Chapter 278
"I feel like my shapeshifter has suddenly established a link with me!" Hermione said suddenly.

"Before I ordered it to restrain Professor Lupine, then it flew away and disconnected from me." Hermione explained. "Now it looks like it's coming back not far from me."

"Maybe we can let it fly to the place where Black is being held to rescue him, and then let him escape with Black." Harry's eyes lit up, and he thought of a reliable plan.

At this time, Ron also suddenly spoke, "I suddenly established a connection with my deformed beast."

The next moment, Ron became excited, "My deformed beast told me through the connection that it caught Peter Pettigrew!"

Harry and Hermione looked disbelieving, they couldn't believe that things had turned around like this.

"The last order I gave it was to catch Peter Pettigrew. I didn't expect him to do it." Ron became incoherent with excitement, "Alan, the deformed beast transformed by the transformation technique, is really amazing. It can actively communicate with me through the connection between me and it, you must know that the animal that I transform will not take the initiative to say anything to me."

"Stop talking nonsense! Where's Peter Pettigrew?" said Harry eagerly.

Ron closed his eyes and streamed for a moment through the link with his Transformer, saying, "It's at the castle gate with Peter Pettigrew, and the castle gate is shut so he can't get in"

"Then let's go out, call everyone, and let everyone see that Peter Pettigrew is still alive." Harry shouted immediately.

"Yes, that's it." Ron agreed.

"But this will also allow everyone to see the shapeshifting beast. How will we explain it then? Allen's secret will be exposed." Hermione suddenly raised an objection.

"What time is it now? Human life matters. Alan won't blame us if he knows." Ron immediately retorted.

Harry nodded silently.

"I know human life is important, I mean we have a better way to deal with it, such as letting my shapeshifter fly into Hogwarts with Pettigrew Peter and send it directly to us," Hermione said.

Ron and Harry had to admit it was a good idea to have the best of both worlds.

Hermione's shapeshifter told her that it had controlled Professor Lupine who was in a coma, and Hermione immediately ordered it to put Professor Lupine in a safe place, and then went to the gate of the castle to get Ron's shapeshifter and Pettigrew Peter took the fly into Hogwarts to find her.

Then they opened the window, the moon shyly hid behind the clouds at this time, the night sky became very dark, they looked nervously at the sky
Finally, they saw a shadow in the sky flapping its wings vigorously, flying towards them, and there seemed to be a strange thing hanging under it.

They hurriedly opened all the windows so that the doppelganger could fly in.

Hermione's shapeshifter skimmed over the window, first threw the thing hanging under it with a vine whip, and then rushed in by itself.

The thing hanging by Hermione's shapeshifter was Ron's shapeshifter.

Ron's transformed beast was holding a fat mouse in its mouth, and the fat mouse's eyes were showing horror.

That was Pettigrew Peter who had escaped.

The three of Harry already had their wands in their hands, and directly pressed against the mouse's chest and cast the Stunning Curse and the Petrification Curse on it.

Harry also worriedly tore off a piece of the bed sheet and tied up the mouse.

Hermione and Ron also took the opportunity to take their shapeshifter back to the Poké Ball.

And just after finishing all this, they heard the sound of someone opening the door.

Then Professor Dumbledore pushed the door and came in, "I, Professor McGonagall, said Harry, you want to talk to me?" Dumbledore said, with Minister Fudge behind him.

Harry immediately held the bound mouse to Professor Dumbledore's eyes, and Ron and Hermione pointed at the mouse vigilantly with their wands.

"Misters and ladies, what are you doing with this dirty mouse?" Minister Fudge looked at the mouse with disgust, and he took a handkerchief out of his clothes and covered his nose.

"Professor, this is Peter Pettigrew, an Animagus!" said Harry quickly.

Dumbledore's blue eyes watched the mouse through half-moon spectacles.

"Children, you." Minister Fudge said impatiently.

But he was interrupted by Professor Dumbledore.

"Isn't it? Just try it and you'll know." Professor Dumbledore said lightly.

He drew his wand and pointed it at the motionless mouse. The tip of his wand glowed blue and white, and the next moment Peter Pettigrew appeared in the room unconscious.

Minister Fudge took a step back, startled by the sudden appearance of Peter Pettigrew.

Professor Dumbledore watched Pettigrew quietly, and Harry felt for a moment that Professor Dumbledore wasn't surprised at all.

Professor Dumbledore removed the Stunning and Petrifying Curses from Peter Pettigrew.

Pettigrew Peter saw Professor Dumbledore immediately after waking up, with a look of extreme fear on his face, his body trembling violently, he turned around and wanted to run away, but he gave up this behavior slumped the next moment, The whole person was limp on the floor as if there were no bones
He knew he couldn't escape from the nose of Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of the century.
"He is Pettigrew Peter, the recipient of the Order of Merlin, First Class, who has been dead for 12 years." Professor Dumbledore said in a very affirmative tone.

Minister Fudge wanted to say something, but Professor Dumbledore interrupted him again, "It seems that we need to conduct an interrogation overnight. It seems that there is indeed something hidden about Black, and we need to let him and Peter Pettigrew. Confront." Professor Dumbledore said, looking at Fudge.

Minister Fudge hesitated, his eyes wandering between Pettigrew Peter and Dumbledore, as if weighing the pros and cons.

"We need more people to witness this trial, how about just in the auditorium? You bring Sirius Black there." Dumbledore continued, his voice increased when he said "Black".

"Black" Dumbledore's words seemed to remind Fudge, and he quickly made a decision, "Okay, I'll go and gather my people."

Minister Fudge glanced at Peter Pettigrew, who was huddled in a ball, turned and walked out the door. When he reached the door, he threw the handkerchief he had just used into the trash can at the door.

The three of Harry immediately cheered.
However, we seem to have forgotten one person
On a big tree in the depths of the Forbidden Forest, a person woke up leisurely. It was Professor Snape who returned to his normal form. When he fell, he cast the Levitation Curse on himself, and he did not suffer from the subsequent fall. Injuried.

However, the power of the Pokémon potion was still too great. After a violent discharge, he passed out in the process of falling.

He stared blankly at the moon in the sky like a jade plate, unaware of the soreness in his body and the pain of his wound, he just lay there on the canopy in a daze for a long time
After a long time, a sentence suddenly sounded from the canopy: "What a disgusting feeling!"

 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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