sweeping the world

Chapter 1029 Too Stable

Chapter 1029 Too Stable

The battlefield is filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke, and people's ears are not filled with passionate roars, but various howls and wailings.

The sound of a drum set joined in, and the front row soldiers of the Han army's riflemen began to fire forward in four bursts.

The so-called push-type four-stage shooting means that after the first row of soldiers finishes shooting, they stand in place to clean the barrels and reload and reload the ammunition. Rolling forward row after row of bench shots like that.

The line of riflemen with a length of more than one thousand meters was lined up, and there was a burst of gunshots, and there was no smoke. The Han army used smokeless gunpowder.

The Persian light cavalry were the first to rush into the range of the Han riflemen. They held scimitars and a small round shield to lower their bodies as much as possible. The small round shield was blocked in front.

Some lucky Persian light cavalry used their small round shields to block the projectiles fired by the Han army. They could clearly feel the impact of the bullets hitting the small round shields, and they were lucky that the small round shields in their hands could block the guns.

Those Persian light cavalry who were hit by the projectile felt that they had been bitten on their bodies, and the strength in their bodies was dissipating at a very fast speed, their bodies softened uncontrollably, and then fell off their horses.

More projectiles hit the horses. After all, compared to the knights who bent down and leaned on the horses with small bucklers to protect them, the bodies of the horses would be bigger. For ballistic targets, larger warhorses naturally have a higher probability of being hit.

In a real battlefield, whether it is archery or bullets, it will not be like a knight on horseback dropping dumplings, but the horse is unscathed. In fact, in a real war, archery and guns are both rushing to shoot The horse goes away, that is the so-called "shoot the man first and shoot the horse".

The mounts of the Persian light cavalry were also blindfolded and deafened. More than 2000 of them charged together and charged straight towards the line of the Han army's riflemen. At first, they were bombarded by the Han army's artillery and fell down. Nearly two hundred riders entered the range of 400 meters and were covered by crossbow arrows from the left and right wings of the Han army and fell down more than three hundred riders. When they reached 130 meters, they were baptized by platoon guns.

The short 130 meters, if there is no obstacle, it will only take eight or nine seconds at the speed of the cavalry, but the Persian cavalry has to face the rows of repelling horses and the wreckage of their own chariot soldiers before, not to mention Say a burst of gunfire every second or so.

"Arrive the gun!"

At those positions that were about to be charged by the Persian light cavalry, the rolling four-stage shot stopped, and the riflemen in the front row began to form a "forest of thorns" with flintlock guns equipped with bayonets. They had to face at least five or six hundred Persian soldiers. The charge of light cavalry.

Those riflemen who were not threatened, they made a small turn under the restraint of the officer, changed to take turns shooting in situ, and continued to fire at the Persian light cavalry in an inclined manner.

"Hold on!"

The riflemen who are about to be charged by the Persian light cavalry are not without fear, but they have been emphasized on discipline for a long time. Even if they know that they may be hit to death, they want to avoid it, but they continue to defend without moving attitude.

The army has never had any freedom at all, some just annihilate individual freedom, and are repeatedly asked to obey, obey, and obey again!

Whether an army is elite or not has never been related to how strong an individual's combat effectiveness is, and it does not rely on any personal force.Soldiers who have lost their personal "consciousness" and are ordered to wade through steadfastly even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead are a truly strong army.


In addition to being equipped with a flintlock gun and the corresponding gunpowder and projectiles, the rifleman is also equipped with five wooden-handled grenades.

When the Persian light cavalry rushed into about 40 meters, the riflemen in the second row obeyed the order and threw wooden-handled grenades.

The grenades with wooden handles were thrown out one after another, and they triggered a linkage and intensive explosion. The explosion nearer to the Persian light cavalry directly threw people and horses into the air.

However, the collision still happened. The 1.8-meter-long flintlock gun with a total length of [-] meters is not like a six-meter-long spear at all. A Persian light cavalry with good riding skills can control the horse and cross the forest of bayonets. The horse stomped heavily towards the terrified Han soldiers below.

There are not many Persian light cavalry who can control their horses to jump high. Most of them crash into the forest of bayonets. The problem is that even if they hit the bayonets, the result is still to break the [-]-style rifle. , hit that area to sag.

Qin Song didn't feel too much about the collisions on the battlefield. He knew very well that his tactics for dealing with the cavalry were wrong, and he should have put up a "hollow formation" when facing the cavalry.

But there is no certain correct tactics on the battlefield. Everything needs to be deployed under the premise of choosing the tactics that are allowed under the immediate conditions.

It was not just two thousand light cavalry that the Persians charged, but also nearly a thousand cavalry archers and nearly ten thousand infantry.

The Han army faced a wave of Persian light cavalry first, then Persian cavalry archers, and finally Persian infantry. There would not be much time to change tactical formations, and they could only fight hard.

In addition to the Persians charging, there is also a "slowly" advancing Roman legion behind them. It seems to be a large area with a wide distribution. The number should be about 3000?
It wasn't just the riflemen's array line that responded to the charge of the anti-Han Axis coalition forces. The long-range attack troops on the left and right wings had been outputting bows and arrows, and the artillery troops in the rear did not stop firing.

In addition to long-range fire support, the cavalry of the Han army on the two wings also moved. They formed pincer-shaped double arrows and killed the anti-Han axis coalition forces that were charging.

The line of riflemen who were forced to stop advancing four-stage fire first, and after a while of people turned their backs, the two thousand Persian light cavalry fell on the battlefield except for the four or five hundred cavalry who retreated halfway through the charge; More than 300 people were killed and injured, more than a hundred people were killed on the spot, and the rest were seriously injured.

The array line of the Han army's riflemen is not only suffering from collisions, but also facing the arrows of the Persian cavalry archers. Fortunately, the long-range support attacks on the left and right wings of our own side are effective, otherwise the losses will be even greater, not just About 300 people were lost in battle.

After a brief pause, the surviving riflemen moved forward again under the restraint of the officer, still in the rolling volley firing mode, and the target of the attack was changed to the enemy on foot.

Less than 10 minutes into the battle, Liu Shen was moved to the front row. He was standing at the front of the queue, holding a flintlock pistol in his hand, but around ten people surrounded him in a semicircle. A gesture of defense to the death.

Every time Liu Shen blew the whistle to fire, the flintlock pistol would be pointed forward as a gesture.

Right in front of them was the roaring Persian infantry, who looked mainly in gray uniforms, but with messy armor on their bodies and various weapons in their hands. After a row of salvos, the running Persian infantry would become Pieces fell to the ground.

The Persian cavalry archers have been forced to turn around their left and right wings. If they don’t take care of their left and right wings, the two Han cavalry attacking in a pincer-shaped posture will stab their attacking troops in the same way. Even if they were not cut off at the waist, it would mean that their attacking troops were caught in a three-sided attack. Only by trying to drive away the Han cavalry who came to the left and right could the offensive continue.

"As expected of a firearms unit!" Elbata's face was livid at this moment: "We have suffered more than [-]% of the losses and are still advancing, and the rest will fall on that land forever."

Through the binoculars, it can be seen that the Persian infantry who launched a charge and approached within a hundred meters of the Han army's riflemen, some of them fell down every moment, but the people who were still alive were still rushing forward with their faces distorted. .

Not only did the Persians have to face the bullets and arrows that were being shot all the time, even if they rushed within 30 meters of the riflemen, what they had to endure was the wooden-handled grenades thrown by the Han army riflemen. Three or 4000 people were sent down, but less than thirty Han soldiers were shot down with bows and arrows.

"It's really scary!" The expression on Marus's face was very tangled, he was really frightened: "There are firearms near and far, and the nearer explosives have never been seen before."

The Han Empire has been developing throwing weapons for infantry. At the earliest stage, clay pots were used. As the research progressed, it entered the era of wooden handle grenades. At the same time, an all-metal "egg" grenade was also developed. It's just that the grenades with wooden handles are installed.

That's what science and technology are all about. As long as you open a door and have an "idea", you will have a research direction. If you don't research it, it's just that the investment is not enough.

Therefore, it can be said that most of the time, it is only ideas that limit the progress of science and technology. As much as the imagination of the human brain, there will be as many technological products produced. It is only because the research expenditure is not enough.

I would choose a grenade with a wooden handle. Of course, the metal type of grenade is expensive and difficult to make.The cost of making one metal grenade is enough to make three wooden-handled grenades, even if the power of the wooden-handled grenade is less than that of the metal grenade. For this kind of weapon that needs to be fully equipped and consumes a lot, it must be installed in large quantities. Wooden handle grenades, with a few metal grenades attached.

What Marus was struggling with was that even if the Roman legion formed a tortoise-shell formation, the shields could block the projectiles and arrows of the Han army, but could that new type of explosive that had never been seen before be able to block it?
The answer to the mystery will soon be revealed, that is, the attacking Persian troops lost more than [-]%, and finally they couldn't hold on any longer. First, the first person turned around and ran away, and then the effect was formed, and the attack turned into a rout.

"It's a pity..." Qin Song looked at the retreating Persian army with a frown, and said to the left and right: "The situation does not allow cavalry to pursue them, or none of them will escape."

In fact, this is true. If the number of enemy troops is not so large, there is still a large area of ​​enemy troops that have not participated in the battle behind, and there is a Roman army that maintains its formation approaching, the Han army can really dispatch cavalry to target the rout. The Persian rout came to kill them all.

The advancing Roman legions, having discovered the collapse of the Persians, sounded their trombone.

The Roman Legion was not very comfortable when they were advancing. From time to time, shells would fall in the queue, and at least ten people would fall every time.If their formation is dense enough, more than ten people will fall down, but they advance in skirmish formation just to reduce losses.

The psychologically broken Persians, instead of retreating rationally to the left and right, turned around and ran regardless, which would inevitably have an impact on the advancing Roman legion.

Not wanting to be rushed by the rout, or even forced to retreat, the Roman legion could only stop in a bad position and start to form their best tortoise formation.

The so-called tortoise formation is that Roman soldiers formed a tight formation side by side, and then used tower shields to organize a shield wall except for the feet.They swept Europa with this method of warfare, and there was nothing any race could do about it.Even marching to the east, the tortoise shell array still has a strong effect. Whether it is facing Parthia or the current Sassanid, it is still an extremely effective tactic.

Now, what the Roman legions have to face is the Han army, and it is the Han army that has entered the age of firearms.

However, before facing the Han army, the Roman legion that formed the tortoise shell formation had to withstand the collision of defeated friendly forces first.

Under the impact of the rout of the Persian army routed like a tide, the tortoise shell formation organized by the Romans did not waver in the slightest. Pour down a piece.

Marus twitched his cheeks, and couldn't hide his dissatisfaction when he looked at Elbata: "Look at what they are doing!"

Of course Barbata saw it. The Roman soldiers who were blasted open the "tortoise shell" by the shells were immediately "rolled up" by the rout. In an instant, the entire tortoise formation collapsed, and the surviving Roman soldiers were forced to retreat backwards. .

"The Han army didn't charge." Marus was just expressing his dissatisfaction, but he couldn't do other things.He turned into a disappointed expression: "How could the Han army resist charging, they should charge."

If the Han army is a cold weapon force, it is indeed necessary to take advantage of the enemy's chaos to launch a charge, disintegrate the enemy's offensive in one go, and enter the counter-offensive stage.

However, the central army formation of the Han army is riflemen, so they will not give up their long-range firepower advantage and rush forward to do hand-to-hand combat. .

On the left and right flanks, the Han cavalry dispatched earlier were chasing or cruising repeatedly with the Persian cavalry archers, and the rest of the troops kept parallel to the firearms troops in the central array line.

Marus frowned, and said uncomfortably: "The Han people are too stable."

Indeed, the Han army who did not show the slightest impulsiveness made the anti-Han Axis coalition forces really not know where to start.

(End of this chapter)

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