The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 64 Professor Quirrell's Irritability

Chapter 64 Professor Quirrell's Irritability

When Allen returned to the Gryffindor common room, he found that Hermione had returned and was chatting enthusiastically with Harry and Ron about various interesting things about Christmas, and Allen quickly joined in.

Then she began to worry about her friend wandering the castle for three nights because of a magic mirror.

Allen complained secretly in his heart, because he felt that Hermione was worried that the three of them might cause Gryffindor College to lose points again.

Then Hermione felt angry because the three of them didn't find out who Nicole Flamel was, and the three of them who didn't take this matter to heart all Christmas vacation were very guilty and didn't dare to look at Hermione .

After the vacation, they resumed the practice of finding Nicole Flamel in the books during the break, but Allen felt that it was meaningless to do so, so he used this time to start researching ancient runes.

Unexpectedly, on a sunny afternoon, Harry suddenly ran over excitedly and told Ellen that he had found out who Nico Flamel was, and Hermione handed over an open book, on which page was written Nico Profile of LeMay.

"So, the big dog on the fourth floor is guarding the Philosopher's Stone?" Allen quickly read these pages.

"Yes! I bet Nicole Flamel asked Dumbledore to keep the Sorcerer's Stone for him!" Ron said firmly.

"A stone that turns gold and makes you live forever," said Harry. "No wonder Snape wanted it. Everyone wanted it."

Allen felt convinced, because he wanted it more, ε=(ο`*))) Alas, it was all caused by poverty and illness.

And Allen suddenly felt that Professor Quirrell was quite suspicious. After all, he said that his time was numbered, and he might want to use the Philosopher's Stone to continue his life.But Allen quickly rejected this idea. Professor Quirrell paid more attention to the news in the Forbidden Forest, and hadn't shown any interest in the things on the fourth floor.

Therefore, Snape was still more suspicious.

The second round of the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin will begin in the afternoon.

Today's weather is a bit cloudy, but the visibility is not bad, there are not many clouds in the sky, and there is no sign of rain.

Harry got the bad news a week ago that Snape was going to be the referee, which made Ron and Hermione very nervous, for fear that Snape would cast a spell on Harry during the game, so they have been looking for Al Lun asked about the Leg-locking Curse, and prepared for Snape to act first when he cast the spell on Harry.

And Allen felt very strange about this idea - it was impossible for Snape to cast a spell to hurt a student in full view.

But he has always been happy to see the protagonists' actions to enhance their combat power, so he enthusiastically went to practice the leg-locking spell with them.

On the day of the game, he was also assigned a task by Hermione, which was to stay on the edge of the Quidditch field, and if he found Harry falling off the broom, immediately cast a levitation spell on him.

Harry was also asked by Hermione to bring a wand during the game, and when he found something wrong, he cast a levitating spell on himself, and then jumped straight down.

Allen was overwhelmed by Hermione, who was in a hurry. He didn't expect her to have such a side.

But all these preparations were useless. They saw the iconic white beard in the stands of the game. It was Albus Dumbledore. With him, everyone relaxed. Everyone thought that no one Can play tricks under Dumbledore's nose.

Harry, who had no worries about the future, showed his might and quickly won the game.

After the game, Harry found Snape threatening Professor Quirrell in the Forbidden Forest, which made them more sure that Snape was behind the scenes, but Allen always felt a little uneasy.

And Allen's journey of learning black magic is still going on. He didn't learn the Fiendfyre Curse very smoothly, mainly because he didn't have a suitable place to practice.

The flames summoned by the Fiercefire Curse are too powerful, and it is easy to set things on fire, so he dare not practice in Hogwarts or the Forbidden Forest. After all, the propaganda about fire prevention in the previous life is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, what " He still remembers slogans such as a ray of fire on the mountain, and the police station down the mountain."

This also led him to only dare to practice this spell in Professor Quirrell's office, so that even if there was a fire, Professor Quirrell could control the situation, so the progress of mastering this spell has been very slow.

Allen also likes this spell, but what he likes is not the aggressiveness of the Fiendfyre Curse, but the feeling that the Fiendfyre Curse can be broken, and then he can take the opportunity to escape.

And Allen, who has learned two black magic spells, has doubts about the division of black and white magic. There is nothing wrong with these two black magic spells, and there is nothing wrong with them.

And Professor Quirrell was finally puzzled by the endless stream of ancient runes that Allen took out. Finally, Allen explained that he bought an old book at a bookstall in Diagon Alley, which recorded many ancient runes. .

Although Professor Quirrell was full of disbelief, he didn't seem to care much about this, and he was fooled by Allen like this.

In the next few weeks, Professor Quirrell quickly became thin and pale.

Harry speculated that this was because Professor Quirrell was often threatened by Snape, because he had encountered Snape threatening Professor Quirrell a few weeks ago.

But Allen, who knew Professor Quirrell better, did not agree with this statement. Allen remembered his physical problems that Professor Quirrell had mentioned before.

Didn't Professor Quirrell really lie to himself?Allen was a little shaken in his heart.

Professor Quirrell's lectures in recent weeks have become more and more impatient, and his desire for news in the Forbidden Forest has become more and more undisguised. Before each class, he would grab Alan and carefully ask about what he saw in the Forbidden Forest the day before. .

Moreover, the smell of potions in his office was getting stronger and stronger. Allen speculated that this was because of his deteriorating physical condition, which made him so irritable.

Looking at Professor Quirrell who was getting thinner day by day, Allen couldn't help but have some thoughts in his heart that he wanted to help him.

However, Allen did not find any valuable clues during his recent patrol in the Forbidden Forest, so there is nothing he can do about it.

It was another Saturday night. As soon as Allen entered Professor Quirrell's office, he was pulled to ask about yesterday's Forbidden Forest. Professor Quirrell only got disappointed after hearing it, which made Professor Quirrell even more irritable.

I wasn't even in the mood to instruct Allen, so today's class ended earlier than usual.

Allen could see that Professor Quirrell was not in a good mood, so he didn't dare to say anything, but continued to practice Fiercefire Curse carefully.

Professor Quirrell gradually calmed down, and continued to hide in the shadows, watching Allen practicing spells hard, and suddenly he saw a book brought by Allen, with the title written on the spine - "Black "The Rise and Fall of the Demon King", I became interested in it instantly.

He came out from the darkness, picked up and opened the book, flipped through it hastily, and let out a cold snort.

Allen also keenly noticed Professor Quirrell's movements and stopped practicing. He borrowed that book from the library. Recently, he suddenly wanted to know more about the mysterious man.

"Why did you suddenly start reading this kind of book?" Professor Quirrell looked at Allen and asked in a low voice.

"I think the Mysterious Man is a person who cannot be avoided in modern history, so I want to know more. I have read a lot of books about him recently." Allen replied quickly, observing Professor Quirrell's face.

Unexpectedly, Professor Quirrell became interested in this topic, and he asked with great interest:
"Then what kind of person do you think the Dark Lord is?"

 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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