Chapter 130 Elimination
further down.

There are more and more black and white avatars, and Qin Yi doesn't know them. Only these surviving messages can prove that these people once existed.

tsk tsk!
The lower you go, the more likely it is black and white, and they are all eliminated.

And at this moment, he saw a long-lost friend.

Wang Yuhang!
"I didn't expect it! This kid is living a good life, and there is nothing wrong with him, awesome!"

Qin Yi was greatly surprised.

This kid is not only fine, but from the profile picture, it can be seen that this kid is living a good life, and his smile is as bright as a chrysanthemum.

"Thinking about it, I haven't contacted for two or three days. I don't know where this kid has gone?"


It's good to be alive.

No matter what this kid said, he was also his only friend in this world.

Although not seen.

But in the previous journey, this kid also gave him a lot of convenience.

And he had an idea in his mind.

This kid's luck is against the sky, he has survived so many crises, and he is obviously a guy with a lot of life.

It's normal not to die.

"Come on! Looking forward to the day I meet you!"

A smile slid across the corner of Qin Yi's mouth, but he didn't bother.

Look around.

He clicked on the trading system.

Since I hung up two missions last time, private messages kept coming.

But most of them didn't do it sincerely, they completely treated Qin Yi as a rich man and begged for pity.

However, there are fewer and fewer private messages now.

After all, those who can still survive now have two brushes, how can they beg others lightly?
For those incompetent who can only cling to others.

Qin Yi can't even look down on him, and he still wants to rely on others at this time. Isn't this completely whimsical?
at this time.

A transaction directly offset the task information released by Qin Yi.

And at the end, there are task notes.

"When it comes to resources, I'm the boss, Qin Yi is nothing!"

Qin Yi's eyes were astonished, and then he smiled lightly.

He didn't care too much about this kind of thing, but he didn't expect that someone would jump out to attack him.

But that's the best thing to do, and he's happy to do so.

After all, he is now standing at the top of the world, in the dark, but many people are staring at him.

To be able to share the pressure for him.

Qin Yi felt very happy.

It's better to have more of this kind of secondary wall, otherwise he will be under a lot of pressure.

He is in this mountain, but the old man can see much more clearly than him.

Browse down.

Good guy!
This person actually posted several transaction messages, and they all just happened to suppress Qin Yi's mission.


This guy seems a little cocky.

"How interesting? Is someone jumping now?"

Qin Yi joked, but his eyes were full of disdain.

He didn't want to pay attention to it, and even said that this guy's mindless behavior would only make him look down on him even more.

"If you have such a leisurely mood, it's better to fight more monsters and improve yourself."

After browsing for a while, Qin Yi closed the system panel.

For this guy's unreasonable behavior, Qin Yi couldn't even look down on him.

at this place.

Strength is the foundation.

It can only be said that it is too naive to be entangled in these externalities.

Qin Yi jumped down, and immediately scooped up the little guy with one claw.

"It's true that you sleep after eating, so you don't have any special abilities?"

Qin Yi pouted.

The black fox appeared so abruptly that he kept this guy behind.

But didn't think so.

It seems that there is no ability, but it is quite edible.


In such a boundless place, it's good to have a little guy with you.

Otherwise, the time will be too difficult.

There was no one to talk to, and it was torture for him.

The black fox slept soundly. Even Qin Yi grabbed it with one hand, but there seemed to be no reaction.

Qin Yi shook his head helplessly.

"If danger is really coming, it would be quite comfortable to leave in sleep."

But this guy also has a big heart, so he slept so dead.


The sky gradually turned fish-white, and there was only half an hour left before dawn.

Seeing the little guy under the windshield sleeping so soundly, Qin Yi also looked sleepy.

early morning.

The outside world is silent, only the hot wind is blowing slowly.

Qin Yi rolled down the window, just about to rest and sleep.

Seeing the glare of the sun rising, Qin Yi frowned, cursed and stepped out of the car door.

"This damn weather, when will it end..."

Qin Yi's face was full of helplessness, either the rainstorm or the unbearable heat, the average person might really not be able to adapt to this harsh environment.

Quickly mowed some wild grass on the side of the road to cover the car body.

The sun is about to rise, and the heat is gradually falling.

Qin Yire was dripping with sweat, and finally covered the car body before the sun rose completely.

After climbing back into the car exhausted, Qin Yi slumped on the driver's seat.

The black fox was obviously not affected, and slept very soundly, with a look of helplessness flashing across the corner of his eyes.

"This guy is too sleepy..."

After yawning, Qin Yi felt drowsy and couldn't stand it anymore. He threw his head up and fell asleep directly on the driver's seat.

The outside temperature is hot and dry.

Even if it was covered by weeds, the body of the car was still scorching hot.

Qin Yi lay on the driver's seat and fell into a drowsy sleep, always waking up from the heat and sweating profusely.

He was a little envious of this little guy.

Such hot weather didn't seem to have any effect on his sleep.

A good night's sleep is very important.

For him, even more so.

After a high-intensity battle, he urgently needed to take a good rest, but the scorching heat outside was like burning charcoal all the time.

He didn't know how many times he woke up.

It's just that every time I wake up, I'm sweating profusely.

that's it.

Qin Yi fell into a drowsy sleep, and finally ushered in the sixth night.

Watching the light outside gradually dim, Qin Yi also felt that his sleep had finally been replenished.

wow wow wow~
Just then, through the car window.

Qin Yi heard the strong wind howling outside.

"Why is there such a strong wind all of a sudden? Isn't the storm coming again?"

Qin Yi quickly opened the car door, kicked away the covered weeds, took out the broad blade in his hand and got out of the car.

Just entered the night.

On the edge of the sky, there is still a touch of red clouds floating.

Looking at the road, the tall weeds on both sides were swaying up and down crazily with the strong wind, Qin Yi frowned.

The situation is wrong.

Why is it so windy?
Qin Yi's eyes were filled with worry, and he quickly looked around.

After the storm two days ago, he doesn't like rain anymore.

Not for anything else.

It's just because when it rains, it greatly restricts his fighting ability, and when it rains, his sight is blocked, which makes him extremely unfriendly.

He is just used to listening to the sound of rain.

But if it comes with danger, forget it.


When it rains, even the fire cannot burn.

(End of this chapter)

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