snape, he still didn't want anything to happen to Professor Snape.

"The professor's wand is always in his hand. As long as he can cast a floating spell on himself in mid-air, he should be able to land smoothly." Ron said suddenly.

Harry and Hermione thought it was true, but how would the school punish a teacher for treating them like this?
They can't help but feel a little worried. The most important thing is that they are still not sure if they are doing the right thing.

But it didn't take long for Harry to realize that he was worried that it was still early, that they had more important things to attend to.

Harry gave Hermione and Ron a sneaky look, then looked at Lupine and Black.

At Hermione's and Harry's orders, the two scarred shapeshifters also inserted themselves between the two groups, watching Lupine and Black warily.

The two had already been freed, Lupine even had his wand, but neither of them took the opportunity to escape or do anything against Harry.

This made Harry couldn't help believing what the two of them had said before.

"Thank you for fighting against Professor Snape for us. You made an extremely correct decision. You don't have to worry that Professor Snape will be angry with you afterwards. The truth will make him forgive you." Professor Lupine spoke first, He put away his wand directly to show his sincerity, but he continued to observe the two shapeshifting beasts from the corner of his eye.

"How do I know that you're not lying?" Ron said stubbornly. He still couldn't believe that Banban was an Animagus, or Peter Pettigrew, the hero who died in legend.

"The power of lies is nothing compared to the truth!" Black stared at Ron's chest, and said briefly and firmly.

Lupine said, "Can I have a look at the mouse?"

Ron hesitated, then reached into his robes.Scabbers appeared, shaking violently in despair.Ron had to grab the long, bald tail to keep it from escaping.

Crookshanks also appeared at Ron's feet, looked at Scabbers, and cried softly.

"Then it's high time we gave you some evidence," said Blake. "You, boy, give me Peter, now!"

Ron held Scabbers closer to his chest.

"I still can't believe that Banban is an Animagus. When Allen was preparing to become an Animagus a while ago, the most important criterion was to have the ability to resist the erosion of the wild spirit when he transformed into an animal form. And the time for this resistance is calculated by disappearing, and Allen could only hold on for more than 30 hours at the time." Hermione said suddenly.

"And if Scabbers is an Animagus, it is impossible for him to persist in the animal form for more than ten years at once. No one can do this." Hermione continued.

Black glanced at Hermione in surprise, "I didn't expect you to know this, but it's theoretically possible to persist for so long." Black said in a deep voice.

"I think it was fear that made him do this. Fear made him betray his friends and seek refuge with the Dark Lord. Fear also made him transform into a mouse and live for more than ten years after the Dark Lord failed!" Black Staring at the mouse on Ron's chest with murderous eyes, he said sharply.

He then tells how he recognized Scabbers from the newspapers.

Harry immediately thought that Scabbers had been sick since this year. At first he thought it was because of being frightened by Crookshanks, but now he thought that Scabbers had been sick before he met Crookshanks. The Ron family is back from Egypt since Blake's escape
He told Ron and Hermione what he had just thought, and Ron began to waver after hearing that.

"What would you do with it if I gave it to you?" Ron asked Lupine nervously.

"Forcing him to show himself," said Lupine firmly, "if it's really a rat, it won't hurt it."

Ron hesitated, then he finally handed Scabbers over, and Lupine took it.Scabbers started screaming and writhing, and his little black eyes bulged out.

"Ready, Sirius?" said Lupine, deciding to give Sirius the chance, handing him his wand.

Black took Lupin's wand, his wet eyes suddenly burning on his face.

He pointed his wand at Scabbers, and the tip of the wand glowed blue and white, and for a moment Scabbers hung in midair, his little black body writhing wildly—

Ron yelled—

The rat fell, onto the floor, another blinding flash, and then—it was like a quick shot of a tree growing.

A head appeared on the ground, and its limbs stretched out. After a while, a man stood where Banban was just now, wringing his hands timidly.

Crookshanks snarled contemptuously from the ground, the hair on his back bristling.

The man was short, not much taller than Harry and Hermione.His thin, light-colored hair was disheveled, with a large patch of baldness on the crown.His appearance is like that of an obese person who has lost a lot of weight in a short time.His skin appeared dirty, almost like a patchwork of fur, and his pointed nose and small, watery eyes had something of a mouse in it.

He looked at everyone, his breathing was short and weak.

"Oh, hello, Peter," said Lupin cheerfully, as if there were a lot of rats around him who became old schoolmates, "long time no see."

"Little-Sirius Lu-Lupin." Pettigrew's voice was also high-pitched.His eyes flicked toward the door again. "My friends—my old friends—"

Black's wand arm was raised, but Lupine grabbed his wrist and gave him a warning look.

Then Lupine turned to Peter Pettigrew, and Lupine's voice was relaxed and casual, "It's really unbelievable that a Ministry of Magic hero has been someone else's rat pet for 12 years."

Pettigrew Peter tried his best to justify himself, but his justification was so pale and powerless in front of the facts.

He desperately pleaded with everyone, but no one forgave him, and Ron was disgusted to see him.

 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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