sweeping the world

Chapter 1026 Are you kidding me?

Chapter 1026 Are you kidding me?

Li Kuang is caught in a dilemma. He knows why the enemy army chooses to retreat. The enemy army has to wait for the season to change. In summer, many sections of the Penchi River will expose the riverbed. At that time, the enemy army will have breakthroughs, not like when the water level is high. Attack like that.

Once the river bed is exposed in many sections of the Penchi River in summer, the Penchi River, which is hundreds of miles long, is destined to be full of loopholes everywhere. As the defense side wants to plug those loopholes, it will be unimaginable to garrison troops. It will also give the enemy troops a chance to defeat them.

"We can only chase." Song Ping also knew what situation he was facing: "We have to chase, but how should we chase?"

It must be chased. The enemy army is about 20 now, and nearly [-] are gathered together. The Han army cannot let the enemy army escape far enough, so that the enemy army can change its layout without pressure. .

"Infantry cannot be used." Li Kuang frowned: "Cavalry is more mobile and can fight and retreat."

Since the enemy army retreated, it must have made corresponding arrangements. The Han army would not pursue too many troops. Once the Penchi River was lost as the dividing line, the enemy's numerical advantage could be brought into play.

The Han army on the side of the Penchi River, including the regular army, auxiliary troops, and servants of the Anxi Dufu Mansion, numbered only 20. They were facing an anti-Han axis coalition force of nearly [-].

Among the [-] Han army, only [-] regular troops are the absolute main force; the [-] Han auxiliary soldiers are divided into individual parts. It can't be compared with the regular army, they can only fight a dozen defensive battles, and the losses in mobile field battles will definitely be very heavy; the [-] servants of the Western Regions are both a help and a hidden worry, and it is difficult to determine whether they will fight back.

"Less than three thousand cavalry..." Song Ping frowned: "The risk is great!"

Anyway, the enemy cannot be allowed to break away to the point where they can let themselves go. If the infantry presses forward, they will inevitably be surrounded. The only choice is to use cavalry to continuously harass and prevent the enemy from resting calmly. The enemy cannot be too comfortable.

"The reinforcements from the Junji Mountain Colonel's Department will arrive at the Panchihe front in two days." Li Kuang still attaches great importance to this support army: "There are about 1 firearms troops in the reinforcements. There are 64 cannons in China, although the number is small, it is a force that can control the situation of the battle."

"Your Highness is among them, right?" Song Ping was referring to Liu Shen, and it would not be a secret to middle and high-level generals like them who were in the same war zone: "When the time comes, the guard will deploy His Highness to be the garrison of the shogunate." Troops."

Li Kuang really wanted to do that, but he had scruples.

Liu Yan did not send his eldest son to the army for gold plating. As the eldest son of the emperor, Liu Shen went to the army to experience life, and at the same time, the royal family expressed their closeness to the military. If things were done too obviously, it would cause the Anxi Governor to The negative impact of the government not being responsible enough may even make Liu Shen evil.

"When the time comes..." Li Kuang said with a headache: "It depends on the situation."

The three thousand cavalry were the largest mobile force of the Anxi Protectorate. They had always used them to maneuver and destroy the enemy troops that had crossed the Penchi River. They beheaded more than [-] people and captured more than a thousand enemy troops. .

The record doesn't look great, but it has a very eye-catching presence for both the enemy and us. The Han army knows that because of the existence of such a cavalry unit, there is no need to worry too much about being infiltrated by a large number of enemy troops in the rear; The eye-catching cavalry generates the necessary attention and fear.

"The guard ordered us to cross the river." General Qin Song received the order in his arms, looked at the surrounding troops who were resting, and after speaking to the lieutenant general, he ordered to the soldiers: "Blow the horn for assembly."

There was a desolate sound of "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-" and the knights who didn't care what they were doing started to clean up.

Among the more than 3000 cavalry, only more than [-] were Han Chinese, and the rest were from various Wusun tribes.

The Han Empire's pastoral care policy, which is currently in shackles, borrowed from the previous Han's policy on vassal races, and continuously selected warriors from various tribes in Wusun to recruit them as their followers.

"Xianhan" is the combined name of the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty by contemporary Han people.

In the middle of the war against the Xiongnu in the Western Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty would conscript soldiers from the tribes that had surrendered to Karasuma, Xianyu, Weishi and Zahu, and even the Xiongnu. The Yueqiying and Changshuiying were the most representative of them. Two, the Karasuma people make up the largest proportion of them.

After the Eastern Han Dynasty, the three battalions of Tunqi, Yueqi, and Shesheng in the five schools of the Northern Army also belonged to Han Yicong and accounted for a large proportion, but they changed from being dominated by Karasuma people in the Western Han Dynasty to being dominated by Huns.

The current Wusun is no longer the Wusun of the past, and the Han people are still Han people.

The Wusun people feel extremely honored to serve the Han Empire. If they serve the Han Empire, their relatives in their hometown will become masters. Even if the leader of the tribe does not dare to drive him as willfully as before, he must be good. Offer it up.

If they can make great achievements, they can settle down in the Han Empire and become Han people, unlike those from the Western Regions who return to Yihu.

Driven by interests and spiritual satisfaction, the Wusun people are very obedient and have no shortage of desire to fight. They all jumped on their horses within five minutes of the horn sounding. They are not like the Hu people at all. The dragging shadow.

They were in a position where there was no passage to cross the river, and they needed to go to the pontoon bridge area. There was no delay after arriving. A few people were left to verify the military order, and the rest of the cavalry crossed the river directly from the pontoon bridge without slowing down.

The number of cavalry of more than 3000 is neither too much nor too little, but the movement made cannot escape the eyes of the anti-Han Axis coalition forces.

"The Han army did not choose infantry to press up." Marus was somewhat disappointed, he was not so familiar with cavalry combat, and asked Elbata: "Which troops should we choose to fight against?"

This group of anti-Han axis coalition forces has about [-] cavalry, the vassals brought by Rome accounted for [-], the Persian army has [-], and the rest are cavalry from various countries and ethnic groups.

"Huns!" Elbata said without any hesitation: "A collision separated by hundreds of years will definitely be very exciting."

The so-called Huns are the Huns, a tribe ruled by descendants of the Xiongnu from the west to the north.

The Huns have never been a nation of pure blood. When they dominated the grasslands, the real Huns actually only accounted for a minority. Most of them were tribes that were annexed during expansion. Some tribes who saw the Xiongnu's power did not hesitate. Started calling themselves Huns.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the northern Xiongnu still have the theory of the clan. The clan is still the core leadership of the tribe. The ruling group changes again and again. Many of them are conquered ethnic groups in Central Asia, such as Alan People, Yancai people, Dayi people, Laijia people and Miao Te people.

In today's era, only very few ethnic groups have national concepts. The weaker the nation, the less they have national concepts, let alone any sense of national belonging.Only in stronger countries, such as the Han Empire, Sassanid and Rome, would the national concept become clearer.

"Huh?" Aditya Batra looked at Albata strangely, and then glanced at Malus: "Female?"

As the contemporary Hunnic leader, Aditya Patra was very satisfied with the fact that the Persians and Romans in charge came in person.He was very excited about what Malus said about the duel between feuding people, the epic revenge, blah blah blah, but he was not interested in being asked to fight.

"Yes." Marus said with a passionate expression: "After hundreds of years, you two are descendants of the same powerful race, once again meet on the battlefield, no matter what the final outcome of the war, the Han people will meet again Knowing that the Huns still exist, your reputation will not only spread throughout the East, but also the Western world will praise this war."

The Huns..., or the current leader of the descendants of the Northern Huns, Aditya Batra is still not interested after listening to the translation.His visit to the East this time was purely for fun.

Aditya Batra knew that the Han people were feuding, but he was really not interested in an epic battle that would break out again hundreds of years later.

Their interests have not been in the east for a long time. Not long ago, they just lost the battle in the westward march. They went out somewhat because they wanted to avoid some old guys in the tribe. The battlefield that belongs to him is damaged.

"Of course we will teach the Han people a lesson." Aditya Batra shook his head, before Marus and Elbata showed happy expressions, he continued, "But not now."

"How come..." Elbata said very incomprehensibly: "We learned a piece of information from the Han Empire. As long as the Han people know where you are, they will come to destroy you even at the ends of the earth. The Han people have great influence on destroying you." Deep obsession, Your Majesty..."

"Hehe." Aditya Batra didn't hide his displeasure. He didn't really believe what Erbata said. He just thought that the Persians were fooling too much: "They are about to finish crossing the river, don't waste your time."

The inheritance of the Northern Huns has been cut off, and only a few shamans who are almost toothless still remember the records of their ancestors. The new generation has never even heard of the name Han, and Aditya Batra, as the leader, is only Knowing some fragmentary information, there is no deep-seated feeling of hatred.

Did the Han people know that they would hunt and kill from the ends of the earth regardless of distance?Aditya Batra thinks that whoever believes, whoever is f--- is sick in his head.

"Get ready." Aditya Batra said to the people on the left and right with a gloomy face: "Be prepared to retreat at any time."

Aditya Batra brought light cavalry, a standard configuration of one person and two horses. Many of the horses were in the lactation stage and were able to fight and escape.

Malus and Elbata, who originally thought that the Huns were happy to agree to fight, left with confusion.

Elbata didn't lie just now. The last time Sassan revealed information about the Huns to the Han Empire, the Han Empire made it clear that since they knew there were still people in the northern Huns, they would definitely hunt them down.He just didn't understand one thing, shouldn't the Huns hate the Han people more?After all, the Han Chinese won the final victory in that war, and it was the Huns who embarked on the road to escape!
The [-] Han cavalry who crossed the river did not charge directly at the enemy behind.They made a detour to the north. They were partly wondering why the anti-Han axis coalition forces watched them cross the river. Even though the distance between the two sides continued to decrease, the anti-Han axis coalition forces did not dispatch cavalry to intercept them?

Qin Song waved his hands to the soldiers who were not far away, and pointed to the front.

The desolate horn was blown again, and the three thousand cavalrymen who were running slowly began to adjust amidst the sound of the horn. They slowly turned their heads to target a chaotic enemy army.

"We dispatched 2000 people each?" Elbata saw Marus nodding: "The majority of the cavalry of the Han army are Wusun people, not all Han people."

In the cognition of the anti-Han axis, the most powerful troops of the Han Empire are the firearms troops, and then there are those standing troops who have been fighting abroad all the year round. In fact, they don’t know much about the cavalry troops of the Han Empire.

According to Elbata's understanding, the cavalry troops of the Han Empire are definitely not that bad. You must know that the Han Empire has completely solved the threat of the northern grasslands. If the cavalry of the Han Empire is poor, it will definitely not be able to do this.

The Romans had their own cavalry, but they were very few in number.The Roman legions brought over by Malus only had a few Roman cavalry as scouts and reconnaissance cavalry, numbering about 80. The two thousand cavalry dispatched could only be vassal races.

Most of the anti-Han axis was still evacuating to the west. The remaining rear troops found that the target of the Han cavalry was not themselves, and had to make targeted formation changes according to the direction adjustment of the Han cavalry.

What Qin Song was targeting was an enemy army that fell into chaos due to the formation adjustment. When they approached 150 meters, the enemy army fired arrows. It seemed that there should be two or three hundred in number, but it was just one arrow. Didn't run into any of them.

Ordinary bows and arrows can shoot 70 meters, which is considered far. Only standard strong bows can shoot 150 meters.

Before the Han army fought with the anti-Han Axis coalition forces for 24 days, unless the anti-Han Axis coalition forces hid deep enough, otherwise, what type of long-range weapons would have been figured out long ago.


When approached within 120 meters, the three hundred Han Chinese cavalry were fired. They had two types of cavalry crossbows, one with a range of 130 meters, and the other with a burst of fire that could only shoot 30 meters.

No matter what dynasty the Han people were in, control over crossbows would never be relaxed. The Anxi Protectorate did not equip the Wusun people with crossbows.

The Wusun people, as the second echelon, suffered a wave of arrow rain and lost a dozen of them, and only fired arrows when they got within 50 meters.

Of course, Qin Song would not lead his troops in a charge. They would just play the role of a dog-skin plaster, constantly harassing the enemy and doing whatever they felt uncomfortable with.


There was another desolate horn sound, and the Han cavalry changed direction again. That was when Qin Song discovered that two groups of enemy cavalry appeared. They needed to distance themselves from the enemy army and move to a more open area.

(End of this chapter)

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