Chapter 23 The Cruel Dong Zhuo
After hearing of Sun Jian's death, Dong Zhuo became even more arrogant.

Around November, Dong Zhuo finally returned to the Chang'an Palace from Meiwu. Since Meiwu was about 11 miles away from Chang'an, Zhang Ming had already received the news before Dong Zhuo arrived at the Chang'an Palace.

So Zhang Ming resumed his previous life, and he didn't even go to play chess with Huangfusong again. After all, his subordinates reported to Dong Zhuo and Dong Zhuo saw it in person, which is a different concept.

Zhang Ming only hoped that the current Dong Zhuo would see his self-willed, reckless behavior, and the performance of a brat.

On this day, when Zhang Ming was playing horseback riding with eunuchs and maids in Gaomen Hall, it happened that Dong Zhuo came back to Chang'an Palace. After all, Dong Zhuo hadn't been back to Chang'an for a long time, and he always wanted to see the little emperor when he came back.

From the corner of Zhang Ming's eyes, he saw Dong Zhuo leading Lu Bu and his personal guards into the high gate hall, but he didn't pay attention to Dong Zhuo, but continued to ride on the eunuch's back, patted the eunuch's buttocks, and muttered loudly, " Drive, drive." The maid next to him gave Zhang Ming a horsewhip, and Zhang Ming slapped the eunuch's ass with the horsewhip. He only heard the eunuch's yelling, and Zhang Ming laughed more happily and louder. .

It wasn't until Dong Zhuo walked up to Zhang Ming that Zhang Ming turned his head and pretended to see Dong Zhuo just now, then he came down from the eunuch, threw away the whip in his hand, and called out "Grand Master" to Dong Zhuo.

Yes, Dong Zhuo not only granted himself the position of grand master, but also the position of prime minister. At the same time, he was called "Father Shang" outside the palace. In short, even Zhang Ming had to call him grand master to show his respect for Dong Zhuo.

I saw Dong Zhuo looked around at the court ladies and eunuchs kneeling on the ground, and said to them, "You dog slaves, you play with your majesty all day long, and you still won't let me go!"

Zhang Ming naturally didn't dare to say anything.

Seeing Cui Ming, Dong Zhuo suddenly remembered that this eunuch was the most popular person around the little emperor, and then asked, "You are the eunuch who has the closest relationship with His Majesty, please tell me, Your Majesty has been in the palace this month. What are you doing?"

In fact, Dong Zhuo knew exactly what Zhang Ming was doing, and the reason why he asked Cui Ming was nothing more than to put pressure on Zhang Ming.

Cui Ming talked about everything, including about playing chess with Huangfusong.

After saying this, Cui Ming closed his mouth and stood silently by the side.

I saw Dong Zhuo said to Zhang Ming, "Your Majesty, why do you love to play so much? You can't learn something well and do what the emperor should do like those ministers said. Look at you, talking to these eunuchs and maids every day Playing together, you still have half the dignity of being an emperor."

Zhang Ming continued to lower his head and not speak.

Dong Zhuo looked at Zhang Ming with some doubts and said, "Your Majesty, I remember that you are only 11 years old this year. Why are you so tall? This is taller than the 14-year-old boys outside."

Zhang Ming continued to lower his head and not speak.

Dong Zhuo continued, "Every time I come, you don't speak, are you so afraid of me? Also, you look up for me, Emperor Han, what do you look like?"

Zhang Ming raised his head, but his eyes didn't know where he went.

Dong Zhuo said to Zhang Ming again, "Forget it, I didn't come here today to train you, I didn't come here for the good of the Han Dynasty. Since you don't want to listen, then you can do whatever you like."

After saying this, Dong Zhuo left the Gaomen Hall with his men.

At this moment, Zhang Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Every time Dong Zhuo came to visit, Zhang Ming felt uncomfortable. There is no doubt that he was very afraid of Dong Zhuo. After all, Dong Zhuo was famous for his cruelty. Fear.

But this time he saw Lv Bu again. Lv Bu followed Dong Zhuo all the time, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand.

Zhang Ming thought of his fourth life simulation talent skill "Forcing Loyalty". His target was Lu Bu, and the time he planned to use it was after Dong Zhuo's death. There is no chance to have close contact with Lu Bu for an hour.

Zhang Ming knew that when Dong Zhuo returned to the Chang'an Palace this time, he would have another court meeting, but Zhang Ming still didn't plan to go, anyway, it doesn't matter if he is there or not.

On the second day after Dong Zhuo returned to Beijing, Zhang Ming continued to stay in the Gaomen Hall, and he continued to play with eunuchs and maids. Soon, the court meeting was over, which Cui Ming told him.

In the afternoon, Dong Zhuo was going to go to Meiwu again. This time he left the Chang'an Palace, it can be said that he was very anxious to leave, and he stayed in the palace for less than a day.

According to Cui Mingna's news, Dong Zhuo set up tents along the way from Chang'an to Meiwu, and the officials of the Manchu Dynasty all bid farewell to Dong Zhuo here and drank with them.

At this time, Li Jue, Dong Zhuo's subordinate, escorted many soldiers from the north of Chang'an and passed by here. At this place, Dong Zhuo sent his men to cut off some of these soldiers' arms, some cut off their thighs, and some dug them up. Eyes, some cut off the tongue, in short, the scene was very bloody, and some soldiers were even thrown into the boiling pot, screaming endlessly, and the accompanying officials were all frightened by Dong Zhuo's evil deeds.

Although Zhang Ming only heard this news from Cui Ming, he was still indignant and uneasy in his heart. This kind of brutal behavior is shameless by the people of the world and cast aside by all people.

This time Dong Zhuo's brutal behavior not only gave Zhang Ming the idea of ​​killing Dong Zhuo, Wang Yun, Yang Biao, Huang Wan and others also had the same idea. Since Xun Shuang did not work in the palace, he did not participate A farewell banquet for Dong Zhuo.

In addition to these veterans, there are also some loyal to the Han court who expressed their notion of not being with Dong Zhuo for the first time, but considering that the more people there are, the easier it is to leak secrets, Zhang Ming always kept the circle of killing Dong Zhuo within five people Inside.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Wang Yun and others' hatred for the old thief Dong Zhuo increased again, Zhang Ming decided to start his serial plan, although even without Zhang Ming's participation, Wang Yun could still use the serial plan to kill Dong Zhuo, But that was a long, long time later.

At least that happened in May 192 AD, but today is November 5 AD, at least one and a half years before Wang Yun took the initiative to use the chain meter, but Zhang Ming couldn't wait.

Because Dong Zhuo had discovered that Zhang Ming had grown up, Zhang Ming was already as tall as a 14-year-old boy in the outside world, and in less than half a year, Zhang Ming would be as tall as an adult man sooner or later.

At that time, even if Dong Zhuo does not abolish Zhang Ming and establish a new emperor, he will further strictly monitor Zhang Ming. At that time, Zhang Ming really wants to cry but has no tears.

After all, he is self-willed, and the bear child has brought too much protection to Zhang Ming's current situation. Even if he went to contact Huangfusong, Dong Zhuo did not impose interference. It's just nature.

So Zhang Ming didn't plan to wait any longer. The longer he waited, the greater the risk. Getting rid of Dong Zhuo as soon as possible would be good for him and the world.

(End of this chapter)

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