The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 275 The Highlight Moment of the Yellow Fat Squirrel

Chapter 275 The Highlight Moment of the Yellow Fat Squirrel
Harry couldn't connect the creatures in front of him with being powerful. You must know that Hermione and Ron's deformed beasts looked mighty and powerful at first glance.

He had also fantasized about what kind of powerful shapeshifter his scroll could transform into. In his fantasy, the shapeshifter was as big as an elephant, with thick scales, daunting fangs and Claws, capable of spewing destructive flames
After actually using his scroll, the deformed creature undoubtedly disappointed him very much. The creature in front of him was a fat, round yellow squirrel, only the size of a puppy, and there was nothing wrong with it at all. The feeling of combat power.
Cute is very cute, but it can't be used to deal with these hundreds of dementors
Harry felt that the fat yellow squirrel in front of him had established a connection with himself, but now he was too much affected by the dementors, and he felt like his brain was rusty and running very slowly.
Allen also said at the time that this scroll was the most powerful one, maybe he was just joking.Harry felt his brain was about to freeze, he shook his head vigorously, he knew he could give this cute fat yellow squirrel an order to attack, but he felt that it would be futile
Harry was still too much influenced by the dementors, he actually made a low-level empirical error, and his low-speed brain hadn't combined the features of the fat yellow squirrel with the features of Snape's just transformed connected together.
Harry made up his mind, and he started to face the dementors again, he kept the fat yellow squirrel behind him, he didn't want this cute creature to die
This fat yellow squirrel still has some functions, its cute appearance brings me some joy. Harry thought silently in his heart
"pi?" The fat yellow squirrel became more and more confused, it didn't understand what was going on with the man in front of him
"Call the Patronus!" Harry conjured a cloud of silvery smoke again, but it was nowhere near forming his stag Patronus.

However, this piece of silver smoke still blocked the dementor, but the dementor stretched out his hand to push away his shapeless Patronus, and the silver smoke disappeared the next moment
Harry's heart was completely filled with despair, he heard the familiar scream, it was his mother's voice.
he can feel their rancid breath
His mother screamed in his ears.
she will be the last voice he hears
Then, the mist was engulfing him.
At this moment, he suddenly felt his right shoulder sink, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw that fat yellow squirrel jumping onto his shoulder.
"This fat squirrel is pretty heavy!" was the first thought in Harry's slow-working brain.
The fat yellow squirrel just lent strength on Harry's shoulder and jumped towards the dementors in the air.
Seeing this behavior of moths jumping into the flame, Harry felt neither sad nor happy.
But the next moment, tiny lightning flashes appeared on the red face of the fat squirrel, and then a dazzling white light began to appear on its body, and then a strong white light enveloped its whole body, and its whole body was shining brightly.
This white light illuminated Harry's face and dispelled some of the haze in his heart, but there were still too many dementors, this white light seemed to be extinguished at any time in the overwhelming darkness.
But Harry, who was not far away, clearly felt the violent and destructive aura exuding from the white light around the fat squirrel, and he knew that it was the extremely condensed power of lightning.
"piika-chuuuuuu!!!" The fat squirrel shrouded in the power of lightning made a strange cry.

The next moment Harry felt that his vision was filled with dazzling white light, and his eyes were temporarily blinded by the suddenly stronger white light, and he felt a violent air flow blowing his chest hair.
The white light around the fat squirrel suddenly exploded, and a huge lightning split the air, setting off waves of turbulent air all around.
The huge lightning hit the nearest dementor in an instant, but it was not over yet. The lightning kept forking, weaving an extremely huge and dazzling web in the air, connecting all the dementors together.

Hundreds of dementors lost their resistance almost at the moment of contact. They all swung their pendulums in the air and "danced". They were constantly trembling under the connection of lightning. His mouthparts were opened wide, as if he was about to cry out, but no sound came out again.
The huge lightning net illuminated the sky over the Forbidden Forest and the Black Lake, and it became like daylight. Such a spectacular grid can be seen from far away. The wizards in Hogsmeade village have been awakened. Hogg The towers of Watts Castle are quickly lit up
There are many brighter nodes on the Lightning Network. In fact, each node is a dementor. If you look closely, you can still see the skeleton of a dementor.
Harry didn't know how long the lightning lasted. When his eyesight returned to normal, he saw a group of dementors fleeing desperately from this place. The black tattered strips at the hem were almost bent at an angle parallel to the ground.
They didn't dare to turn their heads back, they trembled and just ran for their lives
Harry felt a sense of panic in them, and he also felt that the dementors seemed to be a size smaller. They used to be six feet tall, but now they seemed to be only four feet tall, and they were not even tall. He's taller, he's become like a primary school student
And the lightning on the fat yellow squirrel in the sky disappeared. It stepped on a nearby branch and made a muffled "boom". After borrowing its strength there, it rushed straight towards Harry.

Harry quickly stretched out his hands to catch it, and he was stunned by the impact. As for whether the stumble was caused by the weight of the fat yellow squirrel or because Harry's body was too weak , is still an unsolved mystery.

After Harry hugged it, he immediately felt its weakness. It seemed that the shocking blow just now had a heavy burden on it.

"Pi-ka-chu-" the fat yellow squirrel called weakly in Harry's arms, its ears and tail drooping limply.

"You have a good rest." Harry said a little flustered.

"Pi-ka-" continued the fat yellow squirrel.

Harry quickly took out his Poke Ball and put the fat yellow squirrel in it.

After doing all this, he came back to his senses, he and Sirius were out of danger
"Pi-ka-chu?" Harry murmured, holding the Poke Ball. "Is your name Pikachu?"

 It's cool for me to write this.

  Still looking for votes!

(End of this chapter)

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