Chapter 46 Hidden Treasure Chest
But now, Qin Yi looked beyond the existence of the monster, and saw the black oil barrel behind him.

"Hidden treasure chest! There is even a guardian! It must be a good thing, damn it!"

Qin Yi stared at the oil barrel, trying to see through it, but the monsters in the distance obviously noticed Qin Yi's gaze.

The ugly body shifted a distance towards his gaze, just blocking the hidden oil barrel.

Looking at the body full of rotten flesh in his field of vision, Qin Yi also showed a trace of anger on his face.

But after seeing this guy's face, he lost his breath in an instant.

There is no way, this thing looks too ugly, and the sharp-mouthed monkey's cheeks are full of sharp teeth, even looking at it makes people's scalp numb.

No wonder along the way, the red dots of the resource detector kept flashing, which was indeed intended to warn.

Fortunately, he kept his eyes open, otherwise, wouldn't his whereabouts be exposed immediately by being so rampant?
For his appearance, the monster was obviously very vigilant, and kept staring at Qin Yi.

However, Qin Yi's eyes did not flinch from this.

No wonder I didn't see any other resource points along the way. On the resource detector, I suddenly found that there are probably no other resource points within a radius of dozens of miles.

After a long period of deliberation, Qin Yi finally understood why the resource detectors kept sounding alarms along the way, and now there is an explanation.

"I didn't expect to have such a function! Didn't it say in the introduction?"

For this, Qin Yi felt very happy in his heart. To be honest, he has always regarded the resource detector as a convenient tool to replenish resources.

But he didn't expect that this simple resource detector could find out the way for him and warn him in advance.

It is conceivable that this will greatly increase the safety factor for him.

If it were any other idiot, I'm afraid he would rush over as soon as his head got hot.

"It seems that this thing has many functions worth exploring! Haha!"

Qin Yi was overjoyed, and only then did he realize how rare the dropped resource detector was.

Before, he was only used as a tool to improve his efficiency.

But now he doesn't think so. Just because he can predict the danger in advance, just because of this function, he can make everyone go crazy.

After all, in troubled times, what is the most valuable?Of course it's my own life.

If the detector can predict danger, then this thing is worth a lot of money.

Qin Yi was careful, if this happened again in the future, he wouldn't be in a hurry, after all, he would be mentally prepared.

Seeing this ugly monster, he couldn't leave his eyes.

Although Qin Yi was a little nervous at this time, he still cautiously approached the front.

The monster's scarlet eyes were full of fierceness, which made Qin Yi involuntarily clenched the tearing chainsaw in his hand.

Qin Yi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, now there are two choices before him.

One is to abandon the treasure in front of you, and then drive away from here.

The second is to fight hard. After all, I don’t want children to be unable to trap wolves, and now in such a scarce world.

You can meet the resource boxes guarded by monsters. It is conceivable that the resources in them must be very rich and precious.

But looking at the sharp-toothed monster in front of him, Qin Yi didn't feel confident.

Although before that, he also killed a few long-handed monsters, but he always felt that it was due to his luck.

If it wasn't for his increased physical strength and speed, the last battle would have been absolutely dangerous.

Now the torn place on the back still feels pain, and the scar is not yet intact.

"What should I do? What should I do! Should I go or stay!"

Qin Yi's eyes were full of struggles, he wanted to stay and fight desperately to win the box from this monster.

But in his heart he was concerned about his own life. After all, he had so many resources in his hands, so he tried not to do so if he could avoid putting himself in danger.

After all, he didn't dare to gamble, he only had one life, even if he was seriously injured, he wouldn't live long in this environment.

It is conceivable that he also felt very tormented in his heart.

Although I understand that the resources in the treasure chest are absolutely rich and rare.

But compared to his own life, if he lost his life because of this, it would not be worth the loss.

But he also understands that he is reluctant to part with children, and he still understands the truth that he can't stop him.

How can there be high returns without taking high risks?
What's more, everyone is developing silently. With his systematic blessing, he has already walked ahead of everyone. If this great opportunity is wasted, he will feel very unwilling.

Regarding the anxiety in his heart, the monster with a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth obviously did not understand what the human beings in front of him were thinking.

But seeing the human being getting closer and closer, his scarlet eyes fixed on Qin Yi, and his mouth made a sound like a beast roaring.

Obviously, the monster has sensed the approaching threat.

As the host here, even if he has a bad brain, he also understands that the uninvited guest in front of him is definitely not a good person.

Qin Yi naturally heard it, but regarding this, he bit the bullet and continued to approach cautiously.

His heart was tense, afraid that the monster in front of him would make any move.

After all, he hadn't figured out the real strength of the monster in front of him, if he couldn't beat him, then he should give up his heart and run for his life.

He had to try it, otherwise he was really not reconciled.

Unless there is really no way, there is no chance to snatch it from the monster, otherwise, even if he takes high risks, he must kill the monster in front of him.

"Ugly things, why do they look so ugly, what do you look at? You haven't seen a handsome guy, have you?"

"I'm telling you, don't act rashly. My target is not you. If you don't meddle in your own business, I will never do anything to you!"

There was discussion in Qin Yi's tone, he didn't know if this sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked monster could understand what he said.

But after all, he still wanted to try it out, and he would be happy if he didn't have to take any risks.

After all, the resources he has now are rich enough compared to others.

He didn't want the car he had worked so hard to upgrade to be destroyed here overnight.

There is only one life, and he hasn't displayed the power of the system yet, so he can't fall into trouble easily.

Qin Yi's figure was getting closer and closer. He deliberately wanted to cross the place where the monster was, and circled half a circle around the base point of the monster.

To be honest, looking at the monster's dumbfounded look, he felt lucky in his heart.

If the monster does not move, then he is happy to live in harmony.

But what he didn't expect was that after half a circle, the monster's figure also turned in his direction.

(End of this chapter)

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